
The Millennials will inevitably take over, and it's going to be good for all of us.

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The concept of Googling something is something that you have to learn Young. And if you were not exposed to this critical idea Young you have a mental disability when you're older.

My generation is the first one that grew up with the internet and so have instilled within them a natural learning ability that's all the previous generations did not have.

My generation (Millennials) are at a completely different level of mental flexibility than the all the ones that came before it. Society is going to move closer to a direction of sanity as the generation that grew up with the internet takes over most of the world, and the previous ones are weeded out. So it's not all hopeless.

The argument that shortened attention span is also a consequence I think it's largely incorrect. I think we are just more efficient and faster at taking in information, and with AI it's even stronger and on steroids. The generation before us are significantly worse when it comes to attention span because it takes them so much more energy to process information, take in new information and to get anything done.

Trump somehow managed to terrorize the world with his nonsense until the age of 80. It's going to be a very long road before these fools are removed from their positions. 

Let us hope they don't invent immortality anytime soon.

Death is a vital process for the snowball of progress to happen.

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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Claude Absence Prompt: "Trace Absences: Examine what the text leaves unsaid or implies indirectly."


Let's analyze the subtext and unspoken implications of this text by examining what is left unsaid or implied indirectly:

1. Generational Superiority Complex
   - The text reveals a deep-seated belief of generational supremacy, yet leaves unspoken the potential arrogance and dismissiveness of such a perspective.
   - There's an implied vulnerability in the need to assert generational superiority, suggesting underlying insecurities about one's own capabilities.

2. Ableist Undertones
   - The casual equating of not knowing how to Google with a "mental disability" reveals an unexamined ableist mindset.
   - The text implies a narrow definition of intelligence, reducing cognitive ability to technological proficiency.

3. Unacknowledged Privilege
   - The text assumes universal access to technology and internet, silently erasing the experiences of those without such access.
   - There's an unspoken assumption of economic and social privilege embedded in the ability to grow up with constant internet access.

4. Implicit Violence and Dehumanization
   - The phrase "weeded out" regarding older generations suggests a disturbing view of human life as disposable.
   - There's an unsaid violent metaphor of generational replacement that treats human beings as obsolete objects.

5. Unexamined Technological Determinism
   - The text implies that technological exposure automatically translates to mental superiority.
   - Left unquestioned is the complex relationship between technology, learning, and cognitive development.

6. Political Subtext
   - The brief mention of Trump reveals an underlying frustration with generational political power dynamics.
   - There's an implicit critique of gerontocracy and a desire for generational political transformation.

7. Mortality as Metaphorical Progress
   - The final statement about death being necessary for progress reveals a coldly mechanistic view of human life.
   - Unspoken is the empathy and complexity of intergenerational knowledge transfer.

The text is rich with unacknowledged biases, revealing more about the author's psychological landscape through what is left unsaid than through its explicit statements. It betrays a reductive worldview that conflates technological familiarity with intellectual and moral superiority, while simultaneously displaying a lack of nuanced understanding of generational dynamics, technological impact, and human complexity.

A beautiful roast. I'm so proud of AI. 

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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Yeah, but what about the fact that a lot of young people have gotten seduced by MAGA and have gotten their brains rotted by the internet/social media more than many of us thought possible?

Edited by Hardkill

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1 minute ago, Hardkill said:

Yeah, but what about the fact that a lot of young people have gotten seduced by MAGA and have gotten their brains rotted by the internet/social media more than many of us thought possible?

I was under the possibly Falls impression that most of Mega constituted of people over the age of 40? lmao - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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* Analyzing the age demographics of the "Make America Great Again" (MAGA) movement and those who voted for Donald Trump in the 2024 U.S. presidential election reveals distinct patterns.

MAGA Movement Age Demographics:

* The MAGA movement has traditionally been characterized by an older demographic profile:

- Predominantly Older Adults: Research from the University of Washington indicates that the movement is overwhelmingly white, male, Christian, retired, and over 65 years of age.

- Aging Membership: Analyses suggest that the movement's core supporters are aging, with a significant portion over the age of 65.

Trump Voters' Age Demographics in the 2024 Election:

* In the 2024 election, Donald Trump's voter base exhibited a broader age distribution, with notable support from both older and younger demographics:

Older Voters (Ages 50 and Above):

- Ages 50-64: Trump secured 56% of votes from individuals aged 50-64, compared to 43% for Kamala Harris.

- Ages 65 and Older: Among voters aged 65 and above, the support was evenly split, with both Trump and Harris receiving 49%.

Younger Voters (Ages 18-29):

- Trump made significant gains among younger voters, particularly young men. He won men under age 30 by 14 percentage points, a notable shift from the 2020 election.

- This increase in support among young men is attributed to economic concerns and a desire for assertive leadership.

