
The painful reality of beautiful women 😔

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

Don't kid yourself. Women are obessed with beauty to make themselves feel secure. Which is all about getting the best men.

I don't have to kid myself, I'm a female and I'm aware of the reasons why I do what I do. 

I guess all the Hollywood celebs who are taking hours and hours to put on their make-up are looking to get the best men, even the married ones. I guess the women in nightclubs who took 5mins to put on their make-up to go out are obsessed and looking for the best men. I guess Oprah is looking for the best man. She takes hours to put on her make up. 

I guess the model who has to keep her looks, is obsessed about getting the best men. It's not all about men with us as it is with you guys. My mother cared about how she looked at her age and she wasn't trying to get the best men. Once I took care of a 90yr old woman who would go to the hair dresser once a week and put on make up just to go to the grocery store and she wasn't looking to get the best men.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 hour ago, Davino said:


I would fight you for saying that-_-

On the other hand, there is a profound connection between consciousness work, self development and martial arts. They really synergize

Winning a battle is like the best sex you had multiplied by 3. You will feel alive as never before. 

Fighting is actually very spiritual because spirituality is warfare by its nature.

Spiritual warfare is the path made by God for a higher self.


🐉 Feeling Is the Secret ❤️‍🔥

Please no judging and butt hurt. Just sharing experiences. 

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@Leo GuraI'm not saying in certain instances, what you're saying isn't true, but it's not like it's the reason for the invention of make-up or why women are obsessed with how they look. Men are the ones obsessed with beauty, so is society, and yes, women like to look their best when attracting men; but it's not on a general scale. It's personalized for the specific woman and her likes and goals and what she's trying to accomplish. Some women just love to look beautiful, not necessarily for alluring men.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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6 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

I'm a female and I'm aware of the reasons why I do what I do. 


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:


You're right. Lol. I don't sometimes, but I do now mostly that I'm more conscious and aware. I was more referring to the fact that I'm aware of how most women think because I'm a woman and have been around women who talk about this stuff. You're right though, most people don't know why they do what they do, including myself but I'm more conscious of my actions and intentions the older I get.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Princess Arabia Why is it okay for a man to be bald but not a woman? Have you thought about that?

How come girls on Instagram are killing themselves for not being beautiful enough?

Grist for your contemplation mill.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

@Princess Arabia Why is it okay for a man to be bald but not a woman? Have you thought about that?

How come girls on Instagram are killing themselves for not being beautiful enough?

Grist for your contemplation mill.

That's those girls. Like I said, not saying what you're saying doesn't happen or apply to some women but it's more than just because men love beautiful women why women are obsessed with beauty. Those girls aren't killing themselves because men aren't sleeping with them either. It has nothing to do with men but more of their own self-image. 

Plenty of women with low-cut (almost bald but just as low-cut as men are very beautiful and are attracting lots of men. They have to have the head for it and a naturally pretty face for that cut to work, but it does for some women. 

Sinead O'connor was bald, as are some top models.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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9 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Why is it okay for a man to be bald but not a woman?


Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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15 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

That's those girls. Like I said, not saying what you're saying doesn't happen or apply to some women but it's more than just because men love beautiful women why women are obsessed with beauty. Those girls aren't killing themselves because men aren't sleeping with them either. It has nothing to do with men but more of their own self-image. 

Plenty of women with low-cut (almost bald but just as low-cut as men are very beautiful and are attracting lots of men. They have to have the head for it and a naturally pretty face for that cut to work, but it does for some women. 

Sinead O'connor was bald, as are some top models.

You haven't taken what I said seriously enough.

When you grasp for shallow answers your mind will happily supply them to you.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@AION These battles are games imbued with a violence and lust that could be similarly found in any highly engaging contest that you enjoy. Violence is just one type of emotion, and it is certainly not all you've cracked it up to be. You get to choose what you attribute spirit to, very rarely is that a catch all classic game of war. Unless if you're that kind of person, and you can bring out the divinity within it if you like. But make no mistake, it's a dead end friend

It's one thing to find enjoyment in a hobby but then another to claim that being able to sudo chop someone in a contest is a core tenant in spirituality. 


