
Chris Langan Man With 200 IQ

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32 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

that proves the existence God.

You can't prove the existence of God. And his work certainly doesn't do that.

People who read his work will be as clueless about God as before they started.

You will not reach God through any kind of logical system.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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11 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

You can't prove the existence of God. And his work certainly doesn't do that.

Ok 🙏

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Leo Gura how do the dreams of all of us synchronize? do you suggest a shared dream kind of landscape where certain rules forbid certain exchange of information? Solipsism solves this problem, but the necessity of relationship dynamics contradict this prospect. One possibility is that everyone is completely free to create anything while everyone is also protected from individual will. Another is that there is a balance between what you control by your will and the will of the other. I could add to that that the more consciousness you have the less the will of the other has power over you. My hunch is that IT is a paradoxically intelligent design that i will never understand.

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I suggest that you consider that synchronization itself may be a dream.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura @Leo Gura I am struggling to understand. Can you elaborate? I am a dream right now. I assume you too are a dream. That assumption maybe wrong, but let's not take it to extreme skepticism. How do those 2 dreams relate and interact? Do I have authority over the dream that you are and If yes how much? Do you think there is a substance that connects the two dreams? 

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@Malekakisioannis You are talking about a subject so profound that a human mind cannot fathom it.

So no, I can't explain it to you.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Malekakisioannis imagine a simulation with 6000 pov experience. The experience is subjective and the 6000 pov are looking at something they all can collectively describe but never interact with outside the subjective experience. Does the objective experience of the subjects even exist if he subjects cant interact with objectivity. Its a hive mind with a blank space that its imagining reality to be in. The subjective experiences exist the objective experience is a lie and has no backing to it.

If objectivity can't be touched by subjects that means the subjects are making up the objective and simultaneously making up their subjectivity because they beleive they live in the non existent objective reality. There isnt 2 dreams there isnt even 1.

Edited by Hojo

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23 minutes ago, Malelekakis said:

@Leo Gura So the answer is 5meo dmt.  

That may be part of the answer but it won't be enough unless you deeply question all your assumptions.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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In the video, he literally describes the process of deconstructing the ego (or the identification with it) leading up death, to be hell. The more ego identification, the more resistance and suffering at death, the more hell. The truth is that hell is happening constantly as long as you're identified with the ego, but God allows you to not experience it all at once or in its fullest glory. He allows you to have your limited identified experience and be somewhat fine with that and live your life. He lets you pretend you're actually an ego, shielding you from the fact that you are separating yourself from God in its fullest nature (the Absolute).

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It's about purity of Consciousness/Mind. The more dirty and corrupt your mind the more hellish your dreams will be. Not because God is punishing you but because that's just the direction your mind has chose to dream in. Twisted minds dream of negative and ugly things. Pure minds focus on positive and beautiful things.

Have you noticed how abused and suffering children draw dark and negative things while happy children draw flowers and rainbows? That's basically a microcosm of the macrocosmic workings of Mind/Consciousness.

What about finding the beauty in dark and "negative" things? A pure mind would focus not only on positive and beautiful things, but also would be able to see the beauty in "negative" and "ugly" things.

The pure mind is one that embraces both the light and dark - and sees it all as God, whereas the corrupted mind is one which is stuck within the illusion of separation - and thus controlled by the "darkness".

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6 minutes ago, Soul_Guy said:

What about finding the beauty in dark and "negative" things? A pure mind would focus not only on positive and beautiful things, but also would be able to see the beauty in "negative" and "ugly" things.

That's exactly what I do. But this requires very serious development, maturity, and consciousness which most humans are not interested in.

The stuff I teach is designed to build the deep foundation necessary for such serious beauty. Otherwise the mind will just demonize it, as Langan does. 200 IQ but still lost in petty human demonizations.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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What's really crazy is when One realizes all notions of IQ, Heaven, Hell & even Chris Langan himself - are all part of God's Dream xD.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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7 hours ago, Joker_Theory said:

Thanks man.

I believe God exist with my whole heart and believe God is all the things Leo's said in his What is God part 1 and 2 episodes but i don't know if God know's me and i only know God, the real God not the one Christianity teaches us by what Leo said and what i have read before that from others that corresponds to that and BELIEVE THAT WITH MY WHOLE HEART but is it enough..

I so badly want to go full in on learning what God, Truth and Love is and know they are one and the same but i have a job that takes all my time and work overtime till late. Then i am too tired to meditate cause i fall asleep sleep.

I need this job and can't afford to loose it cause i have to look after my mom. I suffer from severe social anxiety and phobia that i can't even talk to people for longer than 10 min but i can work with them not speaking to them so they just tolerate me. I am a 45 year old man that has nothing other than his mom and hobbies. I know i sound like i am playing the victim and maybe i am a little but i am not looking for sympathy but i can't look for another job cause it took long to get this one.

