
How I figured out what the ego is

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6 hours ago, ChrisZoZo said:

@Flowerfaeiry seeing the vale of the ego is something else of probably more importance than working out what the ego is. 

Hey I agree with that. Nothing wrong with creating a healthy ego

I’m more fun on Instagram :x


Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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12 hours ago, BlueOak said:

The ego is a survival mechanism used to protect you. It is created out of fears and insecurities, which you can call 'false' if you like, but that to me is just adding words onto the experience of your life.



This is good. 


I’m more fun on Instagram :x


Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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@Flowerfaeiry very nice realization.  Yes indeed that is it. (The false self)

It is an illusion.  And this is the catalyst for true enlightenment. 


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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16 hours ago, Flowerfaeiry said:

You’re overthinking it

  1.  Seems you do not recognize the humor in my post
  2.  Seems you either ignored or did not recognize the main points of my post. So I ask directly:
    • What are the criteria for "real" and "false" self? You say there is a difference - so what is it?
    • Who created the criteria?
    • Who decides if the criteria are fulfilled?
    • How is it even possible to separate what is one in a "real" and "false" self?
    • Bonus: which self of you is replying to my questions?
    • Bonus 2: My beer self wants a beer. But there are sub-selfs of my beer self. One is the la chouffe self, the other is an indian pale ale self. Both wants to have it their way. My compromise self decided to have both tonight. But now my la chouffe self and my IPA self are arguing who goes first. So I have to rely on my coin-flip self to flip a coin. I hope my decision self is not mad at me for flipping a coin to decide instead of asking it. But wait, I made the decision to flip a coin - so all selfs should be happy!

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5 hours ago, theleelajoker said:
  1.  Seems you do not recognize the humor in my post
  2.  Seems you either ignored or did not recognize the main points of my post. So I ask directly:
    • What are the criteria for "real" and "false" self? You say there is a difference - so what is it?
    • Who created the criteria?
    • Who decides if the criteria are fulfilled?
    • How is it even possible to separate what is one in a "real" and "false" self?
    • Bonus: which self of you is replying to my questions?
    • Bonus 2: My beer self wants a beer. But there are sub-selfs of my beer self. One is the la chouffe self, the other is an indian pale ale self. Both wants to have it their way. My compromise self decided to have both tonight. But now my la chouffe self and my IPA self are arguing who goes first. So I have to rely on my coin-flip self to flip a coin. I hope my decision self is not mad at me for flipping a coin to decide instead of asking it. But wait, I made the decision to flip a coin - so all selfs should be happy!

Real=truth. False=delusion. You create the criteria and decide which is true or real. Mostly my ego xD

I’m more fun on Instagram :x


Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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Ego is the latin word for "I." I though that's interesting.

Edited by UnbornTao

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Are you capable of putting yourself in the situation that tomorrow they are going to crucify you? Imagine it seriously, you are tied up in a room waiting for tomorrow to be nailed to a cross to suffer an agony of about three days and then die. You alone with your pain, every minute. Can you give yourself to this? Think in it deeply, what this implies, what is your resistance to it. That resistance is the ego. 

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The ego is like the (space suit) we put on to exist in space, we need that to navigate and live here, but we are not the suit itself, however sometimes we wear it for too long forgetting that we are the being that lives within.

I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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14 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

Are you capable of putting yourself in the situation that tomorrow they are going to crucify you? Imagine it seriously, you are tied up in a room waiting for tomorrow to be nailed to a cross to suffer an agony of about three days and then die. You alone with your pain, every minute. Can you give yourself to this? Think in it deeply, what this implies, what is your resistance to it. That resistance is the ego. 

Someone did it and showed me it is silly and bizarre to have such thoughts.

Every ego wants to die and thinks it's a matter of time and yes it's right.

When ego dies however, it is just like one hair falling from my head.

Affects me not a jot.

Question is did I do what I came here to do which is undo the 'I escaped reality' fantasy.

Death is the wild belief that keeps me spinning my wheels here lifetime after lifetime.

It is a story I as ego but not I as spirit choose to perpetuate.

Spirit tells me all this is silly and mad and unfortunate.

I can skip over the useless destination of death and right now enjoy being what I actually am knowingly

with ego being nothing more than a single hair on my head which will drop any minute.

The beyond, it goes without saying, never misses a beat in my apparent absence

and since there is no time, knows I am about to open my eyes and smile back there

after that crazy thought I entertained for seemingly a long time but in truth was just a blink of my eye.

Edited by gettoefl

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Without Ego, no Uniqueness happens, without Uniqueness, Intelligence is not fully Expressed, Absolute is Absolute Intelligence in regards to Its ability to Create and Be Creative, this is in place so it can Experience itself, no Experience means no Life Expression, Life is Absolute being Expressed and Experienced, so it can know itself..

Breaking this down to its most fundamental, Karma/Cause&Effect has to happen to have all of this in place, but Karma is the box that keeps the Life under Expressed, to deal with Karma we need Present Moment Awareness as the Primary, this is anti memory/imagination, it creates Intensity in one's Experience, and we need Acceptance so Resistance is gone, Resistance is the source of all Stress and Suffering (Anger, Depression, Anxiety, Frustration, Shame, etc), once Stress is not possible, Acceptance is natural.

Then Life is lived at Ease, Ego and Self have a space created, You live via the Experience of the True Self, use the Ego mask when needed, drop it when not needed, and can naturally Respond to Life as You see fit, this is Free Will in action, which once again circles around to Absolute getting to Experience itself in Trillions of Ways...

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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