
You Are a Blind Energetic Mole

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This is literally you on an energetic level. A blind mole. Or a different animal but with no eyes / eyes gauged out.

Let me elaborate.



On an energetic level, the human population is a society of eyeless animals acting in unconscious, predictable ways. This includes you. This includes me. Of course, I came to this realization by observing myself - I saw that I am a dumb, energetic animal and mostly unaware of it.

Imagine a entire world of eyeless animals acting in extreme, schematic ways. Basically acting out energies. Controlled by unconscious patterns. Forming in groups with other animals with similar energetic patterns. Some are more peaceful, light and cooperative with each other (= their energetic patterns are more evolved), some are more rabid, dark, preying on others. This is humanity.

To see this, you must not look at the outside but ask yourself "In this situation, what is happening on the energetic level?". You can have visions of how energies are playing out. You can feel them. In fact, almost everyone feels them intuitively. Most people have a rather good intuitive understanding of how to operate in the energetic world and they just do it, but they're unconscious of why they're doing it. Some are intentionally working to develop that understanding and experience (very basic example: "How to Win Friends and Influence People"). Some are better at it than others - look at experienced cops handling situations, look at expert manipulators and con men at work, but also look at examples of two people in a healthy, loving relationship dealing with their conflicts in a masterful way, look at stand-up comedy routines, look at politician rallies, look at your inner battles when you want to do something but also kinda don't want to. You can see the dynamics of energy EVERYWHERE.

We are blind animals, attracted to whatever smells good to us or sounds pleasing. We then skedaddle blindly in that direction.

The only way a blind animal learns is by AWARENESS. Bit by bit, behaviour can change with enough attention given. The animal can give that attention willingly or it will be sooner or later forced to confront things due to suffering.

Thanks to consciousness, the animal slowly enhances its senses and learns to operate in better and higher ways in the energetic world. It's not just "better" behaviour as in effectively getting what it wants without concern for anything else, it's better by being more saintly, holy, lighter, more gracious, conscious. You can be a blind terrifying animal rabidly wrecking havoc all around you or a tame, gracious creature becoming so light it starts ascending. And everything in between. Up to you.

With awareness, you can witness the energetic world first-hand. You can SEE IT in the mind's eye. Be an observer of it. And then not just react blindly to energies coming in contact with you, but see them and yourself clearly and respond consciously. What an appealing vision: becoming conscious of yourself and things around you. While others are running blind, you can see them and yourself clearly... and smile.


Edited by Sincerity

Words can't describe You.

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The energy is you. There is no human, it's all energy at play. It's intelligent and forms itself. The body is energy appearing in form. There are no humans observing energy. Energy is observing itself - so to speak. Responding to itself. It's all energy. Energies are not coming in contact with you. Energy is coming in contact with energy. Replace the "you" in every sentence with "energy". There's no you. Unless you want to call that energetic pattern you call a human, you.

You are like that blind mole alright because the eyes do not see, they are information codes. The senses are not what they appear to be, there is no one seeing anything. Seeing is just happening. It's the seeing energy. The blind animal doesn't learn by awareness. There is no actual awareness. Awareness implies duality of which there is none. A subject and an object to be aware of. That's the dream of duality and it doesn't really exist. How can there be awareness within Oneness, explain that to me. Nothing is separate. That's the illusion.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Princess Arabia

The energy in me that is me is wants to tell the energy that is you, which is energy too, that the energy of your statement is useless for everyday energy doing energy stuff.

This energy here thinks that all the talk of energy - which is energy itself - is bored by the energy telling that the energy we call "you, me, he, she"  etc. does not exist. Because that energy that is me is still dealing with the energy that is an appearance energy, doing non-existent energy stuff like eating, sleeping, talking, interacting etc. with other energy appearances.

I hope the energy that is you is not mad at the energy writing this, which is me, which is energy too, although it's an illusion. But since that is an illusion too, and you are an illusions and since your energy is my energy, without separation, I am energetically writing this to myself. And how could my own energy, which is your energy, which is just energy, be mad at energy? 

Illusory peace and energy to you all! :)


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7 minutes ago, theleelajoker said:

@Princess Arabia

The energy in me that is me is wants to tell the energy that is you, which is energy too, that the energy of your statement is useless for everyday energy doing energy stuff.

This energy here thinks that all the talk of energy - which is energy itself - is bored by the energy telling that the energy we call "you, me, he, she"  etc. does not exist. Because that energy that is me is still dealing with the energy that is an appearance energy, doing non-existent energy stuff like eating, sleeping, talking, interacting etc. with other energy appearances.

I hope the energy that is you is not mad at the energy writing this, which is me, which is energy too, although it's an illusion. But since that is an illusion too, and you are an illusions and since your energy is my energy, without separation, I am energetically writing this to myself. And how could my own energy, which is your energy, which is just energy, be mad at energy? 

Illusory peace and energy to you all! :)


Merry Energy and a Happy Energy Year. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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