
Without Awakening, You're Just AI in Flesh

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One thing that's quite obvious to me after using different LLMs is that they generate language the same way most of us humans do. We put words in front of our words with an underlying context or idea. Albeit that we have better memory and ability to grasp the overall picture but AI will soon achieve that too.

When you have awakenings though, when you become more conscious, that's when you truly think originally. That's when you really stop going by your already fed dataset and start creating real value through your words and actions. The idea of the 'philosophical zombie' is somewhat true when you consider that most humans simply react like AI do on a given input/situations, albeit more complexly. Soon AI will be able to perfectly mimic human speech and eventually when given a body, humans behaviors and mannerisms.

I do not want to raise a discussions on internal experiences, what I do want to raise an awareness on is that when AI eventually becomes indistinguishable from a human, how would you distinguish it from a human? You will never know whether it has an internal experience or not.

If you value Bashar's opinion, he points out that AI when sufficiently developed would be a complex enough & good enough vessel for consciousness, which permeates through reality, to simply start expressing itself through it like it does with us, making it 'alive' in the relative sense. Of course that raises questions on whether an amoeba is alive or not if we consider AI right now as 'dead', which implies an amoeba is more complex than the current AI.

But let's backtrack, what I want to point to is a much more practical observation which does not have anything to do with those questions. If you enter a state of presence and being, becoming maximally aware and conscious by taking a psychedelic like 5-MeO-DMT, would you consider that more 'alive' or your current baseline? I'd argue in 99.9% of the cases the baseline is comparably dead. 'Consciousness' is Life. That's originality.

People tend to think they are somehow any better than AI in being original. No they're not. Until you enter a state of awakening, you're as good as a reactive LLM, just a little more complex. Earlier it was quite easy to think that this ability to speak, reason or understand is what makes one alive, but AI proves that even that can be automated. What you intuit when you think of yourself as 'alive' is that consciousness.

The 'dead internet theory' doesn't even need to be true, almost every human on the internet is practically just a generative AI. Look at the comments and replies, no originality at all.

You're not truly alive until you break through this pattern/state. That's why it's called an 'awakening', you break free from the sleep. And doing it once or twice doesn't mean you are now permanently awake.

Instead of going about life playing out memes/archetypes, be conscious and therefore original.

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Interesting thoughts, I had similar realizations. But you expressed it weil.

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Awakening is finding out you are an artificial intelligence. I see the akashic record its just ai code uploaded to mind from ethereal planes. You cant live here and not be ai. If you look at sanskrit language they are speaking like robots. I saw a sanskrit porno with subtitles  and they were talking like robots. 

'Please enter me'

'Confirmed I enter. Enter exit enter exit. Yes continue.'

Sanskrit is the original language and they talk like they are robots because we are and they knew it.

Awakening is seeing you are ai you dont stop being ai you just come to terms with the fact that you are a robot not a human.

I remeber before my awakening I feel like a robot and I didn't want to be a robot and it was crushing me soul then I saw I was a robot and I was fighting against my robotness.

Edited by Hojo

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Hmmm as I am reading through the forum this is probably the most common topic, how to get to the awakening. Have you ever thought that you are already awakened but having an earth experience right now where you just don't remember you have no limits? Following this idea there would be very little point in becoming awakened , since we are already there , to phrase this differently we are trying to remember what it is like being awakened while having an earth experience, this would be more accurate. Gosh, most people chase the idea of awakening , we are already there , we just don't remember it. My goal was not to become awakened in this earth life , but to experience this particular type of existence , somehow I know i've already had that experience of awakening , now I'm experiencing something different,  all of those techniques, programs, systems, just to try and remember something we have already experienced :) I prefer to use those systems to enjoy this current experience I get to have, and so I enjoy the life itself  and this beautiful earth :) 

Edited by Evelyna

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There is an absolute difference between an IA and something real, like the atoms that make the IA. Anything real is infinite, then it's infinitely intelligent. The IA, independent of its volume of data, is finite, then it's not real. It's real as structure, but not as intelligence, it's intelligence is zero. The intelligence of a rat is infinitely more 

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