Spiral Wizard

Stop imagining physical laws (or play with them) by Peter Ralston

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On a recent community call, Peter Ralston joined and gave a Q&A. At the end, a lady asked how she could stop imagining or play with physical laws (like making a chair fly). 

Previously, Peter Ralston had explained how you haven’t really understood how you are creating/doing something until you can simply stop doing it. First, you learn this with physical movements, then with thoughts and emotions. It’s easy to understand how we are creating physical movement by moving our arm. It may also be understandable how we are ‘doing’ the movement of thoughts or emotions but it gets tricky with physical pain. He too explains how we are creating physical pain (like when you hit an hammer on your hand) and how to stop it in his books. 

Now where it gets really tricky and what he briefly talked about at the end of that community call is how to stop creating or even playing with physical laws. The woman said she could already stop thoughts and emotions on command but not physical laws.

Peter hinted that it’s an issue of identity and that the woman would still make a distinction between her (self) and the physical world (other), subconsciously giving power away from her (self) to a projected other. 
The woman replied that she already perceives herself to be one with everything.

Peter said that that she might perceive or see herself as one but there’s a difference between perceiving everything as one but still making a distinction between your human and the world vs completely eliminating that distinction and litterly there being no difference between moving your hand and your chair. He clarified that the key issue is that you can only stop creating or manipulating that which is self (even though there is no you) so as long as you don’t consider the chair to be equally self as your hand you still have a disempowering distinction. 
He concluded that she shall contemplate that and can play God for a while if she pleases so but that ultimately it doesn’t matter. The real result is not playing God but becoming as selfless as the chair you have become one with. A chair is a selfless tool, ready to serve its purpose, not complaining when a leg breaks off. That is where it’s at he said. 

I could share the call recording excerpt or transcript if you wanted to contemplate his exact words. 

I found this very inspiring independent of if it’s true or not. If it’s true however, it really goes to show how powerful our distinctions and direct Consciousness are. Let’s contemplate! 

Edited by Spiral Wizard

"The journey never ends, the point of arrival is always now." 

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But I don't see Ralston moving chairs.

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33 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

But I don't see Ralston moving chairs.

@Leo Gura that is his best kept secret 

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@Spiral Wizard "I could share the call recording excerpt or transcript if you wanted to contemplate his exact words." 
I'd appreciate you sharing the call recording, thank you!

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Posted (edited)

@Spiral Wizard @Spiral Wizardok you could deactivate physical laws with your mind nevertheless if you snap out of your psychosis the physical laws are activated.

I can bend objects while on psychedelics with my mind (on Al-lad) but that's just for some seconds. And if other people are in this room they would probably not perceive what I transform with my mind. So it's just my ego hallucinations which are detached from this synchronized dream we share.

Edited by OBEler

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22 minutes ago, Greatnestwithin said:

@Leo Gura that is his best kept secret 

I will believe it when I see it.

Not buying this secret BS.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

But I don't see Ralston moving chairs.

Moving chairs or gravity is literally only in your own mind, nobody will be witnessing this as it is subjective. Just as goddard has said he could freeze time/scene and then resume it and nobody would be aware of it.

I used my imagination in the subconscious, and i could literally feel my shorts float and move up/down like anti gravity. The matter of the shorts became imagination/consciousness and it only moved in my own mind just like when you take high dose of lsd and you might witness everything becoming floaty/moving etc.

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Posted (edited)

Leave some space to perhaps consider it differently. To play around a bit:

You hold yourself to be some way. Self and not-self are generated at the same time. If you were a chair, you'd likely "experience" no will or desire to be moved. Here, you'd still be holding yourself to be a body, with objective reality being out there -- the chair being part of this latter distinction.

What you may be overlooking is that the want itself comes from your self. Becoming one with a chair presupposes that you are somewhere else different from the chair. Therefore, this domain might still be based on your already-assumed self -- just an expanded one. 

But I don't really know what's being communicated, so it's better to contemplate, as you said.

Edited by UnbornTao

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Nope, again, this is a problem people have, that paranormal stuff is literally just real, but people's worldviews can't handle it. With Ralston I think he's saying he knows it's possible even if he himself can't do it.

50 minutes ago, Jowblob said:

Moving chairs or gravity is literally only in your own mind, nobody will be witnessing this as it is subjective. Just as goddard has said he could freeze time/scene and then resume it and nobody would be aware of it.

I used my imagination in the subconscious, and i could literally feel my shorts float and move up/down like anti gravity. The matter of the shorts became imagination/consciousness and it only moved in my own mind just like when you take high dose of lsd and you might witness everything becoming floaty/moving etc.

Don't you like Journeys Out of the Body? What do you think of the Monroe Institute's spoon-bending program?

You also said you like the Vishudimagga and the Vimutimagga, which Daniel Ingram has experimented with extensively. He also says he's had telepathic communication with monks, and not just done telekinesis himself but seen other people do it , seen poltergeist activity, seen entities, etc. Quite simply he's in a milieau where people have powers and this stuff isn't unusual at all.

