Infinite Tsukuyomi

A nice metaphor about fear

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THE RIVER IS AFRAID WHEN ENTERING THE OCEAN They say that before entering the sea, the river trembles with fear; He looks back at the entire journey, the peaks and mountains, the long and winding road that crossed between jungles and towns, and sees in front of him an ocean so large that entering it can only mean disappearing forever. But there is no other way. The river cannot return. Nobody can come back. Going back is impossible in existence. There is no other way, the river cannot return. The river needs to accept its nature and enter the ocean. Only by entering the ocean will the fear dissipate. Because only then will the river know that it is not about disappearing into the ocean, but about becoming an ocean.

You've probably seen or heard this one before as it is not my own. 

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What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Do you think this means enlightment is forever? Like once you attain non duality you can not ever again experience an ego or a dream of separation/self? 

And that thats why we are prolonging the Dissolution constantly. Because maybe Deep down we know there is no coming back from this.

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@Javfly33 from hell to fields of dreamless solitude? Who the fuck are we to know this...? - rhetorical question. In the end, river, ocean, sea, lake, puddle, tears - one water.

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50 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Do you think this means enlightment is forever? Like once you attain non duality you can not ever again experience an ego or a dream of separation/self? 

And that thats why we are prolonging the Dissolution constantly. Because maybe Deep down we know there is no coming back from this.

The Absolute can appear as anything. It's appearing as you being delusional right now. There is already no separation and there's no coming back or coming back from anything but an appearance as such. You never left home and home is all there is. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@AION It is often attributed to someone called Khalil Gibran. However I found the metaphor in a random facebook post.

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3 hours ago, Kuba Powiertowski said:

@Javfly33 from hell to fields of dreamless solitude? Who the fuck are we to know this...? - rhetorical question. In the end, river, ocean, sea, lake, puddle, tears - one water.

Why call it dreamless solitude? I call it eternal unity, eternal love. Eternal truth. 

Why would someone like to go back to the delusion?

Never heard of Buddha saying "I want to go back being a seeker" :) 

I´m sure wherever Buddha is now, "he" is not looking forward to come back in any type of form. 

3 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

The Absolute can appear as anything. It's appearing as you being delusional right now.

Or maybe a possible truth triggered you Ms princess arabia?

Remember maybe this game is more serious than you (or me) thought. Maybe there is an end for this and it is indeed forever. But only an ego with attachment to physical dualistic dream would find this bad news. 


There is already no separation and there's no coming back or coming back from anything but an appearance as such. You never left home and home is all there is. 

You and I know very well conceptually that is true, Experientially wise, is not. 

For starters, the mere fact that you have a body already tells you your being was in a certain level of evolution/realization to even be born as a woman, but also with a certain chains to have to incarnate with a physical form.

But maybe the chains can be broken for ever, for the one who is madly in love enough with Freedom

Edited by Javfly33

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42 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

But maybe the chains can be broken for ever, for the one who is madly in love enough with Freedom

You, Mr. Absolute, already know there are no chains that needs to be broken unless you appear as a chain that needs to be broken. Then you, Mr. Absolute, will appear as a broken chain and put Mr Javfly's mind at ease who will then appear as a free man. Why, Mr Absolute do you appear as all these unnecessary things and not just appear as freedom already. Aha, but then it wouldn't be freedom if I didn't appear to not be free, now would it. So, you see, it doesn't really matter what appears because I am free to appear as whatever, and that is true freedom. Even to appear as you Ms Arabia, as a cocky, Ms enlightened being that thinks she knows everything, while Mr Javfly rebutting every word you say and you telling him to kiss your ass. Now that's liberating.  Hehehihihoho.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Nice. Haven’t heard this one.

There are many analogies with water, ocean etc. obviously.

Like there can be a storm on the sea but underneath it’s calm.


One wave feels separate but it’s part of the whole ocean.


Seeking for enlightenment is like a fish underwater looking for water/the ocean, turning every stone thinking maybe it is here and so on.