Edited by Quader

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14 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

You haven't taken what I said seriously enough.

When you grasp for shallow answers your mind will happily supply them to you.

You're too stubborn to see others' pov. 

There's nothing to take seriously in this context other than a woman's identity means more to her other just trying to seduce men. You said men love to have sex with beautiful women and that's why they're obsessed with beauty. I'm responding to that. Beautiful women aren't obsessed with beauty, if they are already beautiful. Men are. Beautiful women just want to maintain their beauty and hold unto it for as long as they can for beauty's sake. There is such a thing as pretty privilege also and it's not that they're happy to get more men to sleep with but for getting privileges. Getting more men to sleep with is not a privilege for beautiful women.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Princess Arabia This isn't about woman's desire for sex or beauty. It's about the feeling like you deserve (are potentially worthy of) the best man in the world in a real relationship. The issue is the entanglement with outward appearance and what's under the surface, the quality of character. Men don't really want to be with beautiful woman they want meaning in a relationship outside of those basic bounds. If woman think that quality men want beautiful women, there is a bit of a misunderstanding. These things are so fleeting and hollow they will rot when the sex dries out. 

The bottom line for a woman to be attractive physically is quite low and doesn't require 10/10 thot genetics. But in our world today we scroll through 1000s of the top 0.01% of people living their best most attractive lives (digitally altered too, not even authentic per se). So woman who genuinely (including the beauty component) have lots to offer high quality men might wind up thinking that it could be hopeless or something, they'll never be good enough. Men irl didn't even try that, it's just money sucking attention grabbing emotional manipulating social media companies. 

You already know about all about this. But ultimately people play this game because it's the most basic and fundamental one there is. To acquire security, safety and as a consequence a long and prosperous life. Nothing else matters to most people. If you can't generalize you will always find counter examples. You are finding a niche counter example and writing off the whole thing as not the way things necessarily could be. How can you define man and woman in any capacity that which is unconquerable by some alternate examples/explanations? 

A woman's (and man's) self image includes the image of what they think someone else thinks of them. If a woman did not care about anyone else, what about that makes them a woman besides their sex? For a man, caring about nothing else but their survival could include a woman. But if a woman cares about no one else would they include a man to be with? What would be the point? Oh yeah, sex. 

And when I talk about care I refer to that capacity to give care, not to feel caring (there's two forms, one is feeling the other is doing). 

Edited by Quader
Tweaks to improve specificity

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10 hours ago, ricachica said:

I agree. I actually found it more attractive when my boyfriend backed off from a group of dudes trying to instigate with us while passing by in narrow alley downtown… I would have been so pissed at him and stressed out if he escalated in that situation.

Yea totally relate to it. :)

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This has all gone slightly off topic but ~

Humans are attracted to beautiful things.

I don't think this quality is relegated to one sex.

I don't think it is about sex, necessarily.

Babies stare at beautiful faces as if transfixed.

It is just simply human nature to covet what is unusual, and beauty is viewed as a commodity. Historically, at least.

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5 hours ago, Quader said:

@AION These battles are games imbued with a violence and lust that could be similarly found in any highly engaging contest that you enjoy. Violence is just one type of emotion, and it is certainly not all you've cracked it up to be. You get to choose what you attribute spirit to, very rarely is that a catch all classic game of war. Unless if you're that kind of person, and you can bring out the divinity within it if you like. But make no mistake, it's a dead end friend

It's one thing to find enjoyment in a hobby but then another to claim that being able to sudo chop someone in a contest is a core tenant in spirituality. 


The war of art can be applied to  all fields in life. That is true. 

For me it is ideal because it is a good work out too. No other sport is so intensive. 

And I need to work out anyway to stay healthy so I combine it with the mental and spiritual aspect to make my hobby holistic. 

🐉 Feeling Is the Secret ❤️‍🔥

Please no judging and butt hurt. Just sharing experiences. 

