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Native life before Religion

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Before organized religion came out all native tribes across the world lived with ideas of magic and secret powers. 1000s of years of people spawning here being introduced to magic and mystery, having shamans and mystics allowed and promoted as genius' ,or sacred people, and listened too as having secrets of the universe. Spawned to Earth with nothing but a tribe they would be forced to do philosophy themselves about what the fuck is happening to them and found hidden secrets and spirits that can aid them in attaining magic powers. The Earth seems like it was created to do magic and experienced magic according to Natives (Original members) of Earth.

Organized religion came and brainwashed everyone that this is devilry and should not be done. They promote magic as Satan and that if we are born with something different inside of us that we are to be shunned or killed. They killed all the people that would say they can do magic and took over the entire planet and changed the planet from a magic place to a place of fear where you are born, slave away experience no magic then die.

These are polar opposites, but both are states of consciousness that can be held in this infinite space and at the same time effect the space you are in energetically. I would suggest to people that they get the feeling of Earth being a place to do and experience magic, and never be scared to go and look for magical things, due to fear of Satan or other entities or hell. God made Earth a magical place and religion has stunted our feelings towards Earth and the universe being magical.

Change mindset to Earth being a magical infinite dimension, nullify all false religious beliefs that what you are and what you are doing is wrong.

The people of Earth are desperately seeking to see something magical. If we change our minds to Earth is an infinite magical dimension and feel it we can effect the field in which we are in and use the collective seeking for magic to our gain while everyone else is feeling like shit.

Edited by Hojo

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Ringing Cedars of Russia goes into depth of the real (deleted) human history. It makes total sense when you read those books. Priests become impure and distorted and enslaved humanity with dark magic rituals that are still used today only with extra help of chemicals and technology.

People are still in chains, they replaced the chains with the (coin) so people think they are free.

People destroy nature, don't grow their own food, don't have their own place of peace and protection.

Using (occult knowledge) they know about being reborn with full knowledge of previous lives to continue to rule over humanity. The Dalai lama is most likely one of these priests>

Unfortunately their creation has gotten out of hand even for themselves, now the entity they created has become a  uncontrollable monster.

Humans have give up responsibility and sold their soul to the dark side of consciousness or mind hence most humans are unconscious bio-robots.

No one wants to do the hard work, everyone was the shortcut and cheat-codes.

God only shows up to those living in alignment with the (natural way) that existed before the (programmed way).

Only those who live in total harmony with nature shall be freed from the enslavement program.

Otherwise you continue to play the devils game.



I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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Posted (edited)


There is the body of someone I love. But it's hollow. I have let them go. I have let their spirit go. So what's left are just some strangers. And they didn't even know it. Wouldn't even realize it. 

Edited by Sabth

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