
I Am You, You Are Me, We Are God

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Hello beautiful people

This morning at 6am i enjoyed the earthy taste of 10 bags of shrooms. I think they are roughly 1 gram a bag so it was at least 10 gram wet. I've never had such a clear I AM GOD experience.  I've used DMT 3 or 4 times and this was similar strength but this lasted agessssss and it was so clear.  I have seen without a shadow of doubt that god is a being, I am it, and so is everything else. I can see that there is no purpose to life other than surrender fully and enjoy the ride.  Demonising the ego now also seems stupid because Ego is necessary for God to enjoy life fully. Because god is everything, it needs the illusion of separation so it can interact with itself. It is only a problem if we don't also know that we are God and it IS illusion. I noticed during the trip that my Ego was struggling a bit, trying to cling back on. I felt like I was going into God then back into Ego over and over. It feels quite taxing to be God, and a lot more relaxing to be in Ego. I'm curious to know what it is like to be Enlightened all the time. Would it be effortless? Perhaps the taxing nature of it was just because of the clinging to Ego still?

There was this point that was just so crazy. I was watching this little spider on my table for a few minutes. My head was coming in closer and closer to where I was only a few inches from it. Then all of a sudden this spider looked up at me with its little black eyes. I swear I had a samadhi experience with this spider. I was it, it was me, we were looking at eachother as the same being. That shit was intense. 

It's truly a gift that creation is at the point where we can look within and recognise ourself as the source of everything. 

I'm interested to see how 5-meo differs, but it would appear that when you realise you are God, where else is there to go? What is deeper than god? Certainly keen to see if there are different 'levels' of being god, not sure how it is possibly exactly. I certainly do not underestimate the power of 5-meo after all the research i've done on it. Can't wait to get my hands on it.

Have you experienced yourself as God yet?

Through what medium did this come about? 

And what now?

Anyway, back to self actualization and personal development...

Have a wonderful day

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That's basically it. Although there is God, and then there is OH MY FUCKING GOD! And then there is...

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Voyager said:

Have you experienced yourself as God yet?

Through what medium did this come about? 

And what now?

Anyway, back to self actualization and personal development...

Have a wonderful day

This question pops up, how could you have experienced yourself as God in the past? Is this now like some badge for your ego and everyone else who used psychedelics have? 

"I am the ego who experienced himself as God" "Now you can't touch me cause I'm the Ego who has seen it all"

"Are you an ego who has experienced themselves as God, or are you one of those crude and not understanding Egos?"

In my mind, if you are not experiencing it now, then there's nothing to talk about. Still, I liked your post and I'm gonna get shit for mine. Just speaking my mind freely.

Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Dodoster Thanks for your reply. Struggling a little to answer your question. I suppose I am the ego who has experienced themselves as God. If I was liberated permanently, then there would be nothing further for me to talk about. Since I'm not, I'm seeking any practical advice and wisdom to integrate what I've experienced. Are you against the use of Entheogens for experiencing the Divine within? I can assure you that I do not ask those questions from my high horse, rather curiosity. It's difficult to understand what to do with this experience once it's had. It's rather life changing, even if it only temporary. 

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@Voyager i think your post is useful.

I'm struggling to figure out if my mystical experiences were in fact mystical, or something else, because they are so so so subtle that its hard to notice them. But at the same time its so profound that everything else changes. 

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56 minutes ago, Voyager said:

@Dodoster Thanks for your reply. Struggling a little to answer your question. I suppose I am the ego who has experienced themselves as God. If I was liberated permanently, then there would be nothing further for me to talk about. Since I'm not, I'm seeking any practical advice and wisdom to integrate what I've experienced. Are you against the use of Entheogens for experiencing the Divine within? I can assure you that I do not ask those questions from my high horse, rather curiosity. It's difficult to understand what to do with this experience once it's had. It's rather life changing, even if it only temporary. 

I am not against it, but I am struggling with understanding why, if the truth is the simplest thing and that it is who I am, I would need to take anything external to find it.

I'm just overthinking. When I stop thinking I find myself laughing a lot at the ridiculousness of Ego and the seriousness Im applying even now.

