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Only One Entry: In my feelings RN

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Fuck the heard. Kill me heard. I'm going to be very very very very very very very fucking fucking fucking fucking fuckidity fucky fuck fucking careful when interacting with those who can't be open and honest. It's baffling that these people from underdeveloped stages will gaslight you into bending over backwards to accept their fear-based values as the truth. I don't give a fuck who you are, you can be my wife, my mom, or who the fuck ever, I'm going to cut you out of my life... maybe give you a piece of thread of my time and attention, but that's about it.


I'm accepting my death, from the perspective of these unconscious people.... I no longer give a fuck. Thank you Leo for being a tool in liberating me. On one hand I keep "dying," but then on the other I keep "living." A gradual purification of my self... I can't wait for the next year... maybe just months... to have a way better Operating System to interface life with

From the absolute, I love all of you under developed degenerates, but this character no longer fuckswithyall. Now I get it... Experiencing it... now I get it... So many insights from your videos clicked in me simultaneously, and its a beautiful experience -- I'm kinda getting bricked up by it ngl...


Thank you me. Hahaha it's all me. Why did I even write this? Oh thats right, to keep playing, but now I remember... ahaha wtf this shit is nuts... Let it go, its all in your head anyways. Alright chill, Imma stop, lets get back to playing, but play it better now. Leo be like, " 3.... your beggining to wrap up your visualizations.... 2....your getting more attuned to your surroundings.... and 1.... open your eyes, feeling alert and refershed" head ahh.

Edited by EdgeGod900

I corporate now. No more jokes or I report, yes?

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