
New school shooting in Wisconsin

117 posts in this topic

11 hours ago, ricachica said:

And she’s also literally 15, a girl, not even fully developed yet. Let’s stop commenting on her appearance. Jokes like that don’t land with that age group either.

One last thing before I stop commenting on this thread. The average age for the final stage of female puberty is 15-17 years old -- I'm not saying this to justify other fucked up things -- but, just a correction to your claim that shes not physically developed yet(which I assume is what you are implying)... so thats 95% of what she would look like in her adulthood.

Edited by EdgeGod900

I corporate now. No more jokes or I report, yes?

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Scool systems must prevent bullying each other. That must somehow happen in the future. 

Edited by OBEler

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12 minutes ago, OBEler said:

Scool systems must prevent bullying each other. That must somehow happen in the future. 

I don't know if a school system can prevent a human tendency to judge and dislike other humans.


Honestly this school shooting shit is white people shit. Bullying in Black/Hood schools(which are poorly funded) don't cause the kids to do this shit. 

There's something that doesn't mix well between bullying and white culture, which causes the victims to do  mass shooting like this, because you dont see this shit with black americans.


K imma stopp commenting forreal, just another point that might get overlooked.

Edited by EdgeGod900

I corporate now. No more jokes or I report, yes?

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@Husseinisdoingfine Americans cease to amaze me. I took in far too much of their nonsense today as an antidote to my own blindness to some of the messed up stuff in the world. Where other countries are just straight down the line, "yeah we got bombs and we explode stuff.. and ah... We also want your land", in America, they have spectrums of genres on how to master being toxic fools.

To any American and elsewhere as I've got friends sprouted all round, just remember what this holiday season is about, visit your childhood and I genuinely wish you a warm cheer and great Christmas holidays 🎄, at least as much as is possible 🌎🙏.

Edited by Letho

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It just came to my attention recently that the mass shooter is a girl, and that there has been nine such female shooters in the past. This is a bit unbelievable for me as females usually have a natural instinct for non-violence and compassion . 

I had listened a few days back to a video of a spiritual master stating that the balance between the masculine and feminine (or yin yang) in the world is overwhelmingly in favor of the masculine, around 85 percent, and even women are now imitating masculine values and traits. The feminine does not have much space for creative expression in the world at the moment. This obviously must lead to a grosser and more conflict-prone world.

Just my thoughts on the subject.

Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta

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Evil is an extreme manifestation of human unconsciousness. - Eckhart Tolle

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Wait her rational is « Make a better world with only women »? How can she not see that that is literally impossible? Killing all men is the exact same as killing everyone. Just delayed for women.

Sailing on the ceiling 


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21 minutes ago, Rigel said:

Wait her rational is « Make a better world with only women »? How can she not see that that is literally impossible? Killing all men is the exact same as killing everyone. Just delayed for women.

Because she's insane.

Im curious though how womens prison will treat her. I know in mens prison school shooters get treated terribly and they often have to be isolated from the wider population for their own safety.

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24 minutes ago, Rigel said:

Wait her rational is « Make a better world with only women »? How can she not see that that is literally impossible? Killing all men is the exact same as killing everyone. Just delayed for women.

Well she is a teenager .

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She died due to a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head during the shooting.

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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America has so many low hanging fruits that would improve society massively. 

Reducing the access to guns is proven to positively effect the amount of gun violence, obviously if you can't access it you can't use it.

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@Leo Gura
I hope you find a way to reframe however it is you’re trying to make your points.

I know the place this shooting happened. The idea that ‘if I’ - whatever - there will be less shootings? Ha - what a rude joke Leo. 

Maybe, you should take a note from yourself. If the one thing they all have in common is being bullied, why haven’t you considered the way you phrase things yet? I have heard you talk about it before.

Maybe, one man’s bully is another man’s jokester.

Catch yourself using Truth to hurt others. And stop it.

