
Question about short lasting psychedelics

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When taking 5-MeO-DMT or something similar, is it safe or okay to take another dose as you are starting to come down?

I am very cautious with the dosage I take, as to not overdo it, so the other day when I was doing 5-MeO-DMT, I waited about 10 minutes before deciding to take another hit, but at that point I was already part way through the trip. Also, when I was farther into the trip and it was close to ending, I really liked where I was at and what I was working on, so I wanted the trip to continue, so I took another hit, but I didn't know if it was a good idea.

Is it okay to take more doses in the middle or near the end of short-lasting trips like 5-MeO-DMT, to make it go on longer?

"We are born of Love, Love is our mother" - Rumi

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When you come down, you can take another hit - depending on how grounded you are.


Wait long enough between trips so that your next dose doesn't merge with the previous one resulting in a totally uncontrollable trip.


You can also sustain your high by taking smaller hits if you vape it.


Don't overdo it since it can have longer lasting effects that are not necessary bad, but can damage your material life.

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You can but the more you do that the higher your risk becomes of doing something stupid or dangerous.

It's a very bad idea to allow yourself to dose while you are tripping because your judgment will be impaired, so you are likely to re-dose a lot more than you should because when you're high you stop caring about being careful and you will feel invincible.

I recommend you get a timed lock-box and lock away your chemicals so you physically cannot re-dose during a trip. This is an important safety protocol.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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11 hours ago, shree said:

Don't overdo it since it can have longer lasting effects that are not necessary bad, but can damage your material life.

What do you mean? Do you mean that the effects can linger if you spend too much time with something like 5meo at once?

"We are born of Love, Love is our mother" - Rumi

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21 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I recommend you get a timed lock-box and lock away your chemicals so you physically cannot re-dose during a trip. This is an important safety protocol.

Amazing tip. I haven't though about this!


11 hours ago, Tristan12 said:

What do you mean? Do you mean that the effects can linger if you spend too much time with something like 5meo at once?

Overdoing 5-MeO-DMT in one session can make it hard to get back to normal life.


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On 12/14/2024 at 6:42 AM, Leo Gura said:

get a timed lock-box and lock away your chemicals so you physically cannot re-dose during a trip

Great idea.

Another one: if you plan re-dose prior to the first hit, you could set aside the second dose considering the total combined dose is a safe one. Also making sure you can't redose more than that.

E.g., if it's safe to take 20mg of 5-MeO in a single shot, you could do 10mg then leave a redose ready of 10mg, and lock away the rest.

Use this idea at your own risk, and double check dosages - this was just an example.

Edited by PsychedelicEagle

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You should also lock away your phone, car keys, and other dangerous objects.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Wow thanks @Leo Gura for sharing,  on one of my bad Trips the ego had convinced me that my ex girlfriend and her mom are dead and that I am responsible, and I had to go out there and look for them, while loosing my mind in the middle of the trip, amidst many other accusations, since I am God.

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On 14/12/2024 at 10:42 AM, Leo Gura said:

I recommend you get a timed lock-box and lock away your chemicals so you physically cannot re-dose during a trip. This is an important safety protocol.


You should also lock away your phone, car keys, and other dangerous objects.

Did you used to do all that? It sounds excessive. I tend to trust myself enough not to re-dose, use my phone or handle dangerous objects.

Edited by Clarence

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7 hours ago, Clarence said:

Did you used to do all that? It sounds excessive. I tend to trust myself enough not to re-dose, use my phone or handle dangerous objects.

It is essential if you do serious tripping. Otherwise you will eventually do something stupid. It's only a matter of time.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura It is hard to understand as I haven't been close to doing something stupid yet. During all of my trips, the idea of leaving my bed doesn't even cross my mind. So I basically lack experience of being close to actual danger.

If I remember correctly, you once talked about being able to trip with a gun on your lap to face the fear that you might kill yourself (to not do it and gain trust). This is very old memory, and I don't know which video it was in, so I can't listen to it again to know what you said exactly. But I remember something like that, if I'm not mistaken.

I hope to learn more about your personal experiences someday in the course. Real stories from you are the most effective eye-openers. I’m always interested to learn in more details about what you’ve been through and experienced.

Sometimes I don't exactly know how to proceed with my tripping, so looking up to you also gives me a foundation and trajectory, even though you are extremely advanced.

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7 hours ago, Clarence said:

@Leo Gura It is hard to understand as I haven't been close to doing something stupid yet. During all of my trips, the idea of leaving my bed doesn't even cross my mind. So I basically lack experience of being close to actual danger.

If I remember correctly, you once talked about being able to trip with a gun on your lap to face the fear that you might kill yourself (to not do it and gain trust). This is very old memory, and I don't know which video it was in, so I can't listen to it again to know what you said exactly. But I remember something like that, if I'm not mistaken.

I hope to learn more about your personal experiences someday in the course. Real stories from you are the most effective eye-openers. I’m always interested to learn in more details about what you’ve been through and experienced.