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3 hours ago, Candle said:

If there were no humans on the planet but one woman, she wouldn't care about her beauty. If no one were watching, she wouldn't wear any makeup. She would just look normal... Neither ugly, nor beautiful.)

It's a cleverly designed society.

Women were made to wear short, revealing clothes and show cleavage. They were made to wear jewelery and makeup and dance in front of a male crowd. And now these are so deep rooted in our cultural DNA that women are unaware of it. They deny that they do these things for attracting men.

Women want to attract men, that's why they want to look beautiful. It's all about survival. 

Men also do the same. But not as much as women do. Men have different values than women. 

I'm not saying this is bad. 

Well said. Females are conditioned to put tremendous stock in presentability and looking their best. They know this brings appreciation and rewards. Once trained this is automatic and is near impossible to untrain even when she gets to 80yo and stays indoors all day. It's what she has always done, it is what her friends and family expect, it is who she is. Males by contrast are honest that they look good for the purpose of engaging females (and for climbing the corporate ladder if required). (If you meet a man during the day wearing a suit and tie, someone probably you is being billed by the minute for that suit and tie - heads up. He isn't wearing it out of choice.) Females do it for the appreciation and rewards mentioned but it is not in a female's interest to deconstruct this state of affairs. Just repeat, I look good in order to feel good. That's all it is, nothing more.

Edited by gettoefl

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4 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

Well said. Females are conditioned to put tremendous stock in presentability and looking their best. They know this brings appreciation and rewards. Once trained this is automatic and is near impossible to untrain even when she gets to 80yo and stays indoors all day. It's what she has always done, it is what her friends and family expect, it is who she is. Males by contrast are honest that they look good for the purpose of engaging females (and for keeping up in the workforce if required). Females do it for the appreciation and rewards mentioned but it is not in a female's interest to deconstruct this state of affairs. Just repeat, I look good in order to feel good. That's all it is, nothing more.

I don't relate much to it because I never paid much attention to it. Yet when I see other women do it, I can feel their insecurity and they tell me it feels torture to them. Being that self obsessed is going to cause a mental disorder. I have to confess that sometimes I did it to, not to get male attention, probably to feel equal to other females in my peers, but I got stressed out the more I got self obsessed, it's like dudes who go to the gym and constantly compare to other dudes, it can reach unhealthy levels, if not checked. 

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3 hours ago, Candle said:

If there were no humans on the planet but one woman, she wouldn't care about her beauty. If no one were watching, she wouldn't wear any makeup. She would just look normal... Neither ugly, nor beautiful.)


I think that is an assumption.

If there was only 1 regular woman on the planet, she would still be obsessed with her beauty, because she wouldn't know what to do other than that.

Most of the vanity that women have is for themselves. Not for guys. Like there are statistics that say guys are not interested in cosmetic boob and ass jobs but when you ask women, they think boob and ass jobs are important while guys don't care about that shit.

Edited by AION

🐉 Feeling Is the Secret ❤️‍🔥

Please no judging and butt hurt. Just sharing experiences. 

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1 minute ago, Candle said:

You didn't get it. Don't consider her past actions and social conditioning already done. 

Good point. ❤️ 

Look my edit:

Most of the vanity that women have is for themselves. Not for guys. Like there are statistics that say guys are not interested in cosmetic boob and ass jobs but when you ask women, they think boob and ass jobs are important while guys don't care about that shit.


Edited by AION

🐉 Feeling Is the Secret ❤️‍🔥

Please no judging and butt hurt. Just sharing experiences. 

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3 minutes ago, AION said:

Like there are statistics that say guys are not interested in cosmetic boob and ass jobs

No. Women are not interested in boob and ass jobs. Any of female colleagues never did it. The percentage of women who want boob and ass jobs is extremely low. Just like the percentage of men who take steroidz to look muscular is extremely low. 

Also these procedures are quite expensive. Not everyone has the money or access to it. 

And I don't like the idea of a boob or ass job myself. The reason - Well I already know that most men don't like it. They already tell me that. 

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