
So… I got to the bottom of reality

12 posts in this topic

I just found this blog post from Leo from 2017, hope it's okay I quote the whole thing here, it is trippy. 

Is this a description of insanity? 



So… I got to the bottom of reality.

Only to discover there’s nothing there.

But what a trip it was!

A trip so deep, you never quite come back.

Let me tell you…

Everything is made out of itself.

Like a cat unraveling a yarn that ends up unraveling the cat.

A churning singularity, with no beginning or end.

Everything points to itself. Trying to explain itself to itself through itself, slipping, slipping through itself.

Beyond physicality, beyond the universe, beyond death, beyond awareness, beyond existence & non-existence.

Too insane to care about insanity.

Down, down, down.

Into a dimension unknown.

Like a bottomless floor falling through a bottomless floor.

Into a writhing, bottomless void, denser than the center of a thousand suns.

Into the heart of an infinite-headed hydra.

The Godhead.

An infinite-dimensional fractal.

A runaway chain reaction. An infinite positive feedback loop. Drunk with infinite power. Unstoppable!


Infinite universes spawned every nanosecond.

Infinite universes inside every universe.

Infinity flipping itself inside-out inside itself. For eternity.

Nirvana, Paradise.

The Holiest of all Holies.

So empty it MUST be full. So full it MUST be empty.

Absolutely substance-less.

Absolutely relative. Forever unable to define itself to itself because it is itself.

It is what it ain’t.

A cosmic circle jerk. So incestuous! Making love to itself for eternity. An infinite orgy.

An infinite human centipede.

A trillion orphans dying hungry on the streets? It’s all GOOD!

Too good to be true. And yet it is!

Alive and creative as a motherfucker.

So utterly meaningless it collapses and supernovas into infinite meaning.

The mindfuck to end all mindfucks because it out-fucks them all.

Everything is nothing. Nondual. No Self. The SELF. ONE.

I am Allah, YHWH, Buddha, Christ, Shiva, Krishna, Shakti, Maya, Brahman, Rama, Ein Sof. The Alpha and the Omega.

Meditation?? Lol

Not consciousness, not awareness. BEING. Nameless, unnameable BEING.

All beings are ONE. Immortal. Untouchable.

Nothing to fear.

Reality is an infinite strange-loop. Death by delicious circularity.

Like looking into a microscope and seeing the back of your head.

An infinite hallucination machine, hallucinating its own machinery.

Software so powerful it’s virtualizing its own hardware.

Absolutely inevitable. More inevitable than a mathematical proof.

The ultimate hero’s journey, without a hero.

Heartbreakingly beautiful. Soberingly beautiful. Too beautiful for tears.


Irreducibly mystical.

ENORMOUS beyond all measures of enormity.





The only thing there is, yet the one thing that cannot be pointed to.


Everything is understood. INFINITE UNDERSTANDING. The circle is complete.

But no one will ever understand!

Infinite ignorance.

As it must be.

You want the Truth? You can’t handle the Truth.



Jesus xD

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@Butters only Leo can tell. For me it is an awakening out if many he had and Leos awakening came years later probably with salvia.

It sounds beyond human mind. Leo tried really to capture that pretty good.

Edited by OBEler

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Magnificento. Amazingly Superbo. If I say half of what is written here, I'd be called crazy. It's all the same thing. I don't understand it, I don't know it, but Oh my God i can surely be it. Not the person I think I am, but Infinity itself.



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What if I told you none of this is true?

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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Just now, Someone here said:

What if I told you none of this is true?

What if I told you that THIS is all there is and there is no such thing as falsehood.



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5 hours ago, Someone here said:

@Princess Arabia you can't handle the truth :P

Don't parrot others constantly.You don't know anything about truth but merely it's concept and what Leo talked about.So be humble and don't throw out things you have no idea of really.



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You will never get to the bottom as long as Leo is around, you will only ever be scratching the surface.

I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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