Princess Arabia

The Princess Diaries

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Life is just filled with meanings, dogmas, ideas, concepts, stories and interpretations. That's all one's life entails. I might have left out a couple more words but that's it. Even what I'm typing here, it's just a thought and an idea. How can I keep defending my ideas and meanings when all they are is just that. There's nothing to defend. The defense is also an idea, just thoughts. What insanity. What neurosis. I don't expect everybody to agree with me because it's all made up. How can everybody with their own made up stories agree with everybody else's made up stories. It's insane to want to argue with a made up story. That's all the individual is, it's a construction of made up stories. Where is the actuality in all that's being said but only as thoughts, ideas and concepts. Then we'll make up other stories as to why those thoughts, ideas and concepts are real and are truths and what is actually the case. If one cannot see through the facade, then you are asleep and need to get your but kicked back into reality. Ooops, there's actually no one asleep as there's actually no one awake. It's all there is appearing as such. True awakening, if there's such a thing,  is the recognition that no one actually wakes up or is asleep because there's no one. There is such a thing because I just said it which makes it a thing. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Saying it's dangerous to say there's no one is only dangerous to the one that thinks it's someone. Where is the danger. Even if one thinks there are actual people who will read that and do something drastic because of what they read, then who would be doing that. The someone that thinks it's a someone. Then that someone wouldn't feel the need to act on someone else's words saying it's no one because it would know it's someone. IOW, someone says there's no one. Someone disagrees and says it's dangerous to say that. Who is it dangerous to. Someone? They might do something silly because they believe there's no one? How can someone believe it's not someone. Ok, there's no one, and everyone believes there's no one which makes no sense since there's no one to believe there's no one but for arguments sake. Where is the danger that's for no one. Getting back to the danger for a someone, how is it dangerous if there's actually a someone because that someone would have free will and choice to make it's own decisions and not do anything to harm itself - if there was actually someone there, that is. If you say otherwise, then what does it mean to be a someone. I don't care about what something sounds like to the egoic fragile mind, I only care about what is and not some spiritual fantasies about what is.

I'm not going off of ideologies and dogmatic conspiracies and what I've heard people say. I'm going off of energetic responses. I will also try to make it make sense and debunk what I'm saying. I haven't been able to do that yet, in this context. How can someone saying there's no one be dangerous for a someone; beats the shit outta me, unless that someone doesn't know it's someone.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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The world is traumatized. We've all been traumatized by society, I'm not even referring to the obviously traumatized ones and the ones that say they are dealing with childhood trauma and go to therapy and so on and so forth. I'm talking about like everyone on some level. EVERYONE. Even the monks in a cave felt traumatized before that that's why they decided to get away. That's why silence is so appealing to the seeker because it's a refuge from the ongoing traumatization. It meditates everyday so as to keep it's sanity and to ground itself back from the trauma. It seeks refuge in gurus and spirituality. These gurus and leaders seeks theirs in their followers. It's a loop. Nothing wrong or bad - just saying - life is traumatizing for everyone....until it's not. Until the end of the individual however that comes about. 

Individual/person/human = trauma. It cannot be any other way. The trauma can only be minimized or lessened but never can it be totally eliminated. IT IS A FUNCTION OF THAT ENERGY and no one is doing that and that's why no one can undo it. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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13 minutes ago, Hyperion said:


Pure poetry.


