
Using cannabis as a psychedelic

11 posts in this topic

Are there any downsides to using cannabis as a means to spiritual development?

I find I can go very deep in meditation and contemplation, way more than sober (although still not as powerful as a real psychedelic). I can almost always achieve ego death.

Moreover, taking supplements such as L-theanine can mitigate most of the damage that weed may do to your brain. Also, using a dry herb vaporizer will mitigate the damage of combustion.

Thus, is there any reason against using cannabis if other psychedelics are not available?

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Imo it can be good to have great experiences, but personally, I get addicted to it very easily. So I try to stay away from it, cause I can't use it only as a spiritual tool.

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5 hours ago, cistanche_enjoyer said:

taking supplements such as L-theanine can mitigate most of the damage that weed may do to your brain.

Thanks for the tip!

5 hours ago, cistanche_enjoyer said:

Thus, is there any reason against using cannabis if other psychedelics are not available?

If the reason is purely for spirituality is recommended for it to be ingested and not smoked. As the liver seems to convert the weed into a more psychedelic like substance.

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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Edible is the only valid way to consume it😝

The problem with weed is it’s too much fun. It’s too pleasurable. And pretty much the safest drug you could take, physically. Which is why it’s so easy to get addicted to.

It’s a great substance but to me it’s not even close to a psychedelic. I need courage to take a psychedelic whereas weed is coping.

If you don’t get addicted you could get value for introspection & slowed down emotional processing. It’s a slippery slope tho. You’ve been warned.

Mushrooms for instance will put your bullshit front & centre & force you to look at it. They’ll reward you after the processing is done lol. Weed will cuddle you & reveal as much as you are willing to take. If you’re anything like me, anyways. Which means that if you are not willing to face yourself you won’t. Hence all the addicted, underdeveloped potheads.

Sailing on the ceiling 


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Weed definitely has some tremendous benefits outside of the enlightenment work, as other's have said, it is very easy to use. I didn't use weed until I was 27. My first edible was so intense, that when I closed my eyes I saw all sorts of fractals and images. Surprisingly, I recognized all the images. I had not become aware of consciousness work when I 27 yet. Looking back, that very first edible was similar to closing my eyes on a psychedelic. An experience like that never happened again with weed. 

I think weed has good use if eaten. Here's what I recommend with weed. Take 10mg edibles and cut them into either four or eight pieces. Eat only one of the pieces. I have found that this even tinier dose opens up my mind to regular personal development without getting high. Since being high feels so good, it's better to leave behind the getting high part and extract only what you really want from it, which is insights, creativity and open-mindedness. 

After starting consciousness work and using the tiny edibles I cut, I found that I spent most of my time contemplating how to embody more love at work with my employees as the director of my workplace at the time. 

Nothing wrong with using the weed, although compared to the psychedelic class it's not as good. I would agree it is easier to get yourself to sit down and meditate or contemplate or something.   

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10 hours ago, cistanche_enjoyer said:

Are there any downsides to using cannabis as a means to spiritual development?

I find I can go very deep in meditation and contemplation, way more than sober (although still not as powerful as a real psychedelic). I can almost always achieve ego death.

Moreover, taking supplements such as L-theanine can mitigate most of the damage that weed may do to your brain. Also, using a dry herb vaporizer will mitigate the damage of combustion.

Thus, is there any reason against using cannabis if other psychedelics are not available?

In my experience weed shuts down the intellect and thorugh that give access to an altered state of conciousness. You can experience crazy levels of awakening on dimensions that you never even thought was possible. The only problem is that you will not be able to make sense of it because your discriminatory mind ( intellect) is suppressed. Any conciousness gains you get in one dimension of your experience, will be lost, or for lack of a better word - evened out by your inabillity to make proper interpretations of the insights you have got.

For me weed has not been useful in the practical sense, but interesting for exploring concioussness. It makes me incapable, but I gain insights that are super cool ( Eventhough I can´t understand and make sense of them). It definetly has helped me in some ways but I would not recommend it as a spritual tool due to it´s win - lose consequence. You might gain something but chances are you will realize that something else that is more important is lost.

You can be without weed but not without your intellect.



Edited by SamC

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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@SamC it depends on how honed your mind is. Some can get intellectual insight out of it while others can’t. I personally had the direct experience of how the mind imagines things into existence and what exactly the masculine and feminine energies are. The sequence of how undivided oneness breaks appart creating grater complexity as it delves deeper and deeper into justifying g the existence of each subsiquent level of consciousness. However once I learned that, any substance, even alchohol was able to do that, as long as it subdued the body. The stronger the beleifs in how damaging the substances are, the more the mind creates that reality. It’s difficult to hold a perspective because on the infinite side it’s just a beleif but in the human side it is certainly a brain cell damaging drug if used in an indulgent way. There’s plenty evidence showing that in the studies. 

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I don’t think there’s anything wrong with using this plant as a teacher. It’s super powerful. It can be a “tricky devil” so to speak like others described it’s very addictive and easy to misuse. It’s in its nature to be so if you think about it the plant itself is sticky, referencing its “sticky” qualities.

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Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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@cistanche_enjoyer L-theanin does give a slight improvement to the experience, thanks for the advice. Appreciate itxD

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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I get shroom like highs when I smoke strong marijuana. It definitely can induce some altered states and psychedelic experiences. How useful they are for learning? I've personally found it marginal and if you get a weed hangover or there are time sensitive tasks on your plate it can be distracting. Overall I would give it a 3/10 for using it for my personal growth. It can be fun though and relaxation is an important part of life, so for this it's good when used occasionally. I do love to get high sometimes!

Edited by Lyubov

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Like any psychedelic, it depends how you use it and if you continue to use it beyond a point of true need then it can work in opposite ways.

Too much spiritual charging and you can burn out your battery. This is especially with higher end and synthetic substances.

If you grow the medicine yourself and prepare it from scrap, with love and intention, it can be most powerful and healing.

Otherwise we need to be sober 9/10 times to integrate the medicines by (doing the work) living the realized way.

I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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