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Mushroom Acquisition and Screening Protocol

3 posts in this topic

Total beginner here and living in a subtropical Asian region where I can only get mushrooms through friends, referred dealers, or underground market. 

1. Of course getting them through friends would be the best way. But if I acquired them through a dealer or underground seller, how would I go about in knowing that the shrooms are legit and not the poisonous (or lethal) ones that could be confused with what I'm looking for?  How do I know it's not laced with other things?

2. Does it matter to confirm the specie of the shroom? 

3. What texture, appearance, colour, feel, smell, and other physical qualities should I be looking for to know they are good mushrooms? 

4. Would it be better if I go to neighboring Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand, Bali, Cambodia as I heard they are a bit more lax and open there for seeking tourists. And if I was there, would I have to be just as concerned with screening or I could just have what everyone else is having? 

5. Since I live in a subtropical climate with high humidity, rain, and warm temperatures, should I go foraging or is that too risky?


So can you guys help me out with a guideline in the shroom acquisition and screening process of things step-by-step? I've read up on here about how to prepare for the consumption of the shrooms but from my search, I haven't found much relating to this aspect. I feel like there are so many resources online and it's just an endless game of researching. Help a brother out, thank you. 

Edited by wayneleekw

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Very good idea to ask of the few things I don’t test for fentanyl in the U.S. is shrooms… cause I assume whatever I am given is fine. Not worried about it being fake or poisonous either, that has never even crossed my mind.

Hopefully someone who knows better comments on here for you and your region of the world!

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