But its like @Martin123 says, whenever I see that guy arising,  my business is to give it love ?. So im not in opposition to ego, as you also suggested in your first post. I accept and transcend.

I let it be and let it go. If I just let go, without let be, Im running from it.


Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@electroBeam Interesting. Can you an example of the subtle experience and how it shifted your awareness and the course of your life? I am intrigued. 

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@Dodoster I can understand your rationale. However, whilst it would appear to be the simplest thing, considering it's already here, and we are already it, It does seem to take an altered state of consciousness to experience it. At least in the beginning, for that taste. If you have the dedication, time and patience for using alternate methods, such as breath work, I think it may be possible. I've been trying a lot of these other methods for a while and so far it's not delivered any results. As Leo's said before, which I tend to agree with, why not use the most reliable technology for the job? 

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49 minutes ago, Voyager said:

@Dodoster I can understand your rationale. However, whilst it would appear to be the simplest thing, considering it's already here, and we are already it, It does seem to take an altered state of consciousness to experience it. At least in the beginning, for that taste. If you have the dedication, time and patience for using alternate methods, such as breath work, I think it may be possible. I've been trying a lot of these other methods for a while and so far it's not delivered any results. As Leo's said before, which I tend to agree with, why not use the most reliable technology for the job? 

I'd say because it's illegal and unavailable... The system, maaaaaaaaaaan xD 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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3 hours ago, Voyager said:

@electroBeam Interesting. Can you an example of the subtle experience and how it shifted your awareness and the course of your life? I am intrigued. 

- the common 'everything is colourful and i feel energised' but you can't put your finger on it.

- feeling almost like your floating. I.e. body dissapears. 

- feeling like everything infront of me was spontaneously made. Like nothing existed before seeing it. It eas just spontaneously made.

But you can't put ya finger on this stuff, its not something you can grasp ya know.

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7 hours ago, Voyager said:

I felt like I was going into God then back into Ego over and over. It feels quite taxing to be God, and a lot more relaxing to be in Ego.

Hmm, can you explain this, it seems to be backwards to any idea of what enlightenment could be like.

7 hours ago, Voyager said:

I'm interested to see how 5-meo differs, but it would appear that when you realise you are God, where else is there to go? What is deeper than god? Certainly keen to see if there are different 'levels' of being god, not sure how it is possibly exactly. I certainly do not underestimate the power of 5-meo after all the research i've done on it. Can't wait to get my hands on it.

Do you believe an addiction to these things is possible?  I'm asking because unless someone stays in a permanent state of GOD or enlightenment, could this not set the stage for a craving for more?  To know how much further you can push it in hopes of having it last longer and possibly drive you into a permanent state of bliss?

Examine what you believe to be impossible, and then change your beliefs.

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@LRyan Hmm because it wasn't an entire OBE like one gets with DMT, there was still a struggle to have a body at times. Also the experience comes in waves. When a wave comes crashing in, you're sucked deep into the belly of God, then once you pop back out you're like holy shit, oh yeah I am just one perspective of this entire fucking thing right now. How strange it is. Then before you know it you're sucked back in again. It's quite beautiful. My consciousness felt such at ease as is dispersed across the spirals of energy and settled in the middle of no where. I think the taxing feeling is actually just because you're thinking from Ego point of view, this is heavy shit man. What the fuck do I do with this. There is nothing to do. You just relax and let go fully, surrendering to the awesome power and knowledge you've just received but it's just unfathomable and disconcerting at the same time as beautifully comforting to finally realize what existence is. 

I don't see these substances addictive. It took me 4 months just to use DMT for the second time because it was just so scary, but amazing... I've been using mushrooms about once a month and I never have any feeling to use it again sooner because again it's just so beautiful and feeling connected in the way you do is so rewarding but it's not something you want to experience so often, it's really hard work. It's the hero's journey, the battle inside. Getting to know yourself fully, demons and all. I have to do a lot of self actualization work to be able to be in the right mind set for this. I used to freak out just from having a puff of weed! 


