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The most Wonderful thing in life

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isn't it just f*cking wonderful that no matter what happens in this movie of life, that we can always take a step back and just look at reality itself?

what cured my depression was realizing Death. Truly. I dont claim to know what death is in a spiritual sense, but I do know it's enough to make me appreciate every god damn second of this life. Imagine.. everything you've ever known, seen, heard, felt, whatever, will be gone in a flash. And you won't even know it. Its truly breath taking. I mean seriously. LOOK AT REALITY. WTF IS THIS??!!

its the most beautiful wonderful thing there is, because its all that is. Whatever problem you have in the relative domain, you can always take a step back and just look at the qualia of reality. Everything else is thoughts, emotions, beliefs.. But the actual experience of life itself should be enough for ANYONE to get cured from fears and depression. It's so fucking obvious.

still, we're so caught up in the story. And ofc., we should. That's what gives this life a sense of meaning. But in the end, its just this.. raw sensory experience. The appearance IS the reality. It's never been anything else

- Enter your fear and you are free -

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The most wonderful thing in life is that your still alive today right now, via that everything else comes into existence within Your own Experience of it.  When dead most of this is gone, at least how it works out in this physical dual realm, the afterlife can be hell or heaven, depends on many aspects!

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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True, I've found contemplating death to do the same. While the thoughts that come up about are scary, it does help restore that background mystery to this thing. Amazing.

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Yes, such an amazing truth. What is there is all that is.

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