
Dealing with an alpha female

18 posts in this topic

Firstly I want to clarify what I mean when I say alpha female. 
I'm not talking about a female that earns a lot of money and is independent, i'm talking about a female that tries to boss men around, tries to lead.

As an alpha male myself, i'm naturally attracted to really feminine women when it comes to dating, so i'd never date an alpha female.

However, in terms of family relationships, my sister is an alpha female, so she's pretty bossy for a woman, she often tries to lead and take charge. Which is a problem for me, as a man, I naturally want to lead people.

It's not a one way street, I do still take the lead with her too, but it almost feels like we're competing to be the leader, not a good dynamic.



Just wondering the best way to get her to stop being so bossy?

I don't want to have a conversation to make her stop it, I want her to naturally stop it because of my energy/actions etc



Any advice appreciated



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Use that alpha male energy then to lead her into the conversation about it. It sounds like you are taking a “feminine” position with wanting her to guess how you feel and to change without telling her what she’s doing. It doesn’t really need to be a conversation, but a simple I-statement can do the job.

Edited by r0ckyreed

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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Why do you need to lead her? Let her do her own thing.

Two bossy people should just go their seperate ways and lead seperate teams.

Trying to change the personality style of your sister is a foolish endeavor. Just as it would be foolish for me to try to mold you into a beta male. You would not be happy with that. You can't change the core of someone's personality. That is a dysfunctional aim.

Edited by Leo Gura

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6 hours ago, rd5555 said:

I don't want to have a conversation to make her stop it, I want her to naturally stop it because of my energy/actions etc

How can you call yourself an alpha male when you won’t have straight forward communication?

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You'll find out quickly in life that life does not care about your tendencies and how you would like it to be. She's your sister, not your lover. You probably wouldn't have chosen a personality like that to be your lover anyway. Why do you think it's your right to change the personality of anyone, much less your sister's. That's not leading, that's controlling and manipulative. If you were a true leader, you would also know how to lead yourself and know how to deal with people like her and how to not let it bother you. You seem to need others to be submissive in order for your true leadership skills to shine. Leadership roles doesn't work like that, that's weakness masquerading as a wanna-be leader. 

Allow your sister to be who she is as long as she's not being disrespectful or abusive. Maybe if you stop butting heads with her, she might not see a need to compete with you. Maybe it's because of the dynamic you guys have when communicating why she's that way with you. How about instead of trying to change her, you change the way you respond to her. Not saying to be submissive with her but find a common ground where you'll still feel like your own authority but not hers. The best way to change how someone responds to you is by changing the way you respond to them. You'd be surprised how that works.

Edited by Princess Arabia



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8 hours ago, PenguinPablo said:

Go full Andrew Tate on her.

Lol. She might end up being a cam girl. Lol.

Edited by Princess Arabia



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God made men able to dominate women with just a glare. She knows what she is doing and is doing out of fear. She more scared than you.

Look the woman in the eye when she is talking to you dont blink and think I am going to kill you over and over. Scream it in your mind she will hear you or feel you.

Edited by Hojo

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41 minutes ago, Hojo said:

God made men able to dominate women with just a glare. She knows what she is doing and is doing out of fear. She more scared than you.

Look the woman in the eye when she is talking to you dont blink and think I am going to kill you over and over. Scream it in your mind she will hear you or feel you.

This seems poetic. 

My name is Whitney. 



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There is no such thing as alpha female, just another retarded internet term with no basis in reality and nature

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Why does her masculinity disturb you? Where is this wound coming from? What do you fear will happen if you allow it to be what it is?

You have a choice, to be wiser or to fall into the trap of your reflection.

I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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13 hours ago, Hojo said:

She more scared than you.

This is an interesting take. It's partially why we as humans feel the need to control (not lead, but control, there's a difference). OP is feeling a need for control. It's slipping out of his hands and now fear takes over - hence the need for this post. To try and gain back the control it feels it's lost. Life will show us whose in control sooner or later the more we experience it.



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What is it about your sister being bossy that bothers you?

Is it because she's telling you what to do? If so, just communicate directly and tell her that you don't feel comfortable with her bossing you around and that she needs to stop it.

But if she's just being her natural "alpha female" self, minding her business, and not bossing you around in particular, what about that bothers you?

Do you feel like you need to be the leader to all women in your presence or it means you're not Masculine enough?

That's what your post reads as. (Also, a lot of guys who unironically self-identify as alpha tend to have insecurities about their Masculinity... which tends to be the function of identifying with that kind of label in the first place. So, that also plays into what makes your post come off that way.)

If it's the latter reason, then you need to do some soul searching and figure out why you're so attached to the idea of being an "alpha male"... and why your sister having a more "alpha" personality feels threatening to you... and why you feel like you're competing.

And just let your sister be who she is. That's her personality, and that's not going to change just because you give her an intense look. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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Lol what does that mean ?

She's hysterically asking you to do the dishes?

Edited by Schizophonia

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You just have to break her in man. She will thank you for it if you pace her well.

Edited by AION

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