Kuba Powiertowski

Freedom is freedom

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You are always free. Whether in form or out of form. Either you are fully aware of it or not. Duality or non-duality has no significance here. All this philosophizing that one is suffering and somewhere there is liberation still comes from the illusion of separation, which is not the same as duality, although it has its mysterious roots in it. There is no need to abandon duality, but to stop treating it in absolute categories, to see that it is an ever-changing manifestation of the unity of all that is. An ocean without waves, reefs, mysterious depths and a million creatures that inhabit it is a big, boring puddle.

Yes, yes I know... Ram Dass wasn't enlightened...🤦

Anyway, happy Christmas, even when You are sure that this guy never existed😊🤟.

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8 hours ago, Kuba Powiertowski said:

You are always free. Whether in form or out of form. Either you are fully aware of it or not.

Absolute freedom cannot be known. There's no one to be aware of freedom, because freedom (in this sense), is all there is. It is not a feeling state. It is what is. Free to even be a slave. Unconditionally free.

The separate self, the individual, the contracted energy that thinks it's a human and a person can never feel free because that is freedom expressing as someone who isn't free. There is no becoming free. There's no "you are always free" because there is no you.

The person/human is just that seeking energy that seeks to be free and liberated. It cannot be anything else but "not free", but only in appearance. 

Edited by Princess Arabia



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9 hours ago, Kuba Powiertowski said:

Yes, yes I know... Ram Dass wasn't enlightened...🤦

And neither is anyone else but only in the dream. It's the Absolute appearing as someone who appears to be enlightened. Nothing is separate do how can someone be enlightened and another not if it's not only in the dream of separation.



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@Princess Arabia If such a narrative, such a perception of things serves you, no problem, good for you. For me it is useless and that's it. Of course, I do not mean to prove that this or that person was exceptional because, first of all, everyone is exceptional, secondly, whether this exceptionality means something to us, each of us assesses it ourselves and this is everyone's sacred right to their own opinion. I simply believe that freedom, in order to be freedom, must be fully conscious as a fundamental feature of our true nature. One cannot be partially free, therefore in the full realization of freedom circumstances cease to play a role. We have examples in our history of people who bore witness to this authentic, inner freedom regardless of the circumstances in which they had to live. And in many cases these were very difficult circumstances. You see, I am interested in what is authentic. What is authentic and true is, as it turns out, very practical and has the power of real change and transformation. I do not see such potential in the constant repetition of phrases about absolute nothingness, non-dual emptiness. Sometimes it looks like well-disguised nihilism resulting from inner suffering. Where is this supposed to lead? The fact is that we are here and now on Earth, in a divine dream. I have said many times that if a dream is a relative reality, you cannot claim that it does not happen. I understand that this is a difficult experience and I myself want to get the hell out of here more than once, but I feel that this is not the point. Of course, I may be wrong, just like you😉

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