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Anyone successfully astral projected?

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Anyone successfully astral projected? How long did it take you. Can you share videos on how to do it. 

Third eye method is my preferred method but I am very new so I can try other methods. 

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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I have some experiences, but I wouldn’t say I was able to do it intentionally; I didn’t actively try. It involved slipping outside my body and floating away, observing my surroundings but without any control over where I was going. It was more like being carried by the flow of a river.

On another occasion, when I tried to hold on to my body, it was intense—like trying to go against the current of a river that had just experienced a tsunami.

For me, it all starts when I’m in a state of observation and fall asleep. You have to be aware of the exact moment you transition from the waking state to the sleep state. It feels as though you’ve fallen several stories and landed underwater. Your whole body is engulfed by vibrations, and there are all types of sensory hallucinations, including tactile ones. Anything you so much as think of for an instant amplifies into your experience. It’s a state that demands crazy control over your mind because all your thoughts are laid bare in front of you.

I don’t know how to explain exactly how one transitions from this state to astral projection, but it involves becoming acutely aware of the flow of energy around you. You’re drawn into this flow and eventually connect with it, allowing you to slip out of your body.

This used to happen to me spontaneously during sleep when I was meditating for two hours a day, with my primary focus on being an observer. It also led to encounters with entities and some strange dreams that felt more like real life than mere dreams. It wasn’t just their vividness; it was the fact that, when I came to, the transition from dream to waking up was as seamless as a river merging with the sea.

It all stopped, including the encounters and dreams, when I stopped meditating. It was pretty bothersome and that's why I hesitate to go back into that kind of a life again. So be mindful of what you're asking to get into.

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I want to say that most people that claim they have astral projected, did in fact not. Most people just had a dream of it being so.


Why? Because i thought before i astral projected too... Until the real deal experience came.

In the real experience you will feel divine/unitative energies that are seemingly increasing to infinity and its like you can finally breath, a sudden jump in those energies is a bit hard to handle and is too much.

Most people that claim they have adtral projected were in fact dreaming

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17 hours ago, caspex said:

that felt more like real life than mere dreams

I heard that that is when you visit the astral realms. @Jowblob applies to your comments also. 

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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Closest I had was in college I got into town early and went to a buddies room to crash. I wasnt supposed to be there or didn't ask I just went there to sleep for 15 mins before school. I was sleeping in his bed and I dreamt I was the curtain in his window blowing in the gentle breeze. I was there for what felt like 2 and a half hours anticipating the new breeze and when it came it was euphoric. I kept thinking im going to have to wake up soon but my alarm wouldn't sound. When I woke up it was 15 minutes and I was ultra rested. I feel like I went into the curtain and was hanging out there cause it felt like a 2.5 hour long dream of being a curtain.

So maybe when you go to sleep get the feeling like you are sleeping in someone else's house and need to be alert while sleeping. I think you want to feel safe but alert like animals would.

Edited by Hojo

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Just buy Ryan croppers course online. New age dude. On a different wavelength to what Leo is upto and trying to teach and lead us toward. As new agers are a bit away with it lost in a lot of fantasies, your typical new ager. But.. his astral projection course is masterful. He’s genuinely a master of astral projection and worked for me within a month or so, then could project on a regular basis. Went from zero not even believing it was a thing, to 2/3 times a week maybe, can’t remember but was something like that. It lost its appeal for me after a while though the novelty wore off. Just more games, I prefer to get down to the real business that this channel aims towards

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I had a crazy multidimensional astral experience today. The method is very simple. Practice Zen, then practice prayer. Prayer will activate the merkaba body. Do this at 3am for 3hours. Go back to sleep and you'll fly like a rocket. Sometimes you can fly out your body while sitting like in dmt experience. But that's much more advanced. 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Not me.

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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10 hours ago, ChrisZoZo said:

I heard that that is when you visit the astral realms. @Jowblob applies to your comments also. 

@ChrisZoZo Yeah I think it's best to assume they were just dreams

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You will know you astral projected if you observe things/people then confirm with them the next day by asking where they were or what they were doing/wearing and such around that time of the day or night compared to a lucid dream. A good method is to awaken relatively early in the morning around 4 - 5 am and lay on your back, hands to the side or facing up, set the intention to leave the body and astral project, and enter a deep meditative state by doing some slow and deep breaths and then willingly moving your body out of your body without actually moving your physical body. I did this a few times, it does take some practice, sometimes it happens by accident too where you even let go of willingly trying to get up and just continue the breaths.

This was before the energy of enlightenment and higher consciousness took over and I dissolved into nothingness for a while, before that I was all into this stuff but eventually you realize its all ego-desires and mind-stuff which can be very fun and appealing, its not the true path to peace and freedom.

Somethings I feel the devil or mind is offering psychic abilities and powers(fancy spiritual stuff) where the heart or god is offering inner-peace and freedom of being, simple yet appearing very ordinary stuff that is far more great than all the powers and abilities in the world as it may just distract you more from the fundamental truths of being.

Edited by M A J I

I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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@Salvijus I was just thinking about what you said you experience when meditating in the morning. Was wondering if you go to the astral realms when you go deep into meditation. 

Do you also have a video link for that method?

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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@M A J I ok thanks for the comment. 

@Dazgwny had a Quick Look into it half tempted now.

@Hojo crazy story 

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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1 hour ago, ChrisZoZo said:

Do you also have a video link for that method?

To practice prayer one has to direct the awareness on the flow of energy of desire. That in turn will open the heart and activite the light body. 

Zen is just a practice of presence. 

1 hour ago, ChrisZoZo said:

Was wondering if you go to the astral realms when you go deep into meditation. 

No only visionary dream realms occasionally 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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I had one mindblowing experience (Not sure what it was, but it might be relevant to this topic).

Back then, I was meditating a lot every day. Meditated always with my eyes open, back straight, staring at a wall. I began to notice some strange physical sensations developing over time.

First I started experiencing a spinning sensation during meditation, like I was physically spinning at slow and high speeds. sometimes I felt heaviness in my hands. It was as if each hand weighed 5 kilos. I’d sometimes feel that my hands were crossed in opposite directions.

One day, I decided to switch things up and meditate with my eyes closed. About 20 minutes into the first session, while sitting on a chair, I started to feel like I was rising into the air, slowly and steadily. I was fully awake and aware, not sleepy and sitting with back perfectly straight.

I kept rising, higher and higher, until I reached the ceiling. I’m not talking about "imagining" this, it felt physical, I could only feel the body that was in the air, didn’t feel myself sitting. I reached the ceiling, and saw myself sitting there in the chair, meditating. My room was fully visible, saw everything clearly and exactly as it was in reality. I remember thinking, "Stay calm. Keep going. See where this leads."

Instead of stopping the meditation, I let myself continue to rise. I passed through the roof of the building and shot upwards into open space. The speed picked up faster and faster. It felt like I was flying straight into the infinity, then I quickly opened my eyes and was like wtf was that.

I don’t know what that was, but it was a very cool experience.  

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