Jayson G

Pretty Good Example Of The Human Mind?

2 posts in this topic

I randomly came across this video, and honestly it felt like such a clear example of self-deception that we learned from Leo's videos, but also society, survival, lies, gaslighting, denial, perhaps part of what makes our current political situation the way it is, etc. 

Of course this isn't an isolated incident, I've seen a lot of such videos, but this one stood out to me as just so clear as how a part of the human mind works. 

I was an amazon seller for many years and have first hand experience how they screwed me over years ago lol so its extra clear to me, but man its like those questioning these amazon execs are shining a light on the truth so clearly but they don't want to look at it. 

What's interesting about Amazon, that speaks of a lot of the corporate ways of the world I see is this sort of black box that they create, which is built on this notion of creating a system. A big system and to optimize that system for maximal efficiency meant to optimize for the customer experience BUT at the cost of many other stakeholders, including those that help in building the system. It's actually quite interesting. A lot of these execs don't want to see what the black box is doing, its bad stuff, etc. 

But also of course I'm not saying this is the entirety of the human mind, perhaps just a part of the deal. 

What do you guys think?

Edited by Jayson G

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When contemplating Self-Deception, the red herring is obsessing over others Self-Deception. We can spot their flaws easily, while distracting ourselves from our own - yeah, it also applies to me ;)

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