False Spiritual Leaders - Sadhguru and others...

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I wanted to make this post to help expose all these fake spiritual gurus who are misleading a lot of people around the world with psychological manipulation and dark occult tactics that needs to stop. People need to be Aware because they are completely misleading people with a false sense of mystical spirituality and what being human on this earth is all about, and what the Divine originally intended for humanity as spiritual beings living a earthly life.

I have observed these people, especially Jaggi Vasudev (Sadhguru) for many years now and with my inner-training I have developed a clear sight to see many loop holes I will address here. Through years of research and discussing with fellow masters and highly attuned beings in the real world, many have come to the same realizations about these high classed "spiritual" businessmen. While most don't see past them, it doesn't take much to see through them either.

These people are mostly multi-millionaires or billionaires even, coming from a rich family linage and often deleted history about who they truly are, deeply intertwined with the corrupt systems that rule the world with manipulative tactics today. They are more or less higher governmental agents who are trained since young and placed upon these thrones, to "appear wise" and teach yoga and spirituality, but only to mislead people further from the truth.

Sadguru for example does not represent what a true yogi represents, and goes against the very nature, not > for nature, hence the big focus on (depopulation and mandatory vaccinations). No real yogi will be for these beliefs, going against the very nature of what a yogi and yoga is, which is against God's way and the natural way. God originally intended for us to live in a perfect world, A (Garden Of Eden), a Space of Love on here on Earth, not in the Heavens and lala-lands, that revolves around building lush gardens of healthy food and ecosystems, raising beautiful families and communities, having wonderful children unto the likeliness of God himself, introduce them to wonderful things of this world like gardening and growing food, feeding and raising animals and living in harmony with nature, taking care of the planet, and thus in union with the creator, not to suppress and kill and control nature.

These people are promoting anti-nature and anti-humanism. Bill Gates and Sadguru have many of the same beliefs and ideas, and probably work together behind the scenes, only one is dressed in spiritual clothing and one is not. There is more than enough land-mass on this earth to host 20+ billion people and still have one hectare of land, 10,000 sq meters to themselves, and this so called guru wants to stop this process, even calling his daughter a mistake.

In the video below when questioned by Mike Tyson How many children does he have, he hesitated at first and was stopped in his tracks, he then laughed it off and he replied with the typical spiritual mumbo-jumbo... how he has millions of children, portraying a god, yet he called his own child his mistake, how godly of him.

An enlightened being would never call his child a mistake, rather a blessing. What kind of man is this?

Sadguru is really a sad-guru if you ask me, he is a showman, a puppet, like the presidents and big politicians, he is no different, just seems to fool more people because he is projecting to be a guru, yogi, mystic and spiritual, rather he is merely trained and clothed that way, so he appears to be the "good guy". Same thing for the Dalai Lama, I don't trust the mainstream spiritual hierarchy one bit, there is a very dark energy about most of them, and there is no such thing as spiritual hierarchy, the lamas themselves torture animals, I have seen them using a blow-torch to roast a lambs skull and laugh about it. I was trained by real masters and holy saints, and through my meditations and connections, they are nothing like the Buddha and Christ's true teachings, quite the opposite actually, and that in itself is the work of the devil or dark-side that has infiltrated spirituality on earth today, and very few people seem to see it because few people are conscious and aware enough to see through the psychic manipulation of mainstream media and these occult dark magicians who have most people under their magic spells.

In this video you can see how dark he is compared to Ralph Smart, and the whole interview is an excellent example of how light can expose the dark by not saying much. He rarely knows how to respond to modern spiritual and valid questions, and has a talent to use psychological tactics to avoid answering direct questions. However Ralph being as wise as he is, remains silent and plays along, only exposing jaggi the guru further.

Now on the other hand, people who are living on the earth, taking care of it, growing food and vegetables, raising beautiful families, not harming animals or destroying nature for the benefit of their own ego's and selfish desires, not funding big corporations and blowing millions of dollars around that could be put to good use, are far more spiritually attuned than these so called gurus. See God already provided all that humans need, and when humans destroy nature (Gods holy temple) and what god provided, natural foods from the trees and animals for protection and support, while gurus like this building these "artificial temples" for praying, religions and giving money to them, pretending its for god, and promoting depopulation, vaccines and destroying nature on the other-side, that is going completely opposite of God and anti-nature.

This is why people don't hear or feels God's presence anymore. They destroy his very instrument for communication and connection (nature), and build all these towers and artificial devices to replace the human spirit, then wonder why God does not play or sing anymore to them. These devils have dressed in fancy spiritual clothing for thousands of years, and selectively placed upon thrones by global elites and priests, upon artificial spiritual temples, preaching a false message of god. Completely opposite of the truth and misleading humanity from the original way that God intended. A lot of this truth can be found in the Ringing Cedars series by Vladimir Megre, indigenous people and yogis who are truly enlightened and living in harmony in nature, not up on the big screens.

