Princess Arabia

The Princess Diaries

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7 hours ago, Hyperion said:

All of these things exist as concepts, thus they are real. It's just that they don't exist independently from one another / independently from (your) perception.

White cannot exist without black, and black cannot exist without white. Does this mean that they aren't real? No it doesn't. It just means that they are relatively real, not absolutely real.


There's Absolute then there is Relativity, I'm finding that ppl pick one or the other and stay in that lane totally, but both are present and available, it just the Human can be intouch with the Absolute, Experience it, that is all, while being here and functioning in the Relative, its pretty simple.. Things are Real and Unreal, both are at play, most of what ppl are thinking or concluding in life is Unreal, they make up stories to get thru Life and this is done Unconsciously, so what we can do Unconsciously can be done Consciously. 

The whole point of Life is to live it to its fullest, if not then what is the point? Some say there is no point, no meaning, that is correct too, all of it is correct, it just depends on where You are coming from, an Absolute perspective or Relative Perspective, and this is the beauty of being Human compared to any other life form, we can choose what perspective to be living from...

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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7 hours ago, Hyperion said:

All of these things exist as concepts, thus they are real. It's just that they don't exist independently from one another / independently from (your) perception.

White cannot exist without black, and black cannot exist without white. Does this mean that they aren't real? No it doesn't. It just means that they are relatively real, not absolutely real.


Of course, everything that appears is relatively real. Don't need a rocket scientist to figure that out. The question is, is relatively real, REAL?

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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16 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Of course, everything that appears is relatively real. Don't need a rocket scientist to figure that out. The question is, is relatively real, REAL?

This only happens thru Experience, the Relative is real via Experience within the Individual.. The lunatic being put into the psych ward is going thru a REAL experience in their perception, but we are looking at it from outside their experience and saying they are a lunatic and nothing is happening, so that is the key, each of us has Unique Experience via many sources, and we can control this and not be ruled by this, there is an Experience and an Experiencer or Witness.

If You deny Experience then You deny everything that is going on here, and will say things as You have said, that No One is Here, Nothing is going On and so forth which on a Absolute level of Perspective is True, but not on the Relative Level... that is why Balance is key, both perspective have to always be considered and Experienced, when one is wanting to Experience and Live in the Absolute level then they should isolate, get away from Society and Worldly activity, this is why Ashrams were built to facilitate this, the Bram Acharya sect is for this purpose, they focus completely on Living/Experiencing in the Absolute until Body Dissolution or Mahasamadhi happens, the other way is that of the Householder, ppl that function within a Society and have families and jobs and such, in India they did this until they reached the age of 60 or so, then the person would retire and leave the family/society to go fulltime into Spirituality, and then come back to them in a few years..

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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14 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Of course, everything that appears is relatively real. Don't need a rocket scientist to figure that out.

You certainly don't. ;)

14 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

The question is, is relatively real, REAL?

Should we ask a rocket scientist to give us the answer?

Very well then, let me put on my scientist glasses and hand you the answer(s) on a silver platter:

If you are asking whether relative reality is relatively real, then the answer is yes.

If you are asking whether relative reality is absolutely real, then the answer is no.



Edited by Hyperion

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15 hours ago, Hyperion said:

You certainly don't. ;)

Should we ask a rocket scientist to give us the answer?

Very well then, let me put on my scientist glasses and hand you the answer(s) on a silver platter:

If you are asking whether relative reality is relatively real, then the answer is yes.

If you are asking whether relative reality is absolutely real, then the answer is no.



The me is never satisfied..hehe

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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The "me" is in a desperate state of despair. Just check out the forum threads. It seeks and can never find. It doesn't realize it doesn't exist and that it's life is all imaginary. It doesn't have a life and it seeks the end of itself. It's pretty obvious at this point. I this and I that, I, I, I, I, I. My life this and my life that. I can't seem to this and I can't seem to that. Oh my, what a dilemma. So brutal and yet so beautiful to recognize that there's no one there doing that. It's this appearing as that. This is unconditionally free. So free it can appear to be bound and enslaved. There's no point in even giving any advice in these situations because advice is not what it seeks. It seeks to DIE. Sob, sob.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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