I am broke so i need this job and my biggest wish i just want to meditate and do all the things to heal myself and not be in this survival state and ratrace and do the real work i know i can do if i just have time to do it which i feel like i am stuck in this matrix if you will. Time feels like my worse enemy atm.

I just don't want to go to hell and know that so it's one less fear i have to worry about. I decided to try harder this/next year to start to meditate in the mornings 20 min again(use to meditate 45 min twice a day when i didn't have a job and got covid for 5 months and stopped) and try to be conscious of being conscious while working to becoming self liberated. Easier said than done but at least going to try and study and listen to more of Leo's stuff and contemplate it till i integrate it but lets hope work doesn't get into the way. Also, going to try to know thy self and see where that takes me.

Thanks for listening to my rant if you read so far.

Hey what's up @Joker_Theory long time....remember you back from 2019 or around that time...wish you the besr on your spiritual path but also life in general. Its nice that you are there to help your mom.

Edited by Inliytened1


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Joker_Theory You're genuine interest in the possiblity of the unknown and the new is far from the recipe of a scorching hell. Hell is when there is no possibility of anything else. If you keep the mystery clouds of life afloat you will always be able to find beauty because it is still yet possible. 

There's no time for hell for a dead man. Nor anything better than hell. A fleeting life would never dictate an eternity of punishment. 

God is so chill he wont even stop you from feeling like he doesn't know you. God is so chill you can believe in him or not. Trust that God cares more about everything more than anything could ever know. 

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17 hours ago, Joker_Theory said:

He says that if God displeases you he won't look at you anymore and don't want to know you but if God is Love or even unconditional love, how can God be displeased by you or anything that you do?? 

How can God cut you off if you can't be separated from God and we all are one? If God is all Good and All Loving why will he do that and be upset/displeased at you??

Also, according to him then you still exist and what you are(evil)or how your mind thinks you will create a world/demontion or realm that is evil and that is what hell is full of what your mind is full of aka who you are.

Could someone please help me understand?

God gave his kids 3 things among many others endowments: free will, imagination and consciousness

Free will is, do as you like; imagination is add to the what is and unimagination to take from the what is; consciousness is to make what you imagine live and breathe and interact

We as his offspring then did a bad thing.

We unimagined ourselves from the what is.

We wanted to go our own way and see if we could find something better than perfection.

Haha see the glaring contradiction in that sentence!

In any case we jumped out of Dodge and made a place for ourselves where we could apparently be apart from god.

When we did all this however, god had no knowledge of it since god only knows good and can have no knowledge of bad.

So here we are all by our lonesome suffering this hellish existence with other people places and things also here by their lonesome.

But no big deal, we just have to unimagine this silliness namely see it as a cleverly made illusory movie set in order to snap back to reality.

Edited by gettoefl

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3 minutes ago, Candle said:

What if I do one dark stuff in revenge and also do many great things and live a good life? What punishment will I get? 

Just a little sadness or regret might happen just before my death. And maybe I'll have difficulty showing my face to someone I love or explaining things to them. 

But those who are not conscious at all and are serial killers, have no regret or sadness after killing people. They die peacefully when hanged. 

No I haven't. It doesn't happen always. Often times happy and innocent children draw nightmares without any reason. (Now nobody will say "it's the karma of past lives" without having a direct experience of a past life) !! 


Murderers when they murder think they have no other choice than to do exactly what they are doing at that exact moment.

Circumstances are necessitating they act in such a way.

They acted how they had to based on the level of consciousness allocated them.

A murderer feels guilt only when caught or near to being caught else they forget about it and sleep like a baby.

The murdered person bears responsibility for crossing their path that day.

Moral of the tale is, don't act like red before a bull and expect to walk away unharmed.

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14 minutes ago, Candle said:

I don't respect the human made laws too much (cz they are not supreme, they can be faulty too). If I get caught I'll have no guilt. I'll have suffering (physical suffering of the prison). 

I think I'll have no problem in killing anyone. 

But I'll have a wound in my heart (somewhere I would not feel good) that I killed a human being , cz only the psychological part of the person was my enemy, not the whole physical body. I may even cry seeing the innocent dead body. 

I show both tendencies (hero and villain). I want to be the worst villain in anger/revenge.

And I also want to show my face to my loved ones. 

I can kill 1,00,000 terrorists without any guilt at all. (Maybe I'm wrong...)

But I'm worried about the time when I'll be very close to death. I'll have a heavy heart then. 

Sometimes people need to be killed.

They have it coming.

Most of us will kill to stay alive.

If my life is okay, I am happy to be killed.

And to be honest, my life is perfectly okay.

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5 minutes ago, Buck Edwards said:


For example there are some who believe in the death penalty no?

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