I come to use these platforms as I feel the need to express and expose these truths, because people are taking it too far and putting them on such a high level that they mistaken them for gods, and that is the biggest trap in modern spirituality and the spiritual progress of a soul.

God would never create such things, nor would want anyone to worship or put him or anyone on a high horse. All people are spiritually equal. These showman are only a little wiser than the average person, trained well in psychological manipulation, and this is very dangerous and used to distract the masses from truly knowing themselves by using occult magic, and distorting our understanding and our connection with nature / god.

You will often notice sadhguru has a talent for avoiding direct questions by giving philosophical answers that cannot be disputed, his way of communication is well trained in a way to disregard human nature and spirituality and mislead people further from the truth. Sadguru did some yoga and meditation, read a bunch of books, had some spiritual experiences, gained a little more wisdom than the average joe, now he is confusing millions of people around the world because he himself does not have the answers, he is far from enlightened, rather a above-average knowledgeable person.

That's what I see quite clearly for many years now and hope this has opened your eyes too. If only Osho was alive to put this guy in his place.

Here are some other videos of people who also exposed him and starting to see through his bs.

Its nice to see many people are awake to these deceptions today, especially reading the utube comments you can clearly see.

Edited by M A J I

I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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Curious that you see the thing about Mike Tyson asking him about his daughter and him saying is a mistake as a bad thing.

That shows to me Profound humility. 99.99% of parents show their childs as trophies and always think they are the best humans of the Planet.

That right there is another example of consciously knowing his daughter is not special, and even a "mistake" in the sense reproduction is a Karmic action on itself


@M A J I BTW, in regards to the other videos...so now making money is a crime?

What the organization makes is not the same as clean profit for him, and money is needed to make things in the world, run programs, advertising, etc...

I wonder what those Youtubers were doing while Isha and Sadhguru moved mountains over 2 years for the regeneration of the agricultural soil of the world.

How much non Profit projects have you run? 

Of what color did you Paint the schools your non profit built? Im curious.

Im sure those Youtubers you shared could tell us the materials they used to build the hospitals in one of the several non Profit projects they run too

Edited by Javfly33

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18 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Curious that you see the thing about Mike Tyson asking him about his daughter and him saying is a mistake as a bad thing.

That shows to me Profound humility. 99.99% of parents show their childs as trophies and always think they are the best humans of the Planet.

How ridiculous. Your child is not special. You just think is special because It has your DNA

That right there is another example of consciously knowing his daughter is not special, and even a "mistake" in the sense reproduction is a Karmic action on itself


@M A J I BTW, in regards to the other videos...so now making money is a crime? It makes you less Saint if you make money for your organization?

By the way, what the organization makes is not the same as clean profit for him, but even is he made millions that doesn't make you less Saint.

You guys have to get into your peasant minds that having a Lamborghini doesn't make you less Saint than having a Toyota. 

Additionally why all of those videos do not Talk about endless voluntary non profit work all over India for almost 3 decades?

What where those Youtubers doing while Isha and Sadhguru moved mountains over 2 years for the regeneration of the agricultural soil of THE WORLD? 😂😂😂 

Ey Bro, how much non Profit projects have you run? 😂😂😂😂 tell me please, Im all ears. 

😂 Hilarious 😂

I thought it was very insulting, Mike Tyson lost his daughter, it was a very sad experience for him, and was aiming to find connection with the Guru. Are you not blidned by the false like? Can you not see that creating children is a gift and blessing of life, of God? what on earth rabbit whole have you guys delved into, the magicians mad-hat.

There is a difference between making money and using money and fame to corrupt millions of people with false spiritual jargon.

You are under his spell, most people of these forums are, and its sad to see. One day you will will see, hopefully.

I don't know, maybe I have helped thousands of people and never charged a single penny, maybe I choose to remain mysterious, maybe I am all over the world and no one knows me, maybe I prefer it this way for a greater lesson of the ego, maybe I have changed the course of history with a single thought, and I am only one, I come and go, new forms, new accounts, new platforms, always changing, always anew, yet same message, same truth.



Edited by M A J I

I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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@M A J I i didnt know that tyson had Lost a daughter. Maybe Sadhguru didnt either! 

Again, please tell me how you are supposed to maintain 2 massive ashrams that give food each day to thousands of people, run hundreds of programs each year, and the enviromental projects.

How can you do that? You need money for that, isn't It obvious?

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4 minutes ago, M A J I said:

Can you not see that creating children is a gift and blessing of life, of God?

That of the mistake was just humorous response, light conversation. Anyway if you look close what sadhguru says he says a lot of simplicities and mistakes because he talks a lot. For example with Ralph he said: nowadays we have a lot of technology and we are more destructive than ever. Yes sure, in the Roman empire everyone was so kind and vegan. But the point is not what sadhguru says is his essence, that's the thing that we should to understand. 

