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Are people in red areas of the US satisfied with bad governance and policies?

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If people can't always be deceived by propaganda about their daily lived experience, then I am perplexed as to why people in red areas of the country, particularly in impoverished states like Mississippi, Alabama, and West Virginia, consistently support politicians and officials who implement detrimental governance and policies that have exacerbated the struggles faced by these communities.

What is even more puzzling is that Mississippi, the poorest state in the country, seems to be struggling indefinitely. Are the residents of Mississippi resigned to facing greater hardships compared to most other states, despite the state's persistent poverty?

Similarly, rural communities in Alabama have been really underserved by their government. The state has been ranked as one of the worst states to work in, yet it seems that the government is not doing enough to provide better job opportunities for its citizens. Do the people of Alabama not expect more from their elected officials in terms of economic development and job creation?

Furthermore, West Virginia has been ranked as the least educated state in America. It is concerning that the state's elected officials have not adequately addressed this issue. Do the residents of West Virginia not demand more from their government in terms of investing in education and improving the state's economic prospects?

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