
Making sense of alternative medicine.

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I was debating a lady about veganism, and she brought up the topic of alternative medicine. I was curious to learn about it, she mentioned dr berg and her favorite barbara o'neill. I am curious to learn about and make sense of alternative medicine and how it is different from conventional medicine.

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It's a shame how we're trying to make sense of what nature intended but recognize poison as real medicine. We call nature's medicine alternative and the one's made in a lab normal/real or however it's described.

We've been so brainwashed, controlled, programmed and treated like numbers in a system and are being stripped of our humanity to the point where we won't even recognize ourselves anymore. We'll be hybrid. We even attack and ostracize those who speak of natural solutions and call them quacks and witches.

It's good you're trying to get information on this topic, but I doubt this is the place except for a limited few. Most people especially our brainwashed youth are more into pharmaceuticals and pill popping and feeding the drugstores. I suggest finding a specialized group online. Barbara O'Neil is great, learnt a lot from her seminars awhile back. Dr Berg is also good but he's more mainstream and gets a lot of flack from people. 

I've done alternative treatments for everything and with success, but I'm through trying to convince people of the benefits. Too many unhealthy people on here to even bother and switch that around. They'll laugh at you and either say they take too long or they need proof and studies and blah blah. When I recommend stuff, it's not taken seriously enough and people will take the druggists advice more serious and ignore mine, so I don't care anymore. Let them continue to induce their poisons while they're young enough, but I hope when the symptoms start to show up in degenerative ways later on in life they aren't surprised. It's already showing up as depression, anxiety sleep problems and skin issues and hormonal imbalances. 


What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Well, there are illnesses for which traditional scientific medicine doesn't give good answers yet.

 I looked for alternative medicine when the first option failed and experimented with a lot and continued to experiment.

The secret is not to throw the baby out with the bath water. 

Traditional scientific medicine is still awesome and provides crucial help in many cases like in case of a pandemic and vaccines.

The mistake I see people make is to go to the extreme with alternative medicine and reject everything and anything from medicine. That's dumb.

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in alternative medicine I assume you mean natural medicine? You do realize modern medicine is only 100 or so years old and has never cured a single disease, rather only provides a band-aid approach to healing, where natural medicine has exited for millions of years and always worked.

The whole western medical system is a scam, they are only interesting in profit not cures or natural therapies that work.

Hence why everything that works is banned and rejected and every doctor that healed/cured patients from using natural so called "alternate" medicine either lost their jobs or was silenced and suppressed from continuing such work.

A patient cured is a customer lost - Modern Medicine

I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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11 hours ago, Recursoinominado said:

I looked for alternative medicine when the first option failed and experimented with a lot and continued to experiment.

The secret is not to throw the baby out with the bath water. 

Traditional scientific medicine is still awesome and provides crucial help in many cases like in case of a pandemic and vaccines.

The mistake I see people make is to go to the extreme with alternative medicine and reject everything and anything from medicine. That's dumb.

excellent comment ! 


Both modern medicine and alternative modalities have their place and sometimes circumstances dictate that you need to go down a pharmaceutical route. Take an example of something like viral-induced thyroiditis, pancreatitis, acute hepatitis, Ramsey- hunt syndrome, pyelonephritis, these case you have no time to screw around with herbs, you need to go on a powerful cycle of drugs to save an organ, save a critical tissue, prevent long term disability or save a life. And these conditions aren't uncommon in healthy people either. 

Sometimes you just get unlucky and get sick because of stress, trauma, recent travel and circumstances outside of person's control. And sometimes it gets so bad that you need to be put on a cycle of steroids and antibiotics which weaken your body and immunity for months. 

It is important we account for individual differences in genetic potential and epigenetic expression. Some people are just genetically stronger and more resilient to disease and some are not, not all of it comes down to lifestyle and diet. There could be massive variation in how effective someone's adaptive immune system is, how quickly memory cells are formed, how many recognition receptors your NK cells and cytotoxic T-cells carry to recognise a pathogen. There are individual variations in hormonal receptors, neurotransmitter receptor functions, length of the villi in your gut and tons and tons of other things like that. Some people are naturally almost immune to heart disease with a unique genetic makeup and some are terribly prone to it. Some carry mutations that make them 10 times as likely to contract something like lupus, multiple sclerosis or vitiligo. No to mention mutations that make one almost 14 times more likely to get Alzheimer's. 

In many of those cases, pharmaceuticals can help offset some of those deficiencies or make them more bearable. 

But overall, for a healthy person who wants to delay the first onset of chronic disease (because all of us will contract something, it is just a mater of time) the alternative route is preferable combined with carefully planned lifestyle, avoidance of toxins, alcohol, vaping etc. 

And if you get caught with something you didn't expect, when your body is feverish and ill and its becoming pretty bad, run to the A&E,  take that cycle of drugs, then rebuild yourself again. Important not to be stupid in the fear of modern medicine. 


Edited by Michael569

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