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My thoughts on emotionality

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Posted (edited)

  • You can be a very emotional person and also mentally tough/aggressive at the same time. (I've experienced this.)
  • Crying few times a week/month/year is important for releasing emotional burdens and maintaining sanity. The frequency depends on how much stress you create in your mind. 
  • It's okay to cry either privately or publicly, when overwhelmed. It isn't ugly at all. Some may do it privately bcz of shame. That's okay. 
  • Not only males, but females can also be ashamed of crying in front of others. 
  • It does look ugly when you become a victim or a weakling. When you get stuck in feminine softness, and sabotage yourself by not being hard. 
  • Every human should accept and express both masculine and feminine energies. 


  • "Men don't cry " is a social conditioning. 

Cause ancient societies valued men for their strength, protection, and ability to provide. Crying on the battlefield or showing emotions was associated with weakness. 


  • "Women cry more easily than men" 

This generally happens bcz of biological factors like hormonal differences and social norms that make it more acceptable for women to express emotions openly. That said, everyone’s emotional expression is unique and shaped by personal experiences and culture. So, while trends exist, there’s plenty of variation! 


Crying feels very good and releases a lot of load from our brain. It's perfectly okay if a man cries a lot due to emotional overwhelm, but behaves like a strong warrior too. 

And in today's world, battles are not always physical (in which men are far better than women). But mental too. Women also have to fight many battles.

So you can't tell only men to not cry. It applies to women too. So that they don't forget the masculine energies in them. 


Edited by Candle

My name is Ranveer. 

I will focus only on my life, my journals, and Leo. 

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Posted (edited)

You should be crying every single day.When you get over the fact that a man is crying or a woman is crying its just a body releasing emotions and your crying turns into gratitude towards God. You arent even crying when you cry the body is its like a body taking a shit. If you stop the body from crying its like stopping the body from taking a shit when you really have to go cause its not manly.

Edited by Hojo

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