False Spiritual Leaders - Sadhguru and others...

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Don't glamorized India & Indian's. Again repeating what i have mentioned in my previous post . Once you put a a person on pedestal . You don't have your own sovereignty. You are already owned & anything (even a concrete proof) will not satisfy you.

Don't fall in to the trap of Guru's . They are working to make their own empire and cult. It has become very difficult to find a real master in today's world.

Go on your own. Find out truth on your own. Truth is pathless land . Depending on others & leeching off them to satisfy your thought system / little puny ego will not help.



Edited by ExplorerMystic

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57 minutes ago, ExplorerMystic said:

Don't glamorized India & Indian's. Again repeating what i have mentioned in my previous post . Once you put a a person on pedestal . You don't have your own sovereignty. You are already owned & anything (even a concrete proof) will not satisfy you.

Don't fall in to the trap of Guru's . They are working to make their own empire and cult. It has become very difficult to find a real master in today's world.

Go on your own. Find out truth on your own. Truth is pathless land . Depending on others & leeching off them to satisfy your thought system / little puny ego will not help.



I don't understand ppl that buy into this sort of dogma, do it on Your own, like Your an Independent Island.. No one that has been successful at anything has done it on their own, they always had help. Its no different in Spirituality..

When I was training in Martial Arts (30+yrs ago) I couldn't have developed the skills I did without a Sifu or Coach, and this lesson was repeated over and over again, when I went to a new Instructor, it was very apparent that I could not have learned the skill set properly without their help, no possible way!!

Its possible to go all the way in Spirituality without a Guru or Teacher, but its highly unlikely to happen for the General Public, they need direction and instruction and guidance for sure, so telling ppl to go at it on their own, like there is an unique sort of Truth that is just for them is Bad Advice imo!!

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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1 minute ago, Candle said:

@ExplorerMystic @Ishanga

Listen to others but verify it yourself. So simple. Learn from everyone, follow no one. 

Umm lol that is what they are saying as well, verify for Your self, but use a proven path to get there and have the ability. No True Guru is saying "Follow Me, Look Up to Me, Be my Slave', yes there are devotees, but devotion is no good for westerners who are too intellectually identified and too independent in thinking and identification, to be a Devotee one has to be Inclusive in Nature, Westerners are not this...so it scares them...

I would consider myself a Disciple of Sadhguru, not the personality, but the presence of the Man and the methods he shares..

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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14 hours ago, Candle said:

I'm surprised to see Leo Gura thinking that Sadhguru is genuine. 

They have similar egos and similar followers.

He need to defend him otherwise the game is over. 

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People will only "see" at the depths of which they have met themselves.


I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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We are living in the era of Internet . There are plenty of literature available. A true seeker will never call himself/herself a guru & will not create an empire to leech from it. Mostly the followers who twist & turn the teaching to make it in to a institution.

Here is some of the point from a blog which discuss why people generally become blind followers .

People become blind followers because of either or all the following reasons :

1. They are not strong enough to make their own decisions.

2. They are not Smart enough to think things through.

3. They are not Confident enough to take their own risk,

4. They are not Enlightened enough to understand the difference between good and bad.

5. They are not Lack ability to question things.

6. They are Not optimistic enough to love themselves if things don't go as they expected or planned.


There is no arrival here , only exploration.

Edited by ExplorerMystic

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@ExplorerMystic Do 2 thousand hours of Yoga of Sadhguru, then Talk, kid.

The places Ive reached with It, not even 1000 haters can deny It.

Including 21 universes that now are Alive, I perceived that too today with Shamavhi. 

Here's what he said on a video:

"84 Creations have happened, this is the 84, 83 have been completed.

20 are Still in the proccess of dissolving. The rest are completely obliterated".

So 20 + the 1 that we are right now, make 21.

Which is what I perceived today in form of Energy in to the reality. There are 21 mechanisms going on. 

You will think this is crazy, that this is impossible, but this is what has been seen, and Im validating Sadhguru crazy claims.