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Just now, Javfly33 said:

@M A J I i didnt know that tyson had Lost a daughter. Maybe Sadhguru didnt either! 

Again, please tell me how you are supposed to maintain 2 massive ashrams that give food each day to thousands of people, run hundreds of programs each year, and the enviromental projects.

How can you do that? You need money for that, isn't It obvious?

You can do this without money, this has been done many times before. Again you guys are only seeing the (surface layer) of things. This is exactly how the dark magician plays his hand, he does everything that appears good in your eyes so you never investigate deeper into the psychic phenomenon of what he is actually doing. All of these occult masters, they portray the light by their "appearing" good-deeds, that doesn't change the nature what is.

You cannot see by looking, seeing requires sight.

I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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10 minutes ago, M A J I said:

You can do this without money, this has been done many times before. Again you guys are only seeing the (surface layer) of things. This is exactly how the dark magician plays his hand, he does everything that appears good in your eyes so you never investigate deeper into the psychic phenomenon of what he is actually doing. All of these occult masters, they portray the light by their "appearing" good-deeds, that doesn't change the nature what is.

You cannot see by looking, seeing requires sight.

I dont consider myself a Fanboy of It, i have been been suspicious of himbsince the first day. But also open to the possibility he might be legit 

But you have to recognize pragmatic wise he is not doing anything particularly dangerous, I never was asked to sell my kidney or something like that in the programs that i assisted. Or that i should go to the ashram and surrender my material desires, abandon my family..etc (cult like stuff).


Edited by Javfly33

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Sadhguru seems like quite the Indian nationalist and close to Modi. Which is imo (a bit) weird for a spiritual teacher like that.



(Although maybe there is no other way than being close to Modi while staying in India. Maybe that’s why Osho went to the US and both Krishnamurtis went to Switzerland.)


Edited by PurpleTree

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6 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

I dont consider myself a Fanboy of It, i have been been suspicious of himbsince the first day. But also open to the possibility he might be legit 

But you have to recognize pragmatic wise he is not doing anything particularly dangerous, I never was asked to sell my kidney or something like that in the programs that i assisted. Or that i should go to the ashram and surrender my material desires, abandon my family..etc (cult like stuff).


Dangerous because he has millions of followers around the world who put him on a higher level of attainment than he actually is.

I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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10 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

Sadhguru seems like quite the Indian nationalist and close to Modi. Which is imo (a bit) weird for a spiritual teacher like that.

He's very nationalist because he thinks that is very important for india being unite, have national identity, pride of their tradition and history because anything else would be chaos. India is huge and very complex, probably he's right in his approach. Modi is a charismatic leader that seem that will rule india for long, then be against him is stupid, better triying to influence in him and collaborate with him 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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10 minutes ago, M A J I said:

Dangerous because he has millions of followers around the world who put him on a higher level of attainment than he actually is.

Really that's not important, what is important is if those millions of followers are going to rise their level of consciousness or not.

Then, when they were enough conciouss, they will realize all the bullshit 😅

Edited by Breakingthewall

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8 minutes ago, M A J I said:

Dangerous because he has millions of followers around the world who put him on a higher level of attainment than he actually is.

Is difficult to say in what level of attainment he is.

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1 minute ago, Javfly33 said:

Is difficult to say in what level of attainment he is.

I don't find it difficult at all to see these things. We have to develop our ability to feel and see.

I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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5 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

He's very nationalist because he thinks that is very important to india be unite, have national identity, pride of their tradition and history because anything else would be chaos. India is huge and very complex, probably he's right in his approach. Modi is a charismatic leader that seem that will rule india for long, then be against him is stupid, better triying to influence in him and collaborate with him 




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17 minutes ago, M A J I said:

I don't find it difficult at all to see these things. We have to develop our ability to feel and see.

Have you ever experienced a clap of sadhguru? 

Who you know that is able to do that?

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27 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

He's very nationalist because he thinks that is very important for india being unite, have national identity, pride of their tradition and history because anything else would be chaos. India is huge and very complex, probably he's right in his approach. Modi is a charismatic leader that seem that will rule india for long, then be against him is stupid, better triying to influence in him and collaborate with him 

You know it’s funny

(and this is just a silly joke so don’t take it seriously)

But read your text ^ and switch the word India with Germany and see what it reminds you of.

And maybe India does need a stronk leader who’s tough on Muslims and whatever i don’t know. I don’t know anything.

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10 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

You know it’s funny

(and this is just a silly joke so don’t take it seriously)

But read your text ^ and switch the word India with Germany and see what it reminds you of.

And maybe India does need a stronk leader who’s tough on Muslims and whatever i don’t know. I don’t know anything.

🤣🤣Yes, he implies many times that Islam is shit and indian tradition is the best. 

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Sometimes I see sadhguru and every movement of his head, every tender/happy movement of his hands , every word, seem to me absolute evilness 🤣. But other times seems the opposite. Maybe he's Satan 🤣🤣

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