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How to overcome fear of hell and become fearless

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Imagine a chamber full of lava that you gonna stay in it for eternity to suffer unimaginable levels of pain for an infinite amount of time. That's the classical religious hell as described in the Bible and the Qur’an.  I  always had fear of going to hell or experiencing hell . But I found a logical way to get myself out of this fear and I want to share it In case someone is having similar existential fears .

 But Just something that comes to mind.. according to Abrahamic religions (Judaism.. Christianity.. Islam)  hell is supposed to be the judgment of an all loving all wise infinitely intelligent infinitely good God for your "wrong" deeds in this irrelevant preordained universe.....!!!!!!! Smells like bullshit right ? Doesn't make sense .

 I want you to go deeper within yourself . Because god or the source of existence is within. What do you intuite?  What does your deepest deepest deepest intuitions tell you?  Is the source of all creation truly a God or a devil? 

What " you" really are is that same source of all creation.. And that is nothing.  Literally. Neti Neti .Not this or that. Not anything at all.   

a quote by robert adams :"All of life.. All of.. existence.. And anything possible.. Are just images on the screen of eternity."

 Identify with the screen and let all the other shit go. 

I've found an interesting discovery in neurology that make eternal suffering PHYSICALLY impossible. And also logically impossible. Because If an experience of pain is intensified to infinite degrees it will be no longer "pain".  Right ?It will collapse and you won't feel anything.  Just like when you get used to something you stop feeling it's presence after a while.   That's why the idea of  eternal  religious hell doesn't make snse.. There is actually a "threshold of pain" in your brain.  If the sensation is less or bigger than a certain range of electrical power.. You simply won't feel it.    Read about it here :

Also I don't buy the reasoning "because God is infinity he must experience everything".. because god is not a dumb mechanical deterministic mathematical formula.  Think about it.. if you are all powerful would you use your power to torture yourself forever?  That means you are all-dumb as well 😂 But as far as I know God is all-intelligent! 

Edited by Someone here

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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I guess at some point the ego dissolves which means no resistance so no suffering but on the contrary infinite love 

No space, no time, nothing but you/this/here/now

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30 minutes ago, Loveeee said:

I guess at some point the ego dissolves which means no resistance so no suffering but on the contrary infinite love 

That's great point as well.  My main point though is that if suffering becomes infinite and absolute it would lose its meaning and not be suffering any longer . So eternal pain is logically impossible as well as neurologically impossible because the pain threshold. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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Fear is the absence of love.

I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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Fear is the assertion I can be harmed

and thus in looking for it anywhere

fear is the tool for awakening to safety.

I need to seek out the most fearful situations

for example someone who is angry at me

and defuse it skilfully.

I understand your anger

but it is wholly unnecessary

since I declare you my brother not my enemy.

You anger poisons you and not me.

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9 hours ago, gettoefl said:

Fear is the assertion I can be harmed

and thus in looking for it anywhere

fear is the tool for awakening to safety.

I need to seek out the most fearful situations

for example someone who is angry at me

and defuse it skilfully.

I understand your anger

but it is wholly unnecessary

since I declare you my brother not my enemy.

You anger poisons you and not me.

Are  all if your posts from now on going to be like this ?xD

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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Fearlessness is recognizing that all thoughts and the apparent identification as the thinker of these thoughts, isn't actually happening or taking place. It's an illusion of self or maya identifying as the source of thoughts! 

Sooo, a conditioned illusion fears death although its not even really's illusory 🤣

Boy oh boy, what a conundrum for a somebody


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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There's no such thing as becoming fearless. Fear is fear. Fear is "fearing". If fear is present, it's present. If it's not it's not. It's just thoughts appearing as someone that figured out how to become fearless. There will only be different thoughts that says there's nothing to fear. Fear is just that, fear. If you were doing the fear, you wouldn't need manipulative tactics or different thoughts or ways of stopping it. You could just stop fearing instantly, or not fear at all anything. You won't know when fear is arising next. You will only attach your being to the energy and call it yours - your fear. Fear is not personal, only seems to be. Yeah, yeah, I know bullshit. Tell me when you'll be fearful again, NOW. Tell me when you'll be asleep again to the exact second, when you'll be burping again and farting again. Why is fear any different. So says the person that thinks it's in charge of it's fear.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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In some moment you realize that anything that happens is an aspect of the absolute that you are, then you accept yourself and stop fearing yourself, because you open yourself to what you are. 

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@Someone here We are Embodied forms of Consciousness or Absolute, what that means is that we can Experience Absolute but it is not us absolutely, we still have to deal with this Body and Mind and Karma situation, but we can "Transcend" it Experientially.  Pain as You describe in Your post, in a Hell Fire Burning up enternally, Pain is only felt in the Body via the Mind, as You as well said sooner or later on will pass out and then not feel it anymore, that means the Experience mechanism is turned off for Your mental survival in a way..

We Us Humans we have Free Will to decide if this place, this realm on this Dual Material Earth is a Heaven or Hell, as it is all an Internal Experience, and via that Experience consequences are set up, Karma is created and life goes on, the only choice is do You Experience it Joyfully or Miserably??

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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