Princess Arabia

The Princess Diaries

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13 minutes ago, Hyperion said:

Great, then we can agree to agree. ^_^

Btw, thanks for stopping by and good to see you.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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48 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

That is your definition. Please don't put words in my mouth or offer up what you THINK I'm saying in my responses.

Hehe, this is getting hilarious.

I am just writing about my own perspective. Why are you putting words in my mouth by assuming (THINKING) that all I am doing is writing about your perspective and putting words in your mouth? xD

48 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

To me appearances are neither real nor unreal, they are simply appearances that appears from nothing. Would you call a rainbow real or false. It looks like something appearing in the sky but go try to grab it and nothings there. It's an effect from the sun's rays and the clouds or however the process responsible for it's formation. That's what I call neither real or unreal. Appearance means that which appears and not within reality because reality is not a thing for something to be within. Reality is not a container.

In other words: The statements "appearances are real" and "appearances are not real" are both equally valid. So, where's the problem?


Edited by Hyperion

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8 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

Btw, thanks for stopping by and good to see you.

Don't mention it, sweetie. Good to see you too! B|

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Ok, that's enough. I'm Absolutely talked out for the day. Good night and see you again for a neither real or unreal discussion about no-thing. Hehe.❤️

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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If this is infinite how can it end. How can it even have begun. The only thing i have to say about infinity is that there's really nothing to say about it because whatever I say about it, is also it. If I decide to go in a cave and not talk to anyone anymore and not deal with anyone ever again, that's also infinity appearing as that. It cannot be escaped. Trying to get rid of the self, is also infinity appearing as that. Saying there's no more 'me' and I don't feel a sense of 'me' is also infinity appearing as that. If one feels trapped in a body and feel as if there's no escape, that's also it. If one 'dies', that's also infinity appearing as a body that dies.

It's incredible what this is.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Lots of people don't like themselves that's why they might not like people. Other people reveal too much of the shadows. They can't stand it. It's like looking in the mirror. That's why so-called awakened people fit more into this bracket. Their senses are heightened and they see things more clearer and with more precision and the veil gets a bit more loose. The energy is a bit less contracted and now everything seems clearer and more as it is. Now, the stories begin that they are more conscious and people are just not into their bracket anymore and they can't stand to be around normal people and so on and so forth. No, what's happening is your bullshit is being revealed to you more clearly and the ego can't stand it so now it wants to recluse and go in it's shell. 

A mind like mind doesn't take things on face value. There's always more that meets the eye. The ego is very sly and the mind very deceptive. When the bigger picture is utilized and looked at in almost everything, these things gets revealed more clearly. We live in time and space and separation, but that's just an appearance and cannot be mocked; meaning, no amount of "I am separate" can conquer what really is the case. So, when you recognize this, you can usually see through the ego's bullshit and the mind's stories about itself and the world. I'm not exempt, so I'm not excluding myself. Infact, i can see through my bullshit too, sometimes.  

Why is it that social media is so popular, but so many claim to dislike people and can't stand certain types of people. In the same token loneliness is feared and not welcomed. So many are depressed are suffering and hate life but are afraid to die and do everything possible to avoid death. You would think most people would run into busses and jump off bridges if this was really the case. No, they hate themselves and are trying to escape themselves. It's not pleasurable to be a person that thinks it's separate from the whole. It's very painful and gets disorienting. The suffering is the separate individual. Not the other way around where the individual suffers. The suffering IS that energy. That's why it tries to escape itself. It wants to die but it can't because there's no one to die. It's the energy that's suffering itself. That's what suffering is. That's it's nature. It can't be anything other than suffering. Joy, happiness and every other emotion is the same thing. It's the individual itself. Those emotions aren't separate. THEY ARE THE INDIVIDUAL. They are energy that arises and the individual is that in the moment. The state is the individual in the moment. Not a state that the individual is in. It is that. If it's pleasant, and disappears, the individual seeks for it again because it feels like it lost a part of itself. That's why we seek out happiness and not it's opposite because it wants the feel good parts of itself to remain.

There's no one there, just a bunch of sensations, emotions, states, perceptions, feelings and a storyline to perpetuate those things to keep the individual alive. People hate these sayings because it knows deep down what's being said is true and it doesn't want to realize it's unrealness. The energy isn't open to it so it turns away and defends it's unrealness. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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I saw that Davino mod thread closing that's why I came over here to chit chat with myself. I actually thought at one time it was the your leader is a clown thread, then when I looked up and saw it wasn't, I knew then we were in for it. Plus, it was getting out of hand anyway and started to be a bit blah and pointless. Good call. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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So much spiritual nonsense out there. All made up. What is feeling an emotion fully. An emotion is an emotion. It doesn't need to be felt fully. It's like saying if I'm eating, i'm only eating halfway and i need to eat fully. I used to follow all this crap, until I realized it was all nonsense, all made up to make sense of what is. 

