
Let’s get past the confusion about Islam and settle it

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14 hours ago, Schahin said:

Germany there is a fascist party called AFD and their main programme is hatred towards migrants and they use alot of Nazi rhetoric, day by day there is another scandal.

Angela Merkel had the brilliant idea of filling Germany with Syrians. It seems that the Germans find it difficult to live with Muslims. The same does not happen with the Chinese or the Latin Americans. Germany was also cheated with the war in Ukraine and is now in recession. ADF is not Nazi, the Nazis were just people who really wanted revenge for the humiliation of the First World War, all their aggressive rhetoric could be translated as: I want war. It was exactly what they wanted and they got it in abundance. The German right today is a consequence of living with Muslims. Look at England, do you think the English are happy now with Pakistani child rapists? This gives wings to the extreme right. The green left only works if your daughters are not raped, when this happens, you are not green anymore. A fair and supportive world is incompatible with fundamentalism. Yes, yes, fundamentalism is the fault of the Americans, like everything else.

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@Husseinisdoingfine I found his channel recently. He does a pretty good job explaining Islam in the context of the socioeconomic political system.

If you don't understand the nuances of Islam, his ideas might sound radical. But he seems to be an intelligent Muslim brother. I suggest you make your own opinion and keep thinking critically.


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42 minutes ago, creativepursuit said:

@Husseinisdoingfine I found his channel recently. He does a pretty good job explaining Islam in the context of the socioeconomic political system.

If you don't understand the nuances of Islam, his ideas might sound radical. But he seems to be an intelligent Muslim brother. I suggest you make your own opinion and keep thinking critically.


He says that politics and Islam are to guide humanity in this world and the next, that is, to guide humanity towards the path of salvation. The problem with Islam is that they believe that there is a paradise and a hell and that, for example, killing homosexuals is a lesser evil since it prevents there being more homosexuals and these, as everyone knows, go to hell, so they are doing good to society. Also covering up women, since sex outside of marriage sends you to hell, and many other things, like eating pork or drinking alcohol send you straight to hell, where you will have to swallow molten lead for all eternity and your pain will be infinite. Who would want that? Do you want it? No, right? So let's kill homosexuals, where's the problem?

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2 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

Angela Merkel had the brilliant idea of filling Germany with Syrians. It seems that the Germans find it difficult to live with Muslims. The same does not happen with the Chinese or the Latin Americans. Germany was also cheated with the war in Ukraine and is now in recession. ADF is not Nazi, the Nazis were just people who really wanted revenge for the humiliation of the First World War, all their aggressive rhetoric could be translated as: I want war. It was exactly what they wanted and they got it in abundance. The German right today is a consequence of living with Muslims. Look at England, do you think the English are happy now with Pakistani child rapists? This gives wings to the extreme right. The green left only works if your daughters are not raped, when this happens, you are not green anymore. A fair and supportive world is incompatible with fundamentalism. Yes, yes, fundamentalism is the fault of the Americans, like everything else.

I can read a certain kind of Elon Musk brainwashing out here.

There were  over 200 murderers through right wing fascists in Germany since 1990, but the media never talks about that. 

But when a Muslim or middle easterner commits a crime, the whole world will know about it. 

The same counts for the UK, crimes surely happened there before, I don't think the Pakistanis were the first to start crimes there. Especially that is the Elon Musk brainwashing topic that you and so many others fell for. 

Not talking about why are there so many Pakistanis and other nationalities in the UK in the first place. Their migration is a direct consequence of the British colonial criminal imperialism that ruled over so many countries and committed crimes on a regular basis with famine and castration of protesters just as two small components of that criminal empire they created. 

I really advise not to fall for dangerous rhetoric Like the one of Elon Musk and not label other nationalities as rapers or anything similar to that.

The other topic you talk about the AFD being a  Nazi party.

Sure they are Nazis, they regularly use Nazi parole, the politicians here strictly rule out a coalition with them and the leading party says that one Time 1933 was enough, everybody here knows that they simpathize with Nazi Germany there are so many evidences and a process for a AfD prohibition was opened recently.

Their voters are from the far right  extremist side and many of them were put to justice because of using Nazi slogans and imagery and so many other clues that show how they sympathise with Nazi Germany.

Also to say that Germans in 1933 were only Nazis because they lost the first world war is lacking fundamental information about the happenings of that era, they exterminated 6.000.000 Jews because of their hatred ideology that Jews are worse than rats. 

