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On being Authentic, the most serious thing you need to do right now

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Authenticity is the most important thing one needs to be working on RIGHT NOW. Why?

To put it simply, if you're trying to embody an archetype, a particular person or acting out behaviors then you are setting yourself up for hardships. Being you necessarily invites personal problems, but if you don't deal with that you don't grow as fast. You can keep acting out templates and things that work but it's not really you. You'll cross problems in life and get ahead but somewhere along the path you'll be in so deep you're real self won't be able to handle your baseline. It'll be hard to be yourself then. You'll be stuck in a shell of someone you have built up in other's eyes, and it'll take a real hard hitter to break that.

Being authentic is all about feeling into your body and asking yourself, who is caspex? Replace that with your name. It's about letting go of fear regarding yourself and if you can't do that just yet, then it's about spending time with yourself everyday until you feel comfortable enough to let it out.

A lot of people reading this right now might feel "Of course, I am my real self right now!" No you're not! Try replying to this post and observe who you become when you type on this forum. Then pay a visit to your mom, or your friends, and observe who you become there. They are all shells. It's an effective survival strategy, but it's not you.

On one hand you want to be unique but on the other hand you'd rather cosplay common social shells?

This little understanding seems simple but if you have not mastered this yet you're impairing your spiritual growth.

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