By Candle
in Dating, Sexuality, Relationships, Family,
I don't like :
Overly feminist people. Too much of gender equality related content. Too many of shorts in which people are saving girls. Too many of sex and periods related talks using the excuse, "we are progressives", "we are liberals", "we are a cool generation ".
Inserting "feminism" and "misogyny" into everything and every topic. Inserting feminist arguments in every topic.. I can see some members doing this on this forum too.
Overthinking every "touch" and every "action" by a male done with a female. For example, when a male hugs a female don't make it an issue. Yes, her breasts press up against him while hugging. But no need to overthink every time. (Unless the intentions are actually wrong).
Don't doubt someone's intentions every time.
See both males and females as HUMANS. Not as "man" or "woman". Women are normal humans.
Fight for real causes, when human rights are actually violated. Fight against ACTUAL misogyny.
I'm also a feminist. But I'm sick of over feminism and chivalry (showing respect/care to females more than needed).
Female sexuality is as NORMAL as male sexuality. Females take their breasts and vagina for granted. Like males do with their penis. Nothing special.