Sometimes I don't exactly know how to proceed with my tripping, so looking up to you also gives me a foundation and trajectory, even though you are extremely advanced.

That’s exactly how I thought about tripping some years ago. I even planned full 12 hour long trips without leaving my bed room. 

But then one day the awakening was so unbelievable grandiose that I pissed all over my bedroom and sprinted butt naked out of the house and into the city. Where luckily the police took care of me. 

So don’t be too sure about how a trip could go. Expect everything, and take precautions ;) 

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14 hours ago, Vynce said:

That’s exactly how I thought about tripping some years ago. I even planned full 12 hour long trips without leaving my bed room. 

But then one day the awakening was so unbelievable grandiose that I pissed all over my bedroom and sprinted butt naked out of the house and into the city. Where luckily the police took care of me. 

So don’t be too sure about how a trip could go. Expect everything, and take precautions ;) 

@Vynce There really was no way you could have refrained from doing those things?

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On 16/12/2024 at 6:35 PM, Tristan12 said:

Were there legal repercussions for being on a substance?

No luckily nothing. They thought I was drunk, and since I didn't harm anyone aside from screaming a lot of love statements at people. 

They let me sober out, gave me some clothes and sent me home.

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12 hours ago, Clarence said:

@Vynce There really was no way you could have refrained from doing those things?

I think my entire neural circuit board for "refraint" was shut down. I guess thats what psychedelics tend to do at high doses. As I said, I'm usually relaxed and introverted while tripping. But at the super high doses thats seems to flips totally.

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On 12/16/2024 at 10:24 AM, Clarence said:

@Leo Gura It is hard to understand as I haven't been close to doing something stupid yet. During all of my trips, the idea of leaving my bed doesn't even cross my mind. So I basically lack experience of being close to actual danger.

If I remember correctly, you once talked about being able to trip with a gun on your lap to face the fear that you might kill yourself (to not do it and gain trust). This is very old memory, and I don't know which video it was in, so I can't listen to it again to know what you said exactly. But I remember something like that, if I'm not mistaken.

I hope to learn more about your personal experiences someday in the course. Real stories from you are the most effective eye-openers. I’m always interested to learn in more details about what you’ve been through and experienced.

Sometimes I don't exactly know how to proceed with my tripping, so looking up to you also gives me a foundation and trajectory, even though you are extremely advanced.

That's the video you're thinking of



You might be similar to me in this regard, one's reactions and actions during trips vary a lot. If the trip happens in the headspace, which is the best way, the more immediate danger is probably forgetting to breathe or swallowing your tongue than running around naked or falling out the window. Sometimes I'll live 10 lifetimes, then come back to find I haven't moved an inch from my initial position. Even if the content is horror, it's all experienced inside the mind, the physical world just becomes an unnecessary distraction. Once I had an NDE from harmala poisoning, did not move or panic.

Still, you want to have some basic safety protocol in place. Water, trip killers nearby, maybe a bucket, nothing you can slip or tumble on, doors and windows locked, etc. Rest is context dependent. I'll lock away knives and stuff only when doing something like deliriants, for the others it's overkill.

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22 hours ago, Vynce said:

I think my entire neural circuit board for "refraint" was shut down. I guess thats what psychedelics tend to do at high doses. As I said, I'm usually relaxed and introverted while tripping. But at the super high doses thats seems to flips totally.

At higher doses, I also tend to experience what @LambdaDelta is describing as I dive deep into my mind.

It also happens that I stop seeing the room I'm in. Once, during one of my first experiences, I fell off my bed and hit a wall. That "woke" me back up into the room. But that is very different from what we're talking about here. I think it happened because I had fallen asleep before the trip started, and halfway through, I moved my body without realizing it.

Otherwise, I mostly stay still and don't get the desire to go out. One reason is that it is quite hard to walk around on psychedelics, but also because my focus is elsewhere. I observe my thoughts, my mind, and my consciousness very deeply.

I also experienced the shift you're describing, which twists my mind in a similar way, but I stay under the blanket and observe it. I bask in how funny it is that everything that makes me "me," especially my own rigidity, collapses. So I observe, laugh internally, and ponder how to keep some of that at play when the trip is over.

At this point, I just can't see how I could want to use a knife, my car, or anything dangerous while tripping. Maybe someday I'll find out how, but it's very hard to imagine, as it feels so foreign to what I've experienced so far and as I'm proceeding with caution with each trip, increasing the dosages bit by bit.

21 hours ago, LambdaDelta said:

That's the video you're thinking of

Thanks a lot for the video! I'm glad I could listen to it again, it’s so deep and beautiful.

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Deep tripping will unleash energies within you which you never even knew you had. All self-restraint and common sense will fly out the window. You won't be able to confine yourself to your bed or a room. You can get dangerous ideas and then act on them without your normal sober caution and better judgment. For example, you might get the idea to stab yourself in the eye with a pencil, just because.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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