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Spiritual Warrior

The purpose to life Contemplation

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Lower self:  The purpose to life for human beings is to reproduce.

Higher self: How do you know this? 

Lower self: Because this is what we do in order for our genes to move on. 

Higher self: And what is the purpose to that? 

Lower self: The purpose is to evolve. 

Higher self: Evolve into what? 

Lower self: Evolve into.... The greatest possible version of ourselves that we can create! 

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Higher self: Why though? Why evolve at all? Why not just stay still and not grow into anything? 

Lower self: I don't know, I mean I guess you could. I mean no ones stopping you.. but there is this unnerving feeling inside of a human being that says "I want to be more!", "I want to be good!" "I want to be courageous and kind, a true gentleman!"

* Higher self shrugs* so the purpose to life is to evolve, huh? What is evolving ? What does it mean to evolve? 

Lower self: To evolve is to change. 

Higher self: Could you be changing into something that is worse than what you are now? 

Lower self: well first we need to ask the question what does it mean to be "worse"? 

Higher self: ahhh... now we're catching on. What do you think?

Lower self: Worse is deemed as less beneficial to you. Better is deemed as more beneficial to you.

Higher self:More or less beneficial towards whom?

Lower self: Me. Or anybody, everybody. 

Higher self: Is that all humans or all things in general, animals too? Trees? What about the other planets in the solar system? What about the planets in the other solar systems? What about the other universes and multiverses? What about the living beings far out into the galaxy?

Lower self: Hold on just minute! The original prompt was the purpose to life for human beings is to reproduce....

Higher self: Yeah...  But and then you started talking all of this gibberish and it was hard to understand you. 

Lower self: Hard to understand me? What do you mean by that? 

Higher self: Listen, do you want to get at the truth of a thing or just the truth that benefits you the most? 

Lower self: the truth of course. There is nothing more noble than pursuing the truth. 

Higher self: Yes, but there you go right there... You are pursuing truth because it is a noble thing to do. You will get no where until you decide to pursue truth for its own sake. Until then, you are not ready. 

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