
Good life.

10 posts in this topic

First BE, then DO, then HAVE, or BE then HAVE then DO, 

Establish Your BEING, the means You are naturally Peaceful/Blissful, You have clarity of the Reality (its all inclusive), You play this game of Life with Ease (You see how it works and can navigate it easily. like walking across a busy street with ease and consistently), You help and make others a life priority, you choose how to perform action Consciously, action is within Yourself in 4 areas, Body, Mind, Emotion, and Energy, via that you perform outwardly action appropriately, you do what is needed, not what is wanted or what You used to feel You lack, because now You feel no Lack!

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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There's nothing as a good life. You have to be strong and face life head on and use your wisdom. That's all about it. 

Edited by Buck Edwards

My name is Sara. 



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@shubhamsharma  my current method is to keep a very tight focus on always following my deepest intuitions  , for the best possible actions to take in my life for me to live an incredible life / a life I can't regret . 

Because what else can you do but take the best actions you believe are possible for yourself . 

I have learnt recently from my mistakes over the years is that , at least my belief really , is if you don't focus on tuning into the best decisions for the best life you can think of frequently , then you will naturally of course just go off track from that .

So tuning into powerful vision daily , and making the best intuitive decisions .  

Number Uno principle for me 

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Pretty much suffer burn through a your negativity and karma then surrender and God will wake wake you up. Then life is hands free. The good life will come to you.

Edited by Hojo

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For me, it means working reasonable hours without overloading myself. Developing my passion in my free time, reading and hiking every weekend. Nothing fancy, but it works for me. The older I get, the more essential I see regular contact with nature for my mental state.

Oh, I forgot, and at the risk of sounding very orange, it is also very important for me to have solid finances, without fear of being fired from work.

Edited by Alex4

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