How can one feel an emotion fully VS not fully. Ok, so I'm sad. Am I half way sad, almost sad, kinda sad, empty sad. How can I feel fully what I'm already feeling. All you're doing is putting thought to that emotion. It is going to feel more intense with a story behind it for sure. Feel it fully, in spiritual terms means, please realize why you're feeling this way, understand that the emotion needs to be interpreted and by that you need to give it a story so you can feeeelll it stronger and now the brain is taking a snapshot of the images and next time you'll be feeling every single storyline you created to go along with that emotion. Making it worse. Every spiritual practice just about strengthens the sense of self. The person needs so badly to find ways and means to ease the tension of being a person that it will go to the extreme to find ways and means, only to need to find more ways and means. 


What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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How can people really think that because of someone else's lust or horniness or love or whatever made their parents had sex results in them having to fend for themselves and have to make ends meet to survive in this doggy dog world. Yes, survival is a thing but it's an illusory made-up story constructed by the ego. It's real and is a thing. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying your attempts at surviving is an illusion and all made-up, it's the fact that one is actually doing this is what I'm referring to. Why would life do this to someone who never asked for this. That would be cruel. Yes, things appear cruel in life but life itself isn't cruel. 

To expect us to have to figure out this survival thing all on our own just because we were born as babies to people who had sex is utterly off the chain. Two people were lusting after each other and were turned on by each other and now you're here stuck trying to figure out your life purpose and how to pay the fucking rent because of that. 

So many things like these no one questions and I'm left to think that the reason is because there's nothing to question because it never happened. I'm also starting to think that there's actually no one out there reading this and I'm just here typing this and the views are just randomly generated by THIS - this thing called the Absolute. Like I'm here in my room all alone thinking there's actually a world out there. Maybe there isn't. Strange things appear out of nowhere all the time and weird occurrences occur. 

Another thing noone questions or talk about is why are some born blind, deaf, tone deaf, with disabilities, ugly, midgets, born with illnesses or developed them as babies or toddlers. That's pretty cruel. Why are some rich, some poor, some smart, some stupid, some this and some that. The reasons are not because some are more fortunate than some and some worked harder than some. I'll just leave this right here.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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I must say, that's a stunning and beautiful depiction of Infinity that Leo has on his blog. I actually took a 2min video of it on my phone so I can look at it from time to time at my own leisure. Stare at it long enough and you just fall into a trance. I cannot unsee that beauty and I really don't even need the video to see it in my mind's eye. It's captivating.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Cool video.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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This thing about duplicate, fake and imposter accounts is getting out of hand now and we have to not be allowed to loosely throw names out that we believe has a fake account. There needs to be accountability for the attempts of tarnishing one's legitimate account publicly just because one suspects or thinks they are not real. Someone else might see that and believe it and starts to not take you seriously or think you're someone else because someone else thinks something like that is the case.

It should not be allowed to publicly state these things unless one is sure and is making a legitimate claim. I don't feel like starting a thread about this, so I hope the appropriate authorities sees this and make the necessary adjustments. It's one thing to feel this way or speak in private to someone else about it, but to state it on the forum for everybody else to see that you think such and such is a fake account should not be allowed.

Preety India must have been pretty popular and stood out, if everyone thinking someone with a fake account is her. I wasn't even present here on the forum when she was publicly active. I used to just be one of those lurkers for awhile. When I started speaking on here, she had already left. Now I'm being accused of being Preety India by Letho. It's pretty laughable, actually.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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We seek out meaningful connections and in-depth conversations because deep down we realize life is utterly meaningless. We're creating our own meanings and we'll do that at the expense of others. We don't see ourselves to be of any value so we seek it in people, places and things. We see the value in seeking for value and that alone is enough to make us feel valuable and special. Nothing wrong in any of this and I do the same.

Nothing I say here for the most part excludes me and that's why I can speak about and write about it because it's familiar. These are my musings and not necessarily the case. They are hunches and feelings coming from things I know about life, people, reality and just what I believe to be the case. I would never be sure about anything i write only surety is that the words were written.

There's really nothing wrong with anything, only what we believe to be wrong and of course we don't live in a world of all 'rightness'.  This is why it's all constructed and we have biases and agendas and survival mechanisms. Oh, there's nothing wrong with anything....,well what about so and so.....,there you go, let the stories begin. Life sucks in this way because here is where we can't escape the rat race and the bullshit. How can we say, there's nothing wrong with everything when there's clearly something wrong with just about everything. PRECISELY. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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She's so beautiful.


Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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There is no next life because there is no this life. Life is life. There is no continuation of life. There is only life - apparently.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Most people will say what I talk about is nihilistic - saying life has no meaning. It doesn't, where's the made up nihilism. What's the meaning of life? To itself, that is. Life has no meaning, that's why we stumble to find meaning. Life just is and we give it meaning. What's so hard in that to understand. The ego's existence is so fragile it cannot take to certain words and phrases. It stands on rocky grounds and always needs a crutch. Life doesn't need a meaning, it's everything.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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We ask if there are paradoxes. Well, we have a forum here that claims to be a self-development forum but also encourages or believes in enlightenment which is the dissolving of the sense of self. Let us all acknowledge there is a self and work to improve it while also chase something else that doesn't acknowledge that self. I don't know if that's a paradox or not but it certainly doesn't make any sense which is in total alignment with life itself. Life's 'nonsense' is very subtle and is easily overlooked because we're so busy trying to apply this 'sense making' strategy to everything. Let's make sense out of all this chaos and nonsense while trying to stay sane in an insane world. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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