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@Dodoster Haha yes there is the legality issue. Just need to go places where you can buy it legally or be little sneaky :-P Damn the system! The substances are produced naturally in the body, We are a fucking walking DMT trip. Consciousness doesn't exist without DMT.

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7 hours ago, electroBeam said:

- the common 'everything is colourful and i feel energised' but you can't put your finger on it.

- feeling almost like your floating. I.e. body dissapears. 

- feeling like everything infront of me was spontaneously made. Like nothing existed before seeing it. It eas just spontaneously made.

But you can't put ya finger on this stuff, its not something you can grasp ya know.

I heard Alan Watts say yesterday, that someone told him Enlightenment is just like normal experience, except it feels like you're weightless, floating a foot off the ground. Maybe you're on your way :)

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15 hours ago, Voyager said:

Demonising the ego now also seems stupid because Ego is necessary for God to enjoy life fully. Because god is everything, it needs the illusion of separation so it can interact with itself.

This point hits home with me. It's always good to remember that there is nothing inherently wrong the with the ego. It just tends to obscure actual reality :)

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14 hours ago, Voyager said:

@LRyan Hmm because it wasn't an entire OBE like one gets with DMT, there was still a struggle to have a body at times. Also the experience comes in waves. When a wave comes crashing in, you're sucked deep into the belly of God, then once you pop back out you're like holy shit, oh yeah I am just one perspective of this entire fucking thing right now. How strange it is. Then before you know it you're sucked back in again. It's quite beautiful. My consciousness felt such at ease as is dispersed across the spirals of energy and settled in the middle of no where. I think the taxing feeling is actually just because you're thinking from Ego point of view, this is heavy shit man. What the fuck do I do with this. There is nothing to do. You just relax and let go fully, surrendering to the awesome power and knowledge you've just received but it's just unfathomable and disconcerting at the same time as beautifully comforting to finally realize what existence is. 

I don't see these substances addictive. It took me 4 months just to use DMT for the second time because it was just so scary, but amazing... I've been using mushrooms about once a month and I never have any feeling to use it again sooner because again it's just so beautiful and feeling connected in the way you do is so rewarding but it's not something you want to experience so often, it's really hard work. It's the hero's journey, the battle inside. Getting to know yourself fully, demons and all. I have to do a lot of self actualization work to be able to be in the right mind set for this. I used to freak out just from having a puff of weed! 


Thanks for the clarifications! In my own experiences with awareness/short periods of enlightenment, I have felt similar to what you experienced in a small way.  I have felt at such ease at times and realized, we really are no thing we can see or feel we are just the energy behind or that which came before everything we are now aware of and it's such a clarity.  Everything is beautiful and effortless and connected.  Then because we are on this earth in a human body, I totally get what you said earlier that we need the illusion of separateness or consciousness would have no way of experiencing itself.  The poor human being we are doesn't realize this and we live in turmoil when we forget who and what we truly are.

I like what you say to just relax and let go fully and surrender....I can do that...but it never lasts and I go through a drop in consciousness and then I come back.

 I can see that you having these experiences that I have had multiplied by 1000, that the feeling when you come back into the body would make you feel like WTF do I do now!!!  That's scary at times unless you can maintain what you KNOW through the ups and downs of living a human life.  That seems to be the challenge we have set up.  

The old saying Bliss is ignorance seems to play here at times......All of us on here know elements of the truth to our existence and that can either be so beautiful and so enriching and peaceful and full of Love.....Yes.....but to me at times it can feel like a struggle because I always want to get back to the Bliss feeling and not have the human part that has struggle involved.  The people that have not searched for answers or who only know life as a body seem to be in a blissful ignorant stage at times.  It is really hard work at times to stay present and be aware of our divinity.

That's a good thing that these things are not addictive.  I do believe it can be a scary thing to experience and I would think that it isn't easy to go through dealing with all the stuff we have accumulated in our lives.   It seems to be an ok thing as an eye opener but not something you keep repeating....or maybe it is something to repeat.....  I don't know...

Edited by LRyan

Examine what you believe to be impossible, and then change your beliefs.

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