
Why do people want to feel unique?

24 posts in this topic

Simple question. Where does it come from? Do leo have a video about this? Or why does ego develops in this way that first it wants to be in a group and feel the same but then it also want to be unique and feel different

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I think uniqueness is a fundamental feature of evolution and actualizes itself particularly within the human. A self-actualized human-being is always also a radically unique human-being. So uniqueness is not a function of ego but something way deeper.

Edited by Cireeric

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”

― Carl Gustav Jung

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Maybe we want to feel more unique because it helps us distinguish ourselves from others. It makes everything more colorful. At the same time we don't want to be too different where we cannot even relate to each other anymore. 

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We start by identifying in the ego and it wants to be the same or part of the crowd for its survival, socially, animalistically.


when consciousness evolves in the individual or there is an awakening to the nature of awareness observing a dream with infinite possibility, it would follow that to be ‘different’ or unique would be to cover one aspect of exploration of experience to be that as awareness ( in another individual) is already experiencing something else so why would it seek to experience something that it is already experiencing in another being.. 

if I am an infinite mind and I am experiencing a Hispanic dentist here, why would I duplicate it there when I can experience an African arts major over there instead. 

the persona typing now has no desire to follow or copy trends or others but to accumulate the experiences it likes, the looks and occupations it feels passion for and the relationships it can be challenged and grow from purely as an expression of its subjective nature. It’s uniqueness contributes to the multiple perspectives that awareness has access to.

when it was fresh and stuck in the mind trap of the ego, it wanted to emulate and even be others it aspired to be like. Now it is itself and unique in its own right. 

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Because its better to live through your lense and in your unique way, than to be a follower and a programmed sheep.If you follow the crowd you will have same experience.

You im sure experienced that time when you really wanted something and everyone around you telling you no! thats bad for you etc. Being unique is  following your path vs crowds influence.

Its independence of thought and actions tailored to you vs dictated by others around you.

Its essentially freedom from distractions,influences that tells you how to think and live,so you make space to have your expression and who you are to shine.

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Speaking of 'Special' just caugh the following on Facebook. I mean, people have lost their minds from Facebook now, that's abundantly clear 


"Hello my dear....
I am first hybrid bloodline of the Anunnaki and I was called Ib-Braham(a). I was also a Pharaoh and I and my army guarded the spaceport in the real Jerusalem. The common version of my name is tpday Abraham, Ibrahim or Avraham.
I was King Art(h)ur and the most realistic version as a film about him was Guy Ritchie's film, which I saw once in 2007 at the Kabbalah Centre London - just like Madonna.
I was Grand Master of the Knights Templar Jacque de Molay (Prieure de Sion), Thomas Beckett, Thomas Moore and El Morya Khan. And from Morocco, Persia to Scotland, many incarnations worldwide on this little world map of lies. The soul of El Morya lives in me.
It took me 14 years to allow myself to say it, because NOW is the time for change!
This dome construction of this ‘earth construction’ is unbelievably large, the current earth maps are falsified and there are Nibiru, Asgard, Sirius and and and underneath. The sky is so deep blue at night because our dome is surrounded by an infinite ocean. And we are not small and insignificant. But the part where you live has been manipulated into a matrix of incarnation without memory.
I permeate you, I am nothing special, but I have full memory. I am HE, I am SHE, I am IT, I am EVERYTHING.
Lightworkers, now is our time to step out of our shyness and be A King to serve God (THE ONE)!,"

And posts like these are the norms in so many demographics there, and that's just the start to tasting the spectrum of demographics on Facebook these days. I peruse their on occasion to take a walk through a sci-fi zoo when I need a touch of the bizarre to hit my consciousness and learn something from. 

And I thought people from here were off heh! Dude seems like an interesting guy to have a beer with but!

I found this humorous only because I made a joke not long back that I went to a psychologist where through one of our "past life remission" sessions we learned that I was a pharoah and some other stuff, again just for humour. It's a George Carlin (the comedian) schtick.

Sincerely, Merry Christmas yal, and no disrespect if you want to dress up as the baby Jesus and re-enact Bethlehem saying you were Mary, Jesus, one of the apostles or whatever, each to their own I guess! 🎄🌎 But genuinely, I hope everyone's not having it too rough and you're creating good family memories, or at least recalling and learning from them.




Edited by Letho

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Simple. If you we're rich, would you go out to do things to make you feel rich. No, because you already feel rich. Insert any adjective there including unique. Hope you get the drift.