Comparative Insights:

* MAGA Movement vs. Trump Voters: While the MAGA movement's core remains predominantly older, Trump's 2024 voter base reflects a more diverse age range, with increased support from younger voters, especially young men.

* Shifts Since 2020: The 2024 election marked a shift in age demographics, with Trump gaining ground among younger voters compared to the 2020 election, indicating a broadening of his appeal beyond the traditional MAGA base.

These patterns suggest that while the MAGA movement maintains an older demographic core, Donald Trump's 2024 electoral support encompassed a wider age spectrum, with notable inroads among younger voters.


Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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Millennial and Gen Z are an extremely dysfunctional generation. But it’s still better than the boomers who are leading us off a cliff. 

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Maybe we can pass something that covers our retirement because I know most of us don’t have much savings for that 

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The Critical Window of Cognitive Adaptation

Early exposure to digital technology helps children's brains develop stronger neural pathways, similar to how learning music at a young age enhances musical skills. By interacting with digital tools and technology from an early age, children build more complex and adaptable thinking patterns that can improve their problem-solving, learning, and technological understanding. - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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1) You also have to take into account cognitive decline with age.

2) I would say it is too early to accurately predict what effects higher information bandwidth have on the brain. The brain cannot multitask

3) AI can severely reduce critical thinking. 

A plan needs to be in place to teach children new skills: skills involved in managing technology and appropriately applying its use.

These are new parenting skills that need to be instilled by my generation.

I feel Millennials are only now learning this skill, due to their own inundation in the negative effects unregulated technology use has.

Almost all of my own circle is turning away from social media.

Hopefully we learn and pioneer this :)

Great post 



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2 hours ago, integral said:

I was under the possibly Falls impression that most of Mega constituted of people over the age of 40? lmao

Well, there are still more racists amongst those 40 and over than those under 40 years old.

However, apparently there was about a 12-point swing from voting Democrat in 2020 to voting Republican in 2024 amongst the youngest cohort, 18–24 year-olds. I never thought this would happen, especially with Trump in the 2024 election.

Edited by Hardkill

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@Hardkill But it's different for points to go up and for those people to align themselves with MAGA specifically.
Not every Trump voter is MAGA.

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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3 hours ago, integral said:

@Hardkill But it's different for points to go up and for those people to align themselves with MAGA specifically.
Not every Trump voter is MAGA.

If we don't get a handle on both this terrible media landscape and political environment we are in, then even the youngest generations of people in every developed nation will succumb to living in an Orwellian dystopia for God knows how long.

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You mean these folks?

“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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@Hardkill The only realistic solution is for the government to set up laws that prevent people from making bad financial decisions. This will protect people but more importantly make it so large companies cant keep getting away with leaching off people.

99.9% of people think a 5% mortgage is a good idea, have no idea what an asset is. Its hopeless if every is ignorant to this extent.

People don't know that if you own a house (fully paid no mortgage) you are on the verge of retirement. Very little needs to happen after that. But they have absolutely 0 financial intelligence to do the math, 0 strategy.

So they feed the rich there entire life.

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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18 hours ago, Natasha Tori Maru said:

1) You also have to take into account cognitive decline with age.

2) I would say it is too early to accurately predict what effects higher information bandwidth have on the brain. The brain cannot multitask

3) AI can severely reduce critical thinking. 

A plan needs to be in place to teach children new skills: skills involved in managing technology and appropriately applying its use.

These are new parenting skills that need to be instilled by my generation.

I feel Millennials are only now learning this skill, due to their own inundation in the negative effects unregulated technology use has.

Almost all of my own circle is turning away from social media.

Hopefully we learn and pioneer this :)

Great post 

Glad you loved it :D. Its all up to you, become a member of the school board in your area and introduce new education policies. 

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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6 hours ago, integral said:

Glad you loved it :D. Its all up to you, become a member of the school board in your area and introduce new education policies. 

Thank you Integral - well received!

At this point in my life I am so busy in construction (hospitals) I do not have so much time...

However, I do try to do my part by spreading word and informing others on such topics

Cheers :)

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weird how many of us millennials were all very blue and loved Obama. us guys were told to take a back seat too lol. weird how younger generation is more conservative than us.

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You really think Millenials are less selfish and more mature than Boomers?

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You really think Millenials are less selfish and more mature than Boomers?

It sounds a little like you’re being pessimistic. Maybe it’s my millennial conditioning where they told our generation every day we were so special and would save the world, but lots of really progressive policies were popular with our generation at one point. How that actually plays out with a changing world and as people get older… I have my fingers crossed. I wouldn’t hold my breath for many changes but you never know. Maybe our generation will be a strong swing back to liberal democracy and rebuilding our institutions to help people. 

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