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You Have A Choice

3 posts in this topic

Do you realize that right now, you're always seeking, maybe not intensively, but there is always a tiny bit of your mind that is on the hunt ?
This is exactly what stands between you on the realization that there is no you.

So if you have the opportunity to take a 1/2 week(s) silence retreat, do it.
You don't need anything but to be single and have no pets to do a Dark Room retreats, but if you aren't in this position, you'll need to travel and pay.

These are the most effective ways to have a breakthrough, so don't discount them just because they can be pricy, just like you shoudn't discount books or online course about subjects you want to master.

At some point you should ask yourself if you're serious about all this
If you are, and this isn't just mental (ego) gratification to feel superior to others, then you'll need to do some clear cut in your budget/time.

There is no way it will happen without changing something in your life.
Yes, in theory you could learn and realize all that just by yourself, but it would take a huge amount of time, and you might even go back to inconscious patterns if you slacked too much on this (guilty :P ).

What's more important for you ?

Buying junkfood, pointless entertainment and useless materialistic shits to stuff your house


To invest in yourself to be a better man/woman, obtaining a better understanding of life, and free yourself from your chaotic mind ?



Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Yes I agree. This is beautiful. As the time passes more and more I like the idea to be alone. Years ago I was afraid to be alone but this is a wonderful thing to do I think. What is more important your body and your mind is all that u "have". So your presence physically and the present moment is the most valuable thing. When you are alone in a nice quiet place then you really LIVE.

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53 minutes ago, Shin said:

do a Dark Room retreats

Have you ever done it? I saw once a documentary on YouTube of a girl having all kinds of hallucinations while doing it. Apparently after a long time in the dark the brain starts producing 5-MeO-DMT by itself.

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