If it’s not productive, it’s not productive.

Love you man, thanks for everything. ❤️

Lets get everyone to Stage Green; they aren’t ready for you.





Edited by yetineti

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11 minutes ago, yetineti said:

@Leo Gura
Maybe, you should take a note from yourself. If the one thing they all have in common is being bullied, why haven’t you considered the way you phrase things yet?






Well, I don't think Leo's bluntness is bullying per se. But my theory is that this school shooting shit has something to do with white kids not having proper grounding in stage red and stage blue dynamics. For example: they can talk back to their parents without getting punished, their parents don't impose on them as much(they act like they're just friends), etc.. They are green, but with no proper grounding in these lower stages, they lash out ttheir red/blue tendencies in a very wierdo sorta way.

Contrast this with your typical black kids: They can't talk back to their parents( or else they'll get a beating), Their parents are much more stricter(maintaining a more parent-kid frame), etc.. Like its so fucking rare for black kids to do this shit, even tho they get bullied just as much(if not more, because of their skin color) than their white counter parts here in america.

Edited by EdgeGod900

I corporate now. No more jokes or I report, yes?

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@EdgeGod900 It is simply perverted to joke around the topic at hand. We have all done it though. Your joking implies one of two simple options: A) You have no connection to this shooting and should probably grow up a bit or B) You are connected and this is your way of coping.

Edited by yetineti

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4 minutes ago, yetineti said:


@EdgeGod900 It is simply perverted to joke around the topic at hand. We have all done it though. Your joking implies one of two simple options: A). You have no connection to this shooting and should probably grow up a bit or B). You are connected and this is your way of coping.

Either is fine but - wait for it - unhelpful.

People are mourning.




wtf are you saying? I thought you were referring to Leo's reply to my joke, as the "unhelpful" one, as that was the thing you quoted, when you said that?

Also, "grow up"?  Reminding myself of the cosmic joke of reality, and connecting that realization to events in life isn't grown up? I feel like I made more unique points in this thread than all you sheeps combined tbh.

Edited by EdgeGod900

I corporate now. No more jokes or I report, yes?

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@EdgeGod900 I was. The comment to you was in regard to your locker room talk comment.

I understand Leo was not trying to bully and that you probably were not even offended.

But it is clear neither of you have any connection to this and are just having fun talking.





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15 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


The one thing all these school shooters have in common is that they were bullied and insulted.

That’s a myth, the columbine shooters for example were popular 

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23 minutes ago, Raze said:

That’s a myth, the columbine shooters for example were popular 

It's hyperbole. A theme that can be found in a large fraction, obviously not all, is that they were bullied, rejected or felt socially isolated.

Anyways, this is a good resource for why kids became school attackers (this also includes attacks using different weapons):

Edited by gambler

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On 12/17/2024 at 0:17 AM, Leo Gura said:


Ah yes, the classic toxic life purpose


Show some more sensitivity man. People literally died from this. 

"It is from my open heart that I will mirror you, and reflect back to you all that you are:

As a being of love, of energy, 

of passion, and truth."

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19 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


The one thing all these school shooters have in common is that they were bullied and insulted.

Genetically Mental illness + Teenage copy-cat syndrome + Excess stage green media OR right wing media + White/Rural american culture = School shooter


If you were bullied and insulted, the non-mentally ill way of lashing out is you only kill the people who did it to you. So its not a matter of bullying or insulted, these people were created by God to be mentally ill.


There are fans out there who would kill another person who insulted their favorite celebrity. Is it the person hating on their favorite celebrity the problem? No, because most fans aren't like that. And the ones who are, are legit genetically/god-given mentally ill to kill others over it.


This shit is so simple honestly. The math problem was solved so concisely, but its so concise that people don't trust it, so they try to overcomplicate/dramaticize an alternative solution to the bullshit of a problem.

Edited by EdgeGod900

I corporate now. No more jokes or I report, yes?

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