Exactly, that's what I'm doing writing poetry. Isn't poetry beautiful. It's all poetry, my dear. The sun still shines no matter what's written here. The sun won't care what nonsense is being written. It still shines. Only the human that has an agenda, biases and a timeline filled with stories about life will care about what's being said. Otherwise it wouldn't care less like the sun. If you think I'm supposed to make sense then you're the one that doesn't, and is living in a fantasy land. Trying to make sense of what's spontaneously appearing, what doesn't have a past and a future, is boundless, free and doesn't need to make sense unto itself is utter insanity and is itself delusional. So I'll continue to write my poetry and be free to not make any sense whatsoever while you stay over there in your world of mystique and delusion trying to make sense and putting your delusional pieces together to fit into your piece of the puzzle, A puzzle that only exist in your delusional mind of "I'm here and the world is over there" mentality and i must make sense of it or else I will go mad. Good luck and chime in sometime to tell me how that's going.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Now I know nothing about spiritual matters and know nothing about what's going on spiritually and what the construction constructed for itself to uphold. Yes, you're right, and so does a baby. A baby that's closer to the rawness of life than you and your knowledge about life can ever be. Don't forget the cat. Of course, it's all apparent, but still.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Notice how you feel when I speak about certain things. Notice the resistance. Notice how the one that speaks certain things is the one expected to uphold the law. Anybody else can speak their opinions, get things wrong, speak nonsense, speak their mind, but as soon as the speaker ousts ones existence notice the response and the reaction. If you know you exist as a person or whatever you exist as, why does it matter what anyone has to say about it. Notice in this journal section, it's mostly personal stories or documentations or random thoughts and ideas or people trying to accomplish something - for the most part.

Are they right in everything they post, are they wrong, should they write something else, should they not post something, are they being misleading, are they being delusional. Why don't you care as much about their thoughts and musings and want them to change what they're saying. Is it because it's not threatening. Why is this 'no one' stuff so threatening. Why come up with some story about how dangerous it is. Just check into yourself and try to figure out why does it bother you so much. Maybe you won't find anything there but more stories and that's too painful to look at. Strip yourself of everything you know yourself to be and nothing is left. Where are you then.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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14 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

A puzzle that only exist in your delusional mind of "I'm here and the world is over there" mentality

Lol, are you putting words in my mouth again? Hmmm?


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4 hours ago, Hyperion said:

Lol, are you putting words in my mouth again? Hmmm?



What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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The joke's also on me because I'm expecting anything to be different than what it is. It's the perfect fucking hide and seek game that's being played. It's so in plain sight and direct it appears hidden. Just about everything that appears hides the fact that this is already whole and complete. It's amazing how it can appear to create seeming effects and appear as something outside of itself. It is doing that, it is that, and it is the effects. Look at all the depictions captured to look like infinity and you can see how it seems to create an effect from itself. Same thing here. It's all effects from the one or all there is. What's visible are the effects out of nothing. It's beautiful and chilling at the same time. Not knowing what effects will arise and what will it reveal itself to be. It's only beautiful to the one that sees ugliness, the one that labels. 

I don't see beauty anymore, I just see effects which I may call beautiful or not.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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What is freedom. Freedom is terrifying, it's not anything conceivable or perceivable. It cannot be wanted, it cannot be known, it cannot be desired because those are conditions placed upon it. The moment one says they want freedom they have put themselves into enslavement. The search for freedom is what hides freedom. The moment one seeks liberation is the moment one has imprisoned themselves. Do you want to appear as someone enslaved and imprisoned. Do you want to appear as someone unhappy, miserable, sad, lonely and suffering. Probably not. That's freedom. You wanting to be happy is a condition, how is that free. It's like fucking handcuffs. We have glorified the handcuff called happiness and now we have chained ourselves to it and we seek it and search for it day in and day out. Would you search for your car if it's not missing. The search for happiness, freedom and liberation from any emotion is what hides the very thing one searches for. 

This is not a suggestion to stop, because there's actually no one doing that. It's energetic and until that energetic whatever it's called dissolves or falls away, it will continue to seek for relief. Phew, well that was exhausting. It can be felt but only when it falls away, not while it's there. It will feel like an orgasm, like tension that was built up being released. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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There will never be a time where anyone can rightfully say they've found Truth or found God. Neither exists on it's own and are total concepts. What is this God you speak of, everything right. How can you find everything. Tell me without a story wrapped up in a pretty piece of paper around it like God forgot itself to remember itself or whatever story we've concocted up about all there is. God isn't lost, what is there to find. Truth is another word for God so that's self-explanatory. 

