
I’m puzzled by women.

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For the last year and a half I’ve been consistently going to night clubs almost every week. I’ve been trying to hit on women, but most of the time I had zero luck. The reason behind it is because I actually feel repulsed by tipsy / drunk / wasted women. Also, I have zero interested in talking to their friends on the dance floor. All of it has nothing to do with my authenticity. Which is why I decided to give up on the night game. Instead, I started going to night clubs that I personally enjoy and dance because I enjoy dancing. From a lonely and sexually hungry guy with a glass of water on a dance floor who stands there needfully looking for attractive women I turned into a my true authentic self. Now I’m the first one to dance on the floor. I enjoy the shit out of dancing on my own. For some reasons it looks very attractive to women and almost every night when I go out some beautiful girl is trying to dance to me or women get around me to be close to me. Meanwhile I don’t have time for them because i genuinely enjoying myself. Before I’d go home sad because I wouldn’t approach anyone or I wouldn’t get any results. Now I fucking love night clubs. 
When I was hitting on girls I got almost zero results, but since I stopped carrying about them (genuinely) I get approached by them. 


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He's back with new chapter i cant wait to read it.

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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9 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

He's back with new chapter i cant wait to read it.

I've missed you too my Croatian friend. When are you coming to Canada to hang out? I’ll teach you how to dance and you can teach me how to be a high-value provider ;D

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9 minutes ago, TheGod said:

I've missed you too my Croatian friend. When are you coming to Canada to hang out? I’ll teach you how to dance and you can teach me how to be a high-value provider ;D

I can only put Canada on the list i can promise that.If im high value provider i would be able to travel like yourself.

I see you learned that wanting yourself over a woman "makes" women want you more,that's nice step for mankind.

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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1 minute ago, NoSelfSelf said:

I see you learned that wanting yourself over a woman "makes" women want you more,that's nice step for mankind.

Thank you no SelfSelf! I also bought myself a toy pussy and I go to escort girls once every month! I also found a bunch of female friends whom I don't consider sexually attractive but they help me to get my emotional needs met. Women turned out to be very good friends!

But for real intimacy I do 5MeO-DMT, thanks God I am God any I can love myself infinitely :D 

Are there any latin clubs in Croatia? I'm thinking of visiting you my European friend

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4 minutes ago, TheGod said:

Thank you no SelfSelf! I also bought myself a toy pussy and I go to escort girls once every month! I also found a bunch of female friends whom I don't consider sexually attractive but they help me to get my emotional needs met. Women turned out to be very good friends!

But for real intimacy I do 5MeO-DMT, thanks God I am God any I can love myself infinitely :D 

Are there any latin clubs in Croatia? I'm thinking of visiting you my European friend

Well i cant tell you outside of Zagreb but here its one of worst nightclubs in europe but they getting better.

If you visiting me then you need to fix that escort and friends for emotional needs part, i dont hang out with anyone,standards are high for that.

But since you are God himself 🤔


There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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16 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

Well i cant tell you outside of Zagreb but here its one of worst nightclubs in europe but they getting better.

If you visiting me then you need to fix that escort and friends for emotional needs part, i dont hang out with anyone,standards are high for that.

But since you are God himself 🤔


Bro when I lived in Ukraine I hanged out in the worst night clubs possible, but it was fun. Usually fights involved at the end 

Also, we hanged out yesterday, but I incarnated you into a different body. 

My biggest dream is to create Leo Gura, I always wanted to give him a body, kinda tired of creating him on my screen only

Edited by TheGod
God's will

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It's because men who are being themselves and doing their own thing come across as normal and interesting... and they come across as more Masculine and appealing when they're not trying to be Masculine and appealing.

And that's because men generally don't understand what women are attracted to about them. So, when men TRY to act in a way that's attractive to women, they tend to be less successful than guys who aren't trying.

What I mean is that men are often focused on more overt Masculine expressions and end up doing the male equivalent of "overdoing the makeup" with their Masculine performance. 

Like when I was 11 years old and I had just started wearing make-up, I just had the sense "The more make-up I wear, the prettier I will be."

And I was wearing this bright blue eyeshadow up to my eyebrows, bright pink lips, glitter all over my face, and silver blush. Then, when I was 13, I started wearing foundation that was 3 shades darker than me and I'd cake it on. I didn't do a good job at applying make-up at all.

This is a common phase that pre-teen girls go through where their make-up is awful. 

This is what guys who actively try to be appealing to women come across as to me... only in terms of personality instead of appearance. They over-emphasize certain elements of their Masculinity to a clownish degree and then they lose a lot of their natural subtle Masculine expressions that come out when they're just being themselves and not paying attention to women.

But men in general (especially young men) don't see what's appealing about their natural Masculinity... and they "cake it on" and try to come across as Masculine.

That's what over-focus towards women comes across as.

When a man is over-focused on women, it makes them come across as nerdy and desperate if they're inexperienced or playerish and sleazy if they're experienced. Either way, it's not attractive to most women.

So when a guy is just being himself and isn't super focused on women, it's actually a bit rare and refreshing. And many women will find that appealing if she senses there's chemistry or compatibility with a particular guy.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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2 minutes ago, Emerald said:

This is a common phase that pre-teen girls go through where their make-up is awful. 

Plot twist! -- most adult girls still do this.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

Plot twist! -- most adult girls still do this.

I'm not saying most adult women are good at doing their make-up. It's definitely a bell curve.

But there's a very specific kind of awful way that pre-teen girls do their make-up... and even specific brands depending on the generation. And women often bond over stories of how terribly they used to do their make-up when they were 12 as most girls go through that phase.

It's a little bit like how middle school boys in the early 2000s were obsessed with Axe body spray. And so, they always smelled like BO and Axe.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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Sometimes men who approach women give out the desperate vibe that most women don't enjoy. Men would be repulsed too if women started approaching them.


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1 hour ago, AION said:

Women are like children but in a grown body that bleeds every month like a vampire and still survives. If you understand this you will understand women.

Your date didn’t go so well?

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@TheGod Based thread my friend.

I went through a similar phase early on. 

Only went to this one club because it had this hypnotic Japanese DJ.

Everyone had swirls in their eyes. Had my first makeout there.

Good times. Yours are on the way.

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On 2024-12-15 at 1:33 AM, Buck Edwards said:

 Men would be repulsed too if women started approaching them.


That's just wrong. That's the original way God intended it. Men want that. They literally make up this whole game because women don't. If women approached men whenever they wanted pick up wouldn't exist. Pick up is  men going through a training course cause they have no idea how to approach women its not in their programming and no one has ever approached them. They do their best to dress well and look well and it still doesn't work so they go to pick up. And then pick up dosent work because they arent being themselves. So there is infinite work with no solution because women wont approach men. Then the men get angry and turn into incels. Cause being themselves didn't work, getting fit, didn't work ,dressing nice didn't work, learning pick up didn't work.

Edited by Hojo

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On 12/15/2024 at 2:33 AM, Buck Edwards said:

Sometimes men who approach women give out the desperate vibe that most women don't enjoy. Men would be repulsed too if women started approaching them.


I had a cute girl come up to me in the club, wrapped herself around my arm, and then went in for the kiss. We made out right then and there. Definitely wasn't repulsed at all. 

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