Not counting the other 50 millions through the consequences of war and their hatred for the slaving people. 

The Jews got gasoline injected into their bloods as one of many horrible medical experiments they tried with them just to find out what happened to rats when you do that.

Not talking about disabled people and other minorities that suffered the same And influenced the german arian blood in a negative way as they believed, just as Trump nowadays says how the Latinos have bad blood

And it all started like it looks like today, there were one or more lunatic dickheads like you see with Trump and Musk and Kickl, Farage and Meloni and Orban today that were looking for the others to blame for whatever they could blame.

It's always them against us, they are fault with our troubles, whatever peanut trouble that might be.

It's not the Muslims that make the Germans vote for AfD because the AfD reached 20 percent before a Muslim committed such a horrible attack like you saw recently.

It's the deep sitting traditional racism and hatred that makes those 20 percent vote for AfD because they could very well also vote for CDU which is anti migration as well.

The Cdu has a harsh migration plan as well but doesn't go into the fascist, racist sphere.

It's the same deep seated tradition that makes the traditional Muslims treat their women badly, the same that makes the Russians war fanatics, and in the West it's the everlasting racism and hatred towards the other that seemed to slowly get eradicated but got rekindled through those lunatics like Trump and Musk.

I know that because I as a child of migrant have encountered numerous racist confrontations ever since I was a child and when a I was a child there were no Syrians here.

But happily 80 percent of the population thinks differently so not everybody is in the same boat


Edited by Schahin

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@Schahin look, it's not Elon musk brainwash, I think that Elon musk is retarded, but the fact is that Europeans don't want to live with Muslims. Islam is an ideology very rigid and they don't integrate into European society. Europe is full of Latin Americans, some of them real criminals, Chinese, Indians, people of all kinds, and there is no problem, but there is a problem with Islam, because Islam is a very specific and sectarian ideology that does not fade with time but grows stronger and creates very traumatized individuals who harbor a lot of hate and shame. This is a time bomb that nobody wants around, and that is normal. 

Maybe my opinion is biased since my mother was a Muslim, she apostated, which is punishable by death in Islam, and she was baptized, and she always told me that Islam is the religion of evil, then who knows, I'm not so impartial but I try 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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25 minutes ago, Schahin said:

And it all started like it looks like today, there were one or more lunatic dickheads like you see with Trump and Musk and Kickl, Farage and Meloni and Orban today that were looking for the others to blame for whatever they could blame.

Those people are not a cause, are a consecuence 

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49 minutes ago, Schahin said:

The Jews got gasoline injected into their bloods as one of many horrible medical experiments they tried with them just to find out what happened to rats when you do that.

Yes, the Japanese also did those things, The Serbs killed Muslims, the Turks killed Armenians, the Hutus killed Tutsis, Saddam killed Kurds, the Muslims of Suharto the christians, the Belgians cut off the hands of the Congolese and so on. The world is full of evil and violence. The Nazis do not have the monopoly of evil, they were a group psychoticized by loosing a terrible war who found in racism the way to channel their hatred

Edited by Breakingthewall

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On 1/15/2025 at 4:05 PM, Breakingthewall said:

@Schahin look, it's not Elon musk brainwash, I think that Elon musk is retarded, but the fact is that Europeans don't want to live with Muslims. Islam is an ideology very rigid and they don't integrate into European society. Europe is full of Latin Americans, some of them real criminals, Chinese, Indians, people of all kinds, and there is no problem, but there is a problem with Islam, because Islam is a very specific and sectarian ideology that does not fade with time but grows stronger and creates very traumatized individuals who harbor a lot of hate and shame. This is a time bomb that nobody wants around, and that is normal. 

Maybe my opinion is biased since my mother was a Muslim, she apostated, which is punishable by death in Islam, and she was baptized, and she always told me that Islam is the religion of evil, then who knows, I'm not so impartial but I try 


Clearly there is a right wing Elon Musk and Donald Trump narrative in your text. That is so obvious, even if you find he is a retard.

You are showing your hatred towards a whole community of over a billion people and say europeans don't want to live with them. 

There is no such basis for such a statement, that europeans don't want to live with them, sure many of the right wing fascists and neonazis don't want that, and also some conersavtives, that is right, but you generalize that, especially at a time, where a genocide against the muslims unfolds in front of our eyes, supported by the strongest nations in the world, namely europeans and USA.