Sometimes, like I've said before, this seems strangely weird because I can't see how this is so hard to realize. I just can't get beyond that. Maybe I'm missing something. I try to see what it is I'm missing but I can't seem to find it. The only thing that seems to be lost is what I'm missing. If there is no separation, God is all there is, time and space are illusory, life is a dream and we're hallucinating reality, where is the search for Truth or God to lead to. Is God somewhere hiding, is truth somewhere else. Where, Mars, Pluto. After all these years why are we still searching for Truth. Oh my, go away Truth. You don't seem to wanna be found. I thought Truth and God were the same thing and I thought God was everything. Take this equation to kindergarten and I bet they solve the puzzle in 2 secs. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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On 03/02/2025 at 7:49 PM, Princess Arabia said:

The world is traumatized. We've all been traumatized by society, I'm not even referring to the obviously traumatized ones and the ones that say they are dealing with childhood trauma and go to therapy and so on and so forth. I'm talking about like everyone on some level. EVERYONE. Even the monks in a cave felt traumatized before that that's why they decided to get away. That's why silence is so appealing to the seeker because it's a refuge from the ongoing traumatization. It meditates everyday so as to keep it's sanity and to ground itself back from the trauma. It seeks refuge in gurus and spirituality. These gurus and leaders seeks theirs in their followers. It's a loop. Nothing wrong or bad - just saying - life is traumatizing for everyone....until it's not. Until the end of the individual however that comes about. 

Individual/person/human = trauma. It cannot be any other way. The trauma can only be minimized or lessened but never can it be totally eliminated. IT IS A FUNCTION OF THAT ENERGY and no one is doing that and that's why no one can undo it. 

In spirituality maybe, but in everyday life there are non-traumatized and functioning people everywhere.

Edited by Schizophonia

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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21 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

In spirituality maybe, but in everyday life there are non-traumatized and functioning people everywhere.

Just because people are functioning doesn't mean they're not traumatized. There are functioning alcoholics and druggies everywhere. The trauma I speak of is so widespread, and infectious it goes unnoticed to the point of normality. How can it be detected when just about everyone is infected.

We all think it's normal to feel fear, to feel anxious and depressed, to can't sleep, to feel jealousy and envy, to want revenge, to have prejudices and racists thoughts, to feel hate and to want to hurt others. I could write a book. These are the things I speak of, I try to clarify in my writings and in this case i said I wasn't referring to the normal trauma felt from childhood or bullying stuff like that, just from identifying as a human being is traumatizing and what comes with that. It has been normalized but the effects still linger throughout generations and generations. All you have to do is look around you. You will miss it for normalizing trauma and say it's just life or that's normal but it isn't. There's nothing normal about suffering. We did that out of ignorance and as a coping mechanism and made up stories about it saying it's God's will and we awaken from suffering. First of all we've identified with it because we've identified with everything that arises and claimed everything as ours and that's the essence and the cause of the trauma.

We can't even see the perfection of life because we're viewing it through traumatized lens. Go read Leo's latest blog post #124 about not a single bad or wrong thing has ever happened in the Universe, that's how.....and I would replace selfish with......that's how traumatized we are.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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When I use the word trauma, it sounds harsh and the ego doesn't like to hear that. It knows what it's doing and is in control. Most of the questions asked here on the forum seeking advice is trauma-based. I'll give examples:

How can I become more confident. I lack motivation, how can I become more motivated. How can I do approaching better, how can I make them like me, how can I not feel rejected, how can I attract more women to me, etcetc. Why are these things desires. Because of a sense of lack, why do we have a sense of lack because we have been taught otherwise and we believe it. The sense of self will latch on to anything that can make it FEEL better BECAUSE IT FEELS TRAUMATIZED. It doesn't recognize it as trauma because it feels so normal. The only reason why people who recognize trauma to be so is because it's feels different from the rest. It got developed at a later stage. The trauma I'm talking about is from when the fucking baby left the mother's womb. 

