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Anything Is Possible?

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Has anyone noticed that anything is truly possible?

I mean we assume that life has physical laws, that are deterministic, and that the world is just a physical blackness.


But has anyone inquired enough to realize that those physical laws are mere illusion? And that determinism is really just illusion as well?? Has anyone done enough inquiry to realize that dropping a pen isnt because of some law, but because the universe/god/you want it to appear as though the world has laws, and really its just a facade.

And if thats the case, ehat does that mean?

anything is possible. Like literally anything. There are no limits.

There is actually nothing holding the world together. Just inquire and see.

If there are no physical laws, and no determinism, and if the world is literally every combination of things that are possible, what does that say about what you lack??

Do you have self esteem issues? Do you feel like you are not good enough? But if the world is everything, what does that say about your lack of something? 

Have you lost a love one? Thats really sad, but what if you were experiencing just one variation of your life? What does that say about the lack of a love one.


If youre really rationally minded, try inquiring about the nature of determinism, and the limits of the universe, and see what happens. There's a beautiful and profound realization waiting on the other side.

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8 minutes ago, electroBeam said:


Have you lost a love one? Thats really sad, but what if you were experiencing just one variation of your life? What does that say about the lack of a love one.

Do you mean Loved ones ?

10 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

Has anyone done enough inquiry to realize that dropping a pen isnt because of some law, but because the universe/god/you want it to appear as thougether. Just inquire and see.

Do you mean to say gravity doesn't exist? What about physical laws governing reality ?

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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@Loreena probably,

And 2, i dont have a position on whether or not gravity or the laws of physics are real. We have a brain, and inputs from our senses make up our reality right? So if you look in front of you very presently and silently, you may think that you're looking at a screen, but actually according to science youre looking at inpulses from your brain. Not a screen at all. 

So if thats not true, if you look outside what makes you think that there is a world with predictable laws?

Just day you see a dude walking past you, you may think that, the person had been somewhere else before he walked past you, because that's how the world works. But what makes you think that? Maybe he wasnt anywhere before hand and god made him up as soon as he walked past you. Why do you think he existed beforehand? Its a belief but can u break it down enough?@Evilwave Heddy sure but is that because of some laws? Can you see those laws in your experience? If you cant what makes something predictable.

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God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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