That is such a dangerous narrative and furthers the hatred against the others. People that are mentally unstable and are not racists yet can get tainted with that kind of narrative very easily and turn into racists and start promoting the narrative that every muslim is a terrorist that the palestinians and all the others are terrorists.

That is exactly the kind of rhetoric that Elon Musk is using. He had a conversation with the leader of the Fascist party of AFD who nobody here other than there members want to work with and who has to endure mass protests against her presence whereever she goes.  And he asked her if she accepts Israels right as a state to exist, in the middle of a genocide against the palestinian people, he did not equally ask if she accepts the right of a palestinian state to exist

So that does not sound like nobody wants to live with muslims here, it sounds like the opposite, nobody wants to live with fascists anymore. 

I say that as a german with iranian origin whose parents opposed the islamic regime and fought against it, but still they have common sense and know that it is not the muslims that are bad, it is the fanatics that corrupt it that are the problem. 

You have them everywhere, be it in Religion, the radical evangelicals with their love for weapons and their hatred for muslims, you have it with radical capitalists at wall street who deny the health care of the common people and let them suffer and do lobby politics to prevent a social system and to create more wealth for them and less for those in need. 

You have it with the radical orthodox jews that cheer whenever a bomb explodes in the Gazastrip.

Taking over a wrong narrative of hatred which is being rekindled by those billionaires in power now is extremely dangerous.

And trying to talk down the role of the Nazi Regime that killed 60 million people in only 12 years, because of a previous lost war, which was started by them 20 years years prior to that, is also very very naive and dangerous, which by the way is the same narrative you hear by Donald Trump, who says there are bad genes and bad blood brought in by the latinos.

And then you say, the europeans have no problems with africans or latinos, which is wrong.

First of all the hatred against the latinos might not be that present here, because it is not the main migration ethnicity, but it is present in the United Stated as stated in the sentence above. 

Second of all, there used to be great racism against africans here, I myself as a child got used to the fact that africans are (I don't even want to express my thoughts of the past, but it is disgusting I can tell you that) and that is because I got tainted with the past narrative that existed here. It was pure racism, there is nothing to excuse that. Africans used to only work as toilet cleaners here and where so excluded in the society, as myself also I was excluded by the society. I had no german friends, I wern't allowed to go into the clubs and was denies entrance there and more things. And even today when I walk into small german towns, I am sometimes being looked ate very akwardly and I know exactly what thoughts some of them have, as I heard it over and over again for 32 years.

If you want to criticize and fight fanatic religions, be it islam or whatever else, than do that, but saying europeans don't want the muslims is not only wrong, but also very dangerous as I elaborately explained above.

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Everything you say may be true, but there is a perception that Muslims are intolerant towards European culture. They find women's freedom repugnant and are absolutely rigid in their submission to Islam. It is like receiving a population that deep down hates and disapproves of you. Furthermore, this type of repression creates very traumatized, dark and twisted individuals, who will never adapt to the country that welcomes them. This is simply not liked. Nobody wants to receive millions of fanatics from an intolerant sect terrified of hell. The path that is intended is towards freedom, not towards the slavery of the mind, and Islam is slavery. It is something that Europe does not want. Does it seem strange or unfair to you?

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@Breakingthewall why the burning butt and radical despise of Islam ? I'm starting to think you live in Afghanistan or something where radical Islam is dominating the scene and you have a complex about it . I'm not gonna ask you where you from because apparently you enjoy hiding behind a keyboard. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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9 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Breakingthewall why the burning butt and radical despise of Islam ? I'm starting to think you live in Afghanistan or something where radical Islam is dominating the scene and you have a complex about it . I'm not gonna ask you where you from because apparently you enjoy hiding behind a keyboard. 

If you like a culture that lives in terror of nonsense written in a book and passes its terror on from generation to generation, you are free of it. Personally, I think it is a mental virus that we should try to weaken. Obviously from within, the Muslims themselves, not from the West. Terror is not positive for human beings in my opinion, it castrates the mind. But if you choose to live in terror you are free.

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6 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

If you like a culture that lives in terror of nonsense written in a book and passes its terror on from generation to generation, you are free of it. Personally, I think it is a mental virus that we should try to weaken. Obviously from within, the Muslims themselves, not from the West. Terror is not positive for human beings in my opinion, it castrates the mind. But if you choose to live in terror you are free.