Nothing intrinsically unique about anything, so the sentient tries. If it were already, it wouldn't feel the need. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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5 hours ago, ShardMare said:

Simple question. Where does it come from? Do leo have a video about this? Or why does ego develops in this way that first it wants to be in a group and feel the same but then it also want to be unique and feel different

I think there are a few reasons for this. First, on a super fundamental Spiritual level, each of Us is allowing Absolute/God/Brahma to Experience itself, if all of Us were exactly the same then that would be a very limited way for Absolute to Experience itself, to make it unlimited, each of Us is Unique in certain ways, we at the sametime are very similar to one another, we share lots of qualities and capabilities, its in our Experience that we differ and how we interpret that Experience as well that makes each of Us Unique. 

The problem is with Identification and Ego getting to strongly involved and Identified, via that we build walls around ourselves (first physically, then psychologically/emotionally), this is basically a survival mechanism that has transcended to our modern day situation, so rather than building actual protection situations, save caves, weapons, having tons of kids to pass along our dna, etc, we think of ourselves, project ourselves as superior/inferior to one another, experience extreme Exclusiveness and Separation from one another and nature/universe, so now the walls are more mental and psychological in nature rather than physical in nature.. 

Spiritual pursuit is the antidote to all of this, but with this pursuit You need to drop the identification with Ego, and develop a Cosmic Identity that is Inclusive in Experience and allows You to be One with Everyone (just like You are now with family, friends and small social circles) and Every Living Thing in Existence, much different Experience and therefore consequence compared to how most are living today with Exclusiveness as the primary! 

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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@ShardMare This is one of those questions where you just wanna sit in it rather than answer it.

Because most answers are circular and don't get you deeper. Just look at everything above ^

I think Leo has some video called Sameness vs Difference you could check out. 

But really you can't get a solid answer to this Q through language. 

Try feeling for it instead.

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It gives you advantages like attraction and attention.

Also,, feeling unique stimulates dopamine release in the brain.

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Who doesn't wanna feel special?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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It's the only way I can sell you stuff.

You're the best broski, you and you alone.

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Just ask yourself. Why do you want to feel unique?

Use your imagination.

Words can't describe You.

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@cireeric  do you mean self-actualization in Maslows hierarchy or idk self development?
Why does self-actualization in maslows hierarchy means "being creative and being unique"?

@buck Edwards but it doesnt answer the question. I can distinguish myself from any other person. 
And also making things colorful doesnt necessarily lead to anything. More stimulation? Or why do uniqueness is important?

@adrian colby but why not create the same experience?

@noselfself so this can be also a matter of wanting more control i guess.

@letho thank you, you too.

@princess arabia so we want to always create somethign new? But why dont just sit down and do nothing? 

i aint gonna lie there are so many thoughts and comments i dont even know is it worth it to get the answer of this while spending few hours journaling and thinking, questioning.

@Sincerity i think what XXXXXX said. I and other people want to feel unique because then most of the time we will get attention and we feel like we are "more" or better than other people. And feeling like we are average means that we are not that important

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People compare themselves to others. They don’t wanna be unique in any way  but unique in a good way, a cool way, to gain a pleasurable identity for themselves. If many people are like you then it’s harder to derive a pleasurable identity from how you are since if everyone is pretty nobody is pretty, etc people need that contrast to others for their own identity’s sake. Their identity isn’t independent of others, it’s dependent on others to be in opposition, a contrast to you, to make your qualities stand out. They exist in contrast to other people’s  qualities. Black needs other colors to exist for example 

Edited by Sugarcoat

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It's about contrast. If you're just like everyone else, then you won't be noticed. But if you're unique then you'll stand out. Why stand out though? Simple, to get attention. Why get attention? Simple, to feel loved.

Thing is, to get attention you have to be unique in very narrow ways, to the detriment of all your other qualities. The reality is that every single one of us is unique in an infinite number of ways: and we should love everyone for their unique mix of qualities.

57% paranoid

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On 21/12/2024 at 0:50 PM, Leo Gura said:

Who doesn't wanna feel special?




Now I am special.



Seriously though, in actuality, when you get absolutely honest with yourself, you already take yourself to be unique and special in some way. Your self is considered (by you) to be the center around which the world revolves. It's like the kernel of an operating system.

Edited by UnbornTao

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I don't think people want to feel unique as much as they want to be themselves. Before we were social animals, we were simply organisms trying to survive, and in trying to survive, we feel compelled to express our innate survival instincts and organismic capabilities (competencies, skills, capacities). So as social animals, there can sometimes be a tension between wanting to conform to group and expressing oneself. The best is when the group supports or resonates with your innate capacities and allows you to be yourself to the maximum degree that is socially sustainable.

And in fact, that is what we humans as social animals do in a fundamental sense. We form social groups that support each other's capacities and survival. The problems tend to arise when the groups that are formed are very abstract and start to clash with some abstract notion that the individual holds (e.g. likes, dislikes, interests, status, ideology). But feeling like you belong in these more abstract groups is also important, because you have abstract capabilities, and they need to find support and resonance in a group. That's why you are here, asking very specific questions related to your interests, beliefs and values, and not simply asking any random group about it.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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