Looking for this stillness is like a guy on a 🚤 motorboat. He drives on the lake and the motor is loud. So he drives further. Then at some point the motor turns off by itself and everything is still and the stillness and the lake is so beautiful and the guy thinks here it is. But then he turns the motor back on and keeps looking for it.

Edited by PurpleTree

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So, you see, it doesn't really matter what appears because I am free to appear as whatever,

Yes, I respect that. Is know, I wanted to finish you in this one. I am that madly in love with destruction, because Shiva itself is the destroyer, I want to take with me as many as I can, but of course I can´t force people to want to appear as more forms as you say.

You want to explore, that´s fine. But is my duty to open the possibility for those ones that are ripe. 

You know letting a ripe fruit rot is a disaster, a pity. So I make sure to lightly touch all fruits with my messages, that then some of the fruits will fall into me or not is another matter. 

Whatever falls in my basket I'll take it home, that´s a promise. 






Edited by Javfly33

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16 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

I´m sure wherever Buddha is now, "he" is not looking forward to come back in any type of form. 

Amazing that you are sure of that.

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Spiritual work is to dissolve fear,  the barrier and open ourselves without limits, so that our spirit stops being contracted and expands. You have to look reality in the face, it is as if you were facing an abyss and you are afraid. real fear, terror. You want to be clinging to your mother's breast and never let go of it. No, you are floating in the void, without references, you must open yourself to that without any reservation. It's so scary that you see that you have to go there, that's the way. 

Fear is manifested as mental flow, mental flow defines us, creates a capsule that traps us, then we live inside of that capsule of meaning and definition. Meaning and definition are illusion, reality is open, and in openenss everything expands until it dissapear, only the substance remains. Absence of fear is absence of limits, and this is the first step to realize what we are. I'm not saying I totally open and I'm one with the absolute as Buddha btw, just that I know how to open the mind to that direction, it's something that anyone who's interested in spirituality should do

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1 hour ago, Kuba Powiertowski said:

Amazing that you are sure of that.

No comments.

If you lose your mind (not metaphorically, but literally), how you could ever want anything? At that point you are gone. 

If you have become a part of existence itself, you are completely gone. There is no possibility of returning from there. 

Edited by Javfly33

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1 minute ago, Javfly33 said:

you have become a part of existence itself, you are completely gone. There is no possibility of returning there. As radical as it might sound.

Do you mean after death? Is it possible to know such thing? I'm open to the possibility that it's impossible to know anything 

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6 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Do you mean after death? Is it possible to know such thing? I'm open to the possibility that it's impossible to know anything 

I think it is possible. Because it is still relative knowing, this would be the science of how the mechanics of the existence itself works. 

Is not knowledge about you, is about certain processes within yourself.

Like for example we can now how differently water and alcohol affects the body. That would be knowing, but of course is relative, is just mechanics of the reality, is not really about you/absolute. 

Edited by Javfly33

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6 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

I think it is possible. Because it is still relative knowing, this would be the science of how the mechanics of the existence itself works. 

Is not knowledge about you, is about certain processes within yourself.

Like for example we can now how differently water and alcohol affects the body. That would be knomoswing, but of course is relative, is just mechanics of the reality, is not really about you/absolute. 

Yes but how to go deep enough to understand what is that process that is happening and where it leads, what are the mechanics of the cosmos. There is possible to know such things, or are just fantasies? Reincarnation, etc. Some says that they remember past lifes and they know exactly why this life is happening and where this leads. Maybe it's true, maybe no. But could be true

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18 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

Yes but how to go deep enough to understand what is that process that is happening and where it leads, what are the mechanics of the cosmos.

Not exactly the cosmos, in the sense that what will happen in 5000 years, but in the sense you understand the relationship between yourself and physical reality.

For example the controversial video of Sadhguru saying a Yogui being able to breath for years buried under the soil.

That still would be relative knowing about the mechanics of Breathing and Body. Getting to a level of Awareness where you stop the process of time in the body. Still relative, just galaxies of deepness compared to academic understanding. 


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