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Taking notes from Actualized videos

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So I wanted to take notes on "The 9 Stages of Ego Development" but I found it too packed with good lines. Like every line is valuable, how can I take notes from that? 

Then there's videos like the "What is Truth" where the whole video works up to one or two core concepts. So there I didn't feel like I had to take notes because I understand what he means (I hope). 

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I took notes on almost every line from the Spiral Dynamics stage yellow video, it took me around 5 hours. The benefit was that allowed me to organize the information better and set up the note in a way that is easy to follow. I was then able to make another note summarizing each section in my own words, basically making a guide on how to reach stage yellow. It's up to you how you want to take notes on the ego development video, but there can be benefit to taking notes even if you're writing down every line.

For the what is truth video, I think it's up to you whether you want to take notes on that or not, and if so, how in depth they are. Whatever is helpful to you. Personally I would still take notes on it, maybe write out the main points and give solid explanations to make sure you really understand what Leo is saying.

"We are born of Love, Love is our mother" - Rumi

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