Should women give birth to babies?

By Candle in Dating, Sexuality, Relationships, Family,
It's too painful. Before arguing, get some knowledge about how painful it is. It's as painful as if someone broke your 42  bones. Don't be so selfish to ignore your partner's pain.  C-Section : It's a surgery performed under anesthesia (spinal or general). It avoids labor pain but involves recovery pain post-surgery.  Population is too much. Resources on Earth are less. Consumption is too much. Quality and value of humans is reduced when quantity is too much. (People like Elon Musk run after net worth, that's why they promote giving birth to babies. Don't listen to them.)  Population must decrease especially in China and India. And USA too.  There are millions of abused, or underprivileged children, why don't you adopt them? Why are you creating new ones and burdening the planet? If you genuinely want to raise kids, then there should be no problem in adopting.  @Evelyna @Emerald @Thought Art 
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