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How to navigate without rejection?

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If the function it serves to identify as a "me" is to switch conscious focus at will so to not become drawn from object to object then how do we navigate the world without this "self"?

When I lose the sense of "me" this consciousness becomes filled with something else, this is wobbly or unstable and is therefore prone to induce chaos and distress.

How do you minimise your awareness on certain things without the aid of the illwill the self has against these things? 

Edited by Reciprocality

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@Reciprocality There's still a sense of self it just less fixed than before. Without any sense of self you wouldn't be able to function in the world like you said.

2 hours ago, Reciprocality said:

How do you minimise your awareness on certain things without the aid of the illwill the self has against these things? 

I'm not sure what you're asking?

There's still an ability to focus when reading for example.

2 hours ago, Reciprocality said:

When I lose the sense of "me" this consciousness becomes filled with something else, this is wobbly or unstable and is therefore prone to induce chaos and distress.

There can be alot of feeling and emotions that arise at first but they tend to ebb out after a while. 

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