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Thoughts on the H-1B visa clash

22 posts in this topic

2 hours ago, Jacob Morres said:

@Lyubov pretty much my opinion as well 

I do wanna say that I think the exploitation claims are vastly blown out of proportion. My dad came to America on an h1b 30 some years ago and he comfortably raised a family of 4 in a high cost of living area. He was also paid equally to the rest of his company. I know many people in this same situation. Not sure how many are actually exploited 

Exploited is perhaps a strong word. I think society is just so divided these days. Many people are just so sick with how difficult it’s gotten to survive economically and no one is united on the solution. To see yourself paying all these loans and struggling to find a job and to find out a lot of companies are looking to hire from abroad since the negotiations are more in their favor. A lot of this visa stuff wouldn’t even be an issue if the standard of living wasn’t dropping and the middle class wasn’t disappearing. 

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