
Star Wars IV: A New Hope - Review

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Star Wars: A New Hope is a bit of a snooze fest. Took me four days to finish. The pacing is slow and the editing could do with some adjustments. John Williams’ score is iconic but perhaps a bit overused and lacking in subtlety and diversity (mostly director/editor’s fault). The depiction of war and military conduct is embarrassingly naive and sentimental, as is the dialogue generally, showing the immaturity and poor writing skill of George Lucas. Obi-Wan’s battle with Vader was neither well choreographed nor emotionally impactful, but not because I don’t like Obi-Wan. (I do) It lacks subtle foreshadowing toward a climactic moment, absence of intensity and build up in the music and poor choreography. (I know Alec Guinness was old) It seems like they just happened upon one another in a hallway. (I know they speak of feeling the force as the Millennium Falcon approaches the death star but is not well executed) There is too much exposition in the film. As a director, Lucas isn’t capable of showing what’s happening subtly, so he tells us directly. Telling rather than showing can also mean that a director doesn’t trust the audience to figure out what’s going on for themselves. Lucas has his actors speak what should be shown/acted. Good movies don’t hold your hand and I feel like that’s what happens here.

A few other notes for the negatives:

The medal ceremony at the end was extremely awkward and unnecessary. 

A technical curiosity and concern: how do Tie Fighters propel themselves, or stabilize or maneuver, especially in an atmosphere with air and gravity? I’ll give Lightsabers a pass on technical plausibility.

Lastly, besides the x wing fighter helmets and Darth Vader the headwear is just silly.



R2D2 is fun

Casting of the major characters

Darth Vader is badass



Set design overall I thought was well done, especially for the 70’s

The design of “alien” characters was creative, especially the cantina scene


Not movie specific but I think the best part of Star Wars is the concept of the Jedi.


Acting performances were good overall but some standouts for me were:

-Tarkin and his staff

-Han Solo (even though his lines were incredibly cheesy I thought Harrison embodied his character well, after all he was basically playing himself lol)

-Princess Leia




This is the most popular franchise ever for a reason but it had the potential for much much more. Despite the harsh criticism I do not hate this movie. I find it a bit corny but I love all the aspects of Star Wars that everyone else enjoys. If Lucas had allowed another writer to take the foundation of story and concepts and refined it, I believe Star Wars as a franchise would have been able to go to much higher places (quality wise) after this trilogy.

P.S. I am not a Star Wars ”expert” & I wrote this on my phone off the cuff after watching

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Not enough stars.


Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Only 1 too few stars: Alderaan

I’d give the film a 6/10.

To review your review of my review, I say you’re being nostalgic: 1/10 for not showing your work. 😆

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11 minutes ago, Logan said:

Only 1 too few stars: Alderaan

Who calls Alderaan a star??

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Thought you were making a joke with your pre edited reply.

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This movie is a masterpiece, what are you talking about?

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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Is this a joke post or are you actually rating the 1977 star wars movie from a perspective of 2024 cinematography? 

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@Husseinisdoingfine I’m not trying to sway opinions, just sharing my own. If you disagree I’m happy to hearing your thoughts on why it’s a masterpiece.

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@Michael569 My opinion of the movie is not based on modern vs 70’s technology and I am not joking. I enjoy films from the 30’s on up to modern day. A good movie is a good movie, regardless of when it came out. I do not devalue a movie based on the limitations of it’s time.

Edited by Logan

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