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Principium Nexus

The Definition Of Living

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I would like to adress this topic since we are all on the same boat. It doesn't matter where you are from, who you are, 'successful' or 'a failure', fully enlightened or still wandering in complete samsara.

I myself have been through very happy moments in my life but also have been through the deepest depression. During my depression I learned that meaning is the most valuable thing we have. You can have many things around you that would normally seem fullfilling but they can leave you complety cold.

I think depression is not an illness, personally I think it's a psychological phase of reflection where one tries to find meaning again between all that is already given. It sharpens your compas if you allow it to and clears away the superficial/false illusions of hapiness. Instant gratification is one of the traps that lies in any form of depression, quickly filling a gap with some short lasting feelings. When those leave your again with empty hands.

It learned me that long lasting things are the most valuable and these are something you can build on. Be it disciplined in sports/relationships/eating habits, those all give a good feeling on being on the right track :)

So to come back to my initial definition, I would say we all derive meaning between both opposites. The game doesn't work without the light fighting the darkness. Destruction and creation, good or bad, low and high, they are all needed to be at this exact point in space and time.

Embracing all there is, or letting go of all attachment of wanting something to be different is the key to enlightenment. There possibily is no deeper insight I ever had that applies to everything there is.

Working from this ground of mind there is nothing that can beat you down. Hope you guys find this useful or might want to add something yourself.

Together we derive some meaning and make the journey a little more magical ;)

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