
How I Found My Life Purpose

4 posts in this topic

Have some other posts covering some of the history, anyway I took the course, prepared to quit my job, took many other courses to prepare and here's what happened afterwards.

The Goal:

I got this idea that felt like it was whispered from my intuition around the lines of:

  • I'm a machine designer this entire industry revolves around making things for big industry. 
  • With the way the world seems to be changing this doesn't seem like it will go much further with it. Even if you just look at the policies states are building to encourage micro-factories and micro-businesses there's a pattern emerging that huge industry is slowly becoming limited to garbage products or materials for higher value adding small businesses.
  • The small business seems to suffer from having inadequate tools, because of this the default position is if you want to make something small, you have to make an app or be a marketer and so on.
  • Many people push through this even in present conditions, but there's no need for it to be this hard.

So why not start building tools for these guys to really get productive. Maybe I can take it even further than that. Design tools you can build yourself, offer you all the documentation and instructions necessary to get them up and running, give you even a clear business plan of how it could work. In three words "Open Source Business".

The first gatekeeper:

With this in mind I began cooking up plans for the first project. I had one huge challenge to overcome first, and that was gathering a team. There's no way you can get this done without a multidisciplinary approach.

If you're familiar with the concept of resistance, it's hard enough on your own, breaking through it for other people also is quite daunting. I needed help though, so I tried to gather support from everyone I knew, friends family etc. All I really got at first though was a bunch of stares and groundless skepticism. Through many tries in many different ways eventually I noticed I could break through if I took them out of the ordinary. 

At first I was really afraid to tell the story of what happened to me in the steel plant some time ago, but eventually I got the courage to tell people about it, and I could actually see on their faces how they begun to be receptive to my idea. They could see it was coming from the soul and that made them willing to listen.

After a couple of months I already had my team, had the support of my family and even the blessing of my old boss. 

The first step:

Now we were ready to get work, however after all these crazy events the project we were thinking about didn't really seem right anymore. 

Eventually the kind muse gave me another idea, what if the first thing everyone has to do to get working on their projects is actually assemble their team. It's highly unlikely I'm such a unique flower so let's see how we can get to making this achievable for everyone.

So we decided to go way out of our comfort zone, hopefully in the zone of genius, and design an experience that could help people get their ideas through to others, I don't mean powerpoint presentations, but a way they can really be genuine for a moment.

This is a life purpose all 3 of us share and it will feed into the grander one some day.

It took over a year of work and we're still not done, but it has been the most beautiful experience any of us have ever had, even though it's full of amazing ups and seriously painful downs.

I'm writing this in the hopes that maybe seeing how it went down for someone actually trying this thing, will help others in their quest.

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Great! Sounds just like how it's supposed to. Keep staying true to that muse and working your butt off.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Thanks for posting, it can be really helpful to read other peoples experiences, especially in the beginning stages of the journey. 

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Thanks for noticing, that's why I go through with it. I hope it can provide some value for others.

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