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How To Develop Clarity?

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Clarity is an essential life skill for understanding reality and being decisive. It doesn’t come easy. Here are some issues that clarity helps you to resolve:

1. Having a family or being single

2. Knowing where you want to live

3. Knowing your life purpose

4. Knowing what you look for in a partner

5. Knowing your dream house

I could go on. But it ultimately comes down to knowing what fulfills you. You can also have clarity about existential matters as well such as: Understanding the nature of reality, society, politics, consciousness, etc.

Clarity is an essential ingredient to wisdom. However, clarity isn’t the only. The paradox of wisdom is having clarity but also being comfortable with ambiguity. The step to gaining deeper clarity is being comfortable with ambiguity while contemplating.

What do you think helps develop clarity? I am most speaking practicality here and not so much existential.

Edited by r0ckyreed

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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most people think that professionals and high level people have some extremely complex understanding of some area of reality...which can often be true, but also...high level masters in any area of life will tell you that the case is often far, far simpler than you actually make it in your mind. Think about nonduality for example, esteemed to be the highest and most powerful and greatest teaching...and yet what it actually teaches is the most basic, simplest thing imaginable: that one thing exists. notice the common ground simplicity and profundity share at times. in practical, every day life, dont try to be more skilled than you are. you do better to admit that you know nothing and start at level 1 again but correctly and just learn the basics. dont overcomplicate it, as this is often the source of confusion. I took leos entire life purpose course just to realise that what i wanted to do was starring me in the face since i was a teenager. be mindful that things that are blindingly obvious, can sometimes be missed on account of the fact that they are the only thing there (theres nothing to contrast them against) like this image...somewhere in this image there is a wall, study the image carefully until you have a breakthrough and see the wall:



Edited by Aaron p

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How do you clear muddied water? You wait until the mud settles and the water is clear again. Stirring the waters only brings up more mud and makes longer 'til it settles.

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@r0ckyreed Clarity happens when you understand things very well, not just theoretically but ACTUALLY. For example, if I understand the consequences of a bad life partner and the rewards of a great partner very well, I'll be absolutely clear what qualities she must have, that are non-negotiable. 

Contemplate and understand your values. Be clear what you want and what you don't want. This is clarity. This can't be put into words precisely, so you'll have to understand it yourself. 

Another example, if I am addicted to one thing and my life became hell bcz of that, I wouldn't try other addictive substances ever. It's 100% clear to me. I can't initiate a new problem. 

Edited by Candle

I have some members on my ignore list who irritate me. 

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Clarity is seeing what's important and what's not.

For the unimportant be completely flexible.

For the important, let nobody have a say.

Most things are not at all important.

Some things are make or break.

Following clarity, next you need resoluteness to make what is clear becomes reality.

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I see clarity comes naturally with purity. Awareness.

I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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Question, question, question.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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