Why is it trauma to ask for advice on motivation? Well, why does one feel unmotivated to begin with. I'm talking about questions about the self or person not random questions like where does rain come from. We don't feel normal and think something is wrong because we don't feel confident or motivated. No rule book suggests those feelings need to be present. It's the trauma that surfaced that makes one thinks they need to fix their lack of confidence or lack of motivation. If one wasn't traumatized, lack of confidence wouldn't be a disturbance. Do you ask for advice when the body feels hungry or thirsty. Do you ask for advice when you feel in love or loved or feel good about something. There are no right or wrongs or no good or bad but what you think about it and how it's perceived. We don't perceive the above mentioned positive things as needing fixing but we see the confidence and motivation thing as needing fixing because we've been traumatized into believing we must succeed or keep doing in order to feel loved, important, needed, etcetc. That's traumatizing. Pressure is traumatizing. Keeping up with standards is pressure. I'll stop here because I can write a book on this. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Why do you think so many people are on pills, drugs and pain killers. Those are the obvious, but pain killers come in disguises. Spirituality is a pain killer. It's used by some to mask the pain felt. To alleviate the suffering and sense of unworthiness, doubts and fears. What do you think causes all that - trauma. 

Shopping can be a pain killer if it's an addiction, work, sex, women, food, whatever we can get our hands on. Everyone talks about alcohol and cigarettes but fail to see the culprit lingering in the above mentioned. Some are just more toxic than some and are more obvious. We're all traumatized, I say. Most of the world is. It's just not noticeable and deemed normal because nothing different is known. Take away all the material things we use to mask and hide our trauma and you'll see how quickly that trauma comes to light. Cell phones, money, cars, careers, whatever. Modern day survival is traumatizing. Get it, there's relief, now the trying to maintain and keep it takes over. Societal living has traumatized us and we lack the vision to see it and called it life.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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There's nothing traumatic in what people are doing, perse, it's the reason behind what they're doing that creates the trauma.  The mind creates. What's happening is what's happening. Nothing traumatic in that. It's the feelings and lack and intentions of needing to feel a certain way or trying to get rid of a certain feeling and reasons why that creates the trauma. Take away language, perceptions, concepts, ideas, stories and what's left is just what is. Nothing traumatic there. Add the rest, and there-in lies the tragedy of humanity.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Social anxiety is one of the biggest effects from trauma. If you can't see how so many things were created to relieve the traumatized human from it's trauma, you're blind. Self- help was probably the first. Not sure. It's so hidden, hidden deep with the surfaces that it's missed and classified as a lesser problem like all the names we've made up to mask the trauma. Think of all self-help problems and solutions. They've all stemmed from trauma. This isn't something to be taken on face value and it won't been seen through right away, so i don't expect people to get what I'm saying, but it's everywhere masked as challenges and mundane human problems. They were created by the traumatized mind. The body tries to catch up and eventually goes off whack if not fed properly or given the proper conditions. The body gets traumatized from the mind. It gets tired eventually though and gives up. That can bring on the effects of awakening, but it's just an effect.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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When I say I'm through with spirituality and stuff like that I mean all the dogma, teachings, trying to understand, trying to get more knowledge to use for benefits, practices and doing things to try and get somewhere. Whatever I do, practice watch or read is just for it's sake and not trying to get to a certain place. I'm not saying I'm not a seeker, but I'm not a spiritual seeker, never was. I would call it more Spiritual enthusiasts. It's not that I see no point, and it's not that I think it's useless, it's just that energy fell away. I love talking about life, and to me, there's nothing but spirituality because life is spiritual. Mundane things are also spiritual. It all depends on how one classifies it. I see nothing but spiritual and that's why nothing is spiritual. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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If 5Meo makes one find God, why keep doing it. Didn't you find God the first time. Did it disappear again. I mean, I'm trying to understand this stuff, not poke at it or anything but truly understand this stuff. What does it do the 50th time that wasn't done  the first time. One doesn't need to drink 10x before they get drunk; one time is enough. The feeling was nice for some so they do it again and again and again for the feeling. Is 5meo being done for a feeling or for God realization. I realized I was drunk the first time I got drunk. How many realizations does one need to realize God. I wish someone could explain this to me. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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On 2/4/2025 at 5:42 PM, Princess Arabia said:

Social anxiety is one of the biggest effects from trauma

That quote by me up top was said before even seeing this video. I just saw this video today around 10mins ago. I'm trying to say how trauma causes a lot of our symptoms but people sometimes want to challenge me when I say certain things. I don't mind, but please be open-minded and don't just shut me down because it's me saying it. Think about my claims before you pass them off as just me running my mouth.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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