Edited by Javfly33

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@Javfly33 Calling me a kid . You don't know anything about me .There are thousand , may be millions like you brainwashed into this. Look i don't want to engage with idiots.

The only concerned out of LOVE for me is people who will see this post and get in to this dogma. I will again say to people who are reading this don't glamorized India & Indian's. Yes there are some powerhouses in spirituality from India like Ramana Maharshi , Vivekananda , JK , many more living in unknown caves of Himalayas totally disconnected with the world. You will be very fortunate to find one their as well . Because in those Himalayan mountains scammer guru has opened their branches.

The sheer arrogance in your writing shows what level you are operating at . Do yoga till your last breathe. You will get nothing . Because claiming something which you haven't reached will backfire. That's why mental illness is prevalent in spiritual circle .

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On 26/12/2024 at 11:44 AM, PurpleTree said:

Personally i haven’t heard of anyone being liberated by Sadhguru teachings.

Personally I haven't heard of anyone being liberated by the teachings of anyone. But who knows, there are some people that become monks in that Isha foundation and are meditating for years , who knows anyone of them? I'm very skeptical about sadhguru but I give him the benefit of the doubt, things usually are not what they seem

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On 26/12/2024 at 0:49 PM, Ishanga said:

I don't understand ppl that buy into this sort of dogma, do it on Your own, like Your an Independent Island.. No one that has been successful at anything has done it on their own, they always had help. Its no different in Spirituality..

When I was training in Martial Arts (30+yrs ago) I couldn't have developed the skills I did without a Sifu or Coach, and this lesson was repeated over and over again, when I went to a new Instructor, it was very apparent that I could not have learned the skill set properly without their help, no possible way!!

Its possible to go all the way in Spirituality without a Guru or Teacher, but its highly unlikely to happen for the General Public, they need direction and instruction and guidance for sure, so telling ppl to go at it on their own, like there is an unique sort of Truth that is just for them is Bad Advice imo!!

The problem is that with martial arts you see a teacher and you can know if he really is a master, but in spirituality it's impossible. First there are a lot of scammers, and second, probably you noticed this, a lot who's in spirituality genuinely think that they are enlightened because they are deceived, their ego is constructing a fantasy. Even if you read ancient masters you can't really know their level of lie, and if you are very sure of that, maybe it's because you are deceiving yourself 

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On 26/12/2024 at 6:27 AM, Candle said:

Wake up, Leo, he's not genuine. He is a con artist. I know how real gurus behave. Like J Krishnamurthy, Ramana Maharshi, etc. 

I think that jiddu Krishnamurti is a professional scammer and a real narcissist created by his British mentor. It's very difficult to see through the lies in this topic. Maharshi seems genuine, but what are his teachings? Being a natural mystic that is open to what is impossible to say, nothing else

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1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

Personally I haven't heard of anyone being liberated by the teachings of anyone.

I‘ve heard many stories about people’s seeking ending with for example Tony Parsons. Anyway it doesn’t matter. Do what you enjoy.

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4 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

Do what you enjoy.

Why you say that? I don't think that anyone follow a spiritual master for enjoying, they do because they think that will be useful for their purposes of freedom, etc. In my case I only try to understand them to see how they really are, just for curiosity. They are a force in the world, have influence, it's interesting understand them

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4 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Why you say that? 

Because i don’t care who you "follow"

I just find it annoying when people go overboard with promoting their bs and their gurus trying to convert people.

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2 hours ago, ExplorerMystic said:



Do yoga till your last breathe. You will get nothing .

I don´t do it to get something at the end. I do it to get something every day, which is very different. 


Because claiming something which you haven't reached will backfire. That's why mental illness is prevalent in spiritual circle .

Forget Sadhguru if you hate him.

How many hours of Sukya kriya have you done? 

How can you know the states of perception that there are possible within a human being, without ever trying the tools for it?

@ExplorerMystic Although I must say, after re-reading your post now, I think I did not read your post correctly. I thought you were just discarding Gurus for the sake of it, and I see you were just criticizing blind following. So my reply might have been biased from a wrong interpretation of your post. I apologize for it if that was the case. 

Edited by Javfly33

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