
Reinforcement Of False Beliefs

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Whenever I interact with others, who are not into nonduality, they keep reinforcing my mind's now seen as false and ignorant beliefs.

Im afraid they are reviving my dying ego. Like giving it cpr. I feel especially defensive of NonDual ideas, because I now know them to be true. But ego still happens, it's like the ego is claiming this knowledge, because it is fact.

I see such moments as not defending my ego of knowing something,  but defending the truth and trying to help someone in ignorance see what I mean.

But at the end if the day my actions feel like an egoic striving to know the truth as a person on planet earth. And to feel good about it. 

Even tho in introspection I see this as just another belief of the mind.

People around me are treating me as a human and as an ego,  which reinforces my older patterns. Wakes up beasts that I had defeated, but not permanently.

Now that I write it out, it actually seems like a good thing lol. But anyway, would it not be better for me to not speak to anyone on the subject?

The thing is by keeping quiet I am doing a disservice to them,  since they will just go deeper in delusion.

Like I am now. Or am I? Who am I.. ? 

When I know something to be true and someine starts arguing the opposite, should I concede the position of truth so the falsehood wins?

Isnt that why we are all living in falsehood on planet earth? I know truth doesn't need defending to be true,  but why concede an argument you know you are right in? 

Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Do you watch Ralph from Infinite Waters sometimes? This clip really caught my attention - about being a "lighthouse."


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3 minutes ago, Dodoster said:

People around me are treating me as a human and as an ego,  which reinforces my older patterns. Wakes up beasts that I had defeated, but not permanently.

How dare they!! ?????

i beg of you to give yourself a break from all spirituality youve known so far and immerse yourself in the way of love Matt teaches, through learning from all he has to say in his channel. Even if it is just to try.

haha you can do it I know it is so! :)

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16 minutes ago, Martin123 said:

How dare they!! ?????

i beg of you to give yourself a break from all spirituality youve known so far and immerse yourself in the way of love Matt teaches, through learning from all he has to say in his channel. Even if it is just to try.

haha you can do it I know it is so! :)

You're underestimating my Youtube spirituality addiction. I've binge watched a lot of Matt Khan,  but it's nice that you bring it in the present ? for me thanks!

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Whenever my ego is choking on an attachment my awareness does the Heimlich maneuver so I can breath again.

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@Dodoster that is a little confusing to me.

Matt teaches in a way he should devour the issue you described.

Oki let me try something else :)

How about, every time you feel like being treated unfairly, you say thank you to them (not necessarily out loud) and love the feeling it wakes up in your body. 

I love you

i love you

i love you

to yourself over and over as you process the unheard screams of the hurt child within.

Every time you get the urge to teach someone how to "not be delusional" you ask yourself "Is this the most loving thing I can do for them and for nmyself?"

whilst integrating the knowledge, that the highest level of spiritual wisdom is being a loving listener to all, anyone has to say, not invalidating their perspective, but being a safe space for them to open up and release their emotional energy from their system.


To "I hate my job" you say "Im so sorry you are distatisfied, how can I serve you?"

to "I dont like life, it sucks" you say "That is true sometimes life does suck. Is there anything I can do to uplift your misery?"

Whilst the only subconscious message pouring out of you to your inner child your heart and to all others is "I love you'."

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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Just now, Martin123 said:

@Dodoster that is a little confusing to me.

Matt teaches in a way he should devour the issue you described.

Oki let me try something else :)

How about, every time you feel like being treated unfairly, you say thank you to them (not necessarily out loud) and love the feeling it wakes up in your body. 

I love you

i love you

i love you

to yourself over and over as you process the unheard screams of the hurt child within.

Every time you get the urge to teach someone how to "not be delusional" you ask yourself "Is this the most loving thing I can do for them and for nmyself?"

whilst integrating the knowledge, that the highest level of spiritual wisdom is being a loving listener to all, anyone has to say, not invalidating their perspective, but being a safe space for them to open up and release their emotional energy from their system.


To "I hate my job" you say "Im so sorry you are distatisfied, how can I serve you?"

to "I dont like life, it sucks" you say "That is true sometimes life does suck. Is there anything I can do to uplift your misery?"

Whilst the only subconscious message pouring out of you to your inner child your heart and to all others is "I love you'."

The thing is teachings are conditionings, they come and go. Some resonate with me more than others, some I like but dont stick.

I enjoy Matt Khan's videos in the present moment of watching them, but its like a movie for me, Matts teaching are not really hitting home for me.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Dodoster and the moment an urge to "school someone with spirituality" arises, you love the one whi has the urge.

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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Just now, Dodoster said:

The thing is teachings are conditionings, they come and go. Some resonate with me more than others, some I like but dont stick.

I enjoy Matt Khan's videos in the present moment of watching them, but its like a movie for me, Matts teaching are not really hitting home for me.

Yes. Do you know why?

Because your mind is so knee-deep in self-hate and self-denial that the moment a suggestion is brought up to it to loveitself just a little bit more, it freaks out because it had never done that before.

It is not a teaching. It is a way of liberation. 

There is no degree of enlightenment that will ever transcend love.

There can be only more, the higher you climb.


love love

love love love

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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11 hours ago, Martin123 said:



Martin, I don't know how to be grateful enough to you for this video that you shared, so I call on the universe to be grateful through me on my behalf, for the benefit of all, as I am now. So it is. :D 

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I am into Duality...... I can peacefully chew my carrots. Chew.

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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1 hour ago, Loreena said:

I am into Duality...... I can peacefully chew my carrots. Chew.

It's very important to chew your food! xD 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Who_Am_I You do not need to force yourself in any way onto anyone. As you come closer to the non dual Truth and in parallell your ego is healing more and more via Martin's suggestions, people will feel the quality of peace of mind and no suffering in you and will be automatically interested and brought close to listen and learn. Other egos are so deep in Maya they would want to fight agaisnt you as you're their enemy. You would want to keep this two tendencies in mind. Do not force any knowledge onto egoes, let them come to you inquiring.

Edited by Alex K

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