It is true what you said about terror if you mean by it the fear of going to hell fire if you do prohibited things or if you outright reject Islam.  But isn't the exact same thing runs amok in Christian religion? What happens if you reject Jesus as your Lord and savior ? Guess what ? Fucking hell fire. So why you not critical of Christianity as well ?

Islam..when you take into account the Quran and the Ahadith and various rulings beyond that.. is very prescriptive and thorough. This grants peace of mind to the believers that adhere to it. However.. if you morally disagree with some of the contents therein.. that's where it gets categorized as problematic. Or mentally castrating .This is why you're hearing such contrasting things. To some people Islam is beautiful. To others Islam is concerning. You mentioned that your mother was a Muslim and they killed her .this puts something into perspective for me .

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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@Breakingthewall btw sorry about what happened to your mom .

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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11 minutes ago, Someone here said:



12 minutes ago, Someone here said:

So why you not critical of Christianity as well ?

Because I live in a Christian country and people mocks of that shit of catholic church. If the Muslims would be allowed to do that perfect, but it's not the case. If you do, someone is going to kill you. And my mother wasn't killed by the Muslims 😅

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6 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

And my mother wasn't killed by the Muslims 😅

OK my bad .I just jumped to that conclusion based on this. 

1 hour ago, Schahin said:

Maybe my opinion is biased since my mother was a Muslim, she apostated, which is punishable by death in Islam,


my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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15 minutes ago, Someone here said:

OK my bad .I just jumped to that conclusion based on this. 


Punishable doesn't mean punished. Anyway better don't say it too loud or do any design of Muhammad or anything if you don't want to be killed. Yes, the Catholic burned people in stake, but not anymore. Catholic religion is deactivated, but Muslim is very activate, that's why its a mental virus in human minds that is very toxic 

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@Breakingthewall Christianity was responsible for killing millions in Europe in the dark ages . So your point about Islamic terrorism applies also to Christian religion. point was about the same mechanism in both religions that if you reject the religion you shall burn in hell fire forever. both Islamic and Christian religion have that in common .

You didn't address my point . If both use the same fear tactics then why the bias? 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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12 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Breakingthewall Christianity was responsible for killing millions in Europe in the dark ages . So your point about Islamic terrorism applies also to Christian religion. point was about the same mechanism in both religions that if you reject the religion you shall burn in hell fire forever. both Islamic and Christian religion have that in common .

You didn't address my point . If both use the same fear tactics then why the bias? 

I already told you , because nowadays nobody cares about Christianity, it's something only personal, Apostates and blasphemy are not punished, the Catholic religion is just another religion, they do not use violence. Maybe they do in the past, but not now, then who cares about it? But Islam is totally active, and it's extremely toxic. 

Christianity also worked through fear, they used to burn people if they say that the earth isn't flat, but they don't do anymore. If Islam stops doing that, welcome Islam! 

But the problem of Islam is that Koran is a book of laws, then how to ignore? Just becoming atheist, admitting that Muhammad is obsolete and nothing. But Jesus is more timeless. Love your neighbor, love God, it all comes down to that. Jesus never explained what to eat, how to treat the slaves, how many wifes could you have, how many girls of 9 years old could you fuck, etc 


Edited by Breakingthewall

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12 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

I already told you , because nowadays nobody cares about Christianity, it's something only personal, Apostates and blasphemy are not punished, the Catholic religion is just another religion, they do not use violence. Maybe they do in the past, but not now, then who cares about it? But Islam is totally active, and it's extremely toxic. 

Christianity also worked through fear, they used to burn people if they say that the earth isn't flat, but they don't do anymore. If Islam stops doing that, welcome Islam! 

But the problem of Islam is that Koran is a book of laws, then how to ignore? Just becoming atheist, admitting that Muhammad is obsolete and nothing. But Jesus is more timeless. Love your neighbor, love God, it all comes down to that. Jesus never explained what to eat, how to treat the slaves, how many wifes could you have, how many girls of 9 years old could you fuck, etc 


 if you want to ignore the context and get only a superficial perspective you will only read what you want to. You have tons of hatred to Islam that makes  this convo pointless. 

Muhammad just happened to be a political leader not just a spiritual man . He was forced to deal with his society in the way he did .unlike Jesus .if Jesus was in charge of anything resembling a city.. If so he would've fought and did exactly like Muhammad. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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