Whitney Edwards

Need a high vibe communication video from Leo

2 posts in this topic

High vibe communication can be very overrated. The way that Owen Cook talks, for example, and he says that he does that to take people's attention away from Justin Bieber when they're all in the same club.. but different people are going to take their attention away from Justin Bieber for different reasons. Maybe Leo has some different flavor of what he considers this to be, but I know me personally I find a lot of empowerment in being more of a "vibekiller", very much "beating the rhythm of my own drum". What do I mean by "vibekiller"? well it's kind of just a self aggrandizing thing. It's fun, I like saying this because I like saying that "if I had a car with a name on the back window the name would be 'THE VIBEKILLER'" and I say this as a joke but there's layers of perhaps triple irony in that if I'm talking with people and having fun with one group and another group, perhaps one of the "high status groups" thinks I'm being annoying, I'm gladly annoying because fuck his judgmental ass LOL

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