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Excessive Positivity

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Of all the information I've been exposed to I have come to believe that it is impossible to our psyche to be happy all the time. People around me keep insisting how some people such as celebrities they know are always happy and I just thought that's obviously just their public image. My brother is very successful and a good business man, he always seems to smile, but his smile is fake, nearly every time i see it. I have a hunch that this is just too simple and stupid that people can't be positive all the time and if they try, it means that they're trying run away from the feelings they don't want to experience in fear of getting hurt. Im gonna share my own perspective for what it's worth.

I think rather than being positive, we need to become aware of our thoughts, their patterns as well as reality. We should practice mindfulness over trying to hold a fake smile on our faces when obvious anxiety is lying underneath. Be honest and real to ourselves, let ourselves surf on the emotions that happen to take over and be aware of them, be a good conductor of emotion so to speak. Positivity is nice, but trying to cling to it forever won't do any good. Enjoy the positivity when it's there, but accept it as a coming and going feeling and be mindful of the rest.

Would be nice to have some good thinkers to share their perspective on this.

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I agree. All things are balanced on this planet. Happiness and sadness. You cant go with one of them. You need both. As far as fakeness,I know what you mean,those who pretend are those who are afraid the most,they cant deal with sadness and they want to escape. Happiness is a great state of mind,everybody wants it but its not always available. When it goes,you just have to keep going knowing that it will come back again. But also u have to 'enjoy' painful moments meaning accepting them because If not then neurotic behaviora comes up and its harder to deal with. It is a great feeling when you manage to deal with negative emotion and come out stronger. Such a great feeling.

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