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Everything is already a "paranormal " phenomenon.  Existence is literally unbelievably impossible yet it exists. To be awake is to come out of the conceptual mind and to recontextualize this present moment as the miracle it truly is .

As far as moving objects with your mind ..it's impossible given the rule set of this physical universe. And that doesn't mean these rules are the end all be all absolute rules which apply universally or absolutely. Because you can go to dream at night and have all these rules flying out of the window . I'm sure all of you had dreams of flying before . That's impossible in the waking dream. But it's not impossible in nocturnal dreams . So just because you can't move objects with your mind in this dream that you're having right now does not mean this applies to the whole shebang .

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Posted (edited)

3 minutes ago, Someone here said:

As far as moving objects with your mind ..it's impossible

But how do you know?

Maybe it is possible but you just haven't done the work to access it.

That's the really intriguing possibility.

Edited by Leo Gura

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10 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

But how do you know?

Maybe it is possible but you just haven't done the work to access it.

That's the really intriguing possibility.

This universe we share and exist in right now apparently have physical laws . And also it seems like that will be the case until it ends .

 So what exactly is the "problem"?..what do you want out of these trippy "states" you access via usage of psychedelics? Whatever paranormal state you've accessed are not beyond the infinite.. Since it's infinite there will always be more states and trippy realms to access.. Via luicd dreaming or hallucinogens or whatever we might discover in the future... Shit there might be aliens out there who can manifest objects out of thin air..!!!

.. But what exactly does that have to do with inner wisdom or living a liberated life?  At least these traditional masters are badass enough to have done it all sober. 

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@Someone here What I said has nothing to do with psychedelics.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Someone here What I said has nothing to do with psychedelics.

Well I guess what you meant by saying I haven't done the work to access paranormal states simply translate as I haven't taken a psychedelic.

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Daniel Ingram of https://firekasina.org/ claims he's moved fire with his mind. I've also talked about this with him on the phone about our magical experiences.

I told him how Daniel Lawton https://www.reddit.com/user/danl999/?rdt=63998 claimed that all Buddhists were child molesters and scammers, with rare exception such as when Lawton was at an airport in Thailand trying to see energy worms in women (Castaneda claimed existed due to sex) when he saw a BRIGHT white light. He thought the police shined a spotlight in his eyes, but it was actually a monk who smiled at him knowingly and then walked over to another group. This monk had energy raised all the way up.

At another point he saw a monk with energy raised up to the knees. (this has significance in the Castaneda mythology)

In response to this story Ingram said, "Some of these monks' power levels are not to be underestimated. In Thailand this bhante could not only read my mind but also give real-time energetic healing effortlessly in seconds. And we had conversations about powers and energies and entities, like it's just normal there."

Also Daniel Lawton says he's levitated, he's seen objects moved by sight, his wife (who was put in an arranged marriage by Castaneda), is a real witch, he was pushed under the floor at Castaneda's private classes, etc.

Also he sent the spirits, Carlos' allies from the books to me, or I called them. And they showed up visibly and tactilely. They are REAL. Such as if it attacked it would create a boiling water sensation on the body, and overpower the consciousness with the most intense physical sensations and loudest screaming ever, even create disturbance in the plumbing of the house physically manifest from the intensity. It's not only in sleep, in hypnagogic or hypnopompic states but also seen fully clearly with eyes open and awake, standing up. In lucid dreaming after finding my hands in the dream and running down a fractal energy tunnel it created an eight-foot-tall humanoid bear creature form that intercepted me, with the other ally as an insectoid fairy standing behind it. It merged its lower body with me and tried to merge the upper body. The dream lasted too long.

Taking on a xenomorphic voldemort-like snake-demon form.

Taking on the form of weird people or boys.

Also some of the most intense physical and vital energies, etc.


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9 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Well I guess what you meant by saying I haven't done the work to access paranormal states simply translate as I haven't taken a psychedelic.

That's not what is being discussed here.

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@Leo Gura SOLIPISM !

If you don't believe that this is possible at all (or rather 95% let's say), then only a marginal minority of your mirrors will even talk about it, and even less the direct demonstration.


Nothing will prevent Willy.

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6 minutes ago, Kairos said:

That shi sounds Dope af how can I experience the same 😂

You can just cyberstalk https://www.reddit.com/user/danl999/?rdt=63998 to see what's going on and message him eventually.

If you don't know what this channel is for, you have to do some work to figure it out.

It's access to the only REAL magic known at this time.

Taught for free, works fast, breaks the laws of physics.

Brings tears to your eyes.

But you'll have to find your way to the source.

Our teacher was trashed and indirectly killed by attackers.

And we come under attack weekly.

But if you find the source of this and practice it, you'll find what you never thought could actually exist.

This level of magic even puts Dr. Strange to shame.

At least, for visible special effects.

If you came to complain because I called out your favorite pretend magical system, you ought to instead take a closer look, and free yourself from that delusion.

The real thing is so much better and it's always free.

No one with real magic will take money from others while teaching it